Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

How did Burke manage to carry 2 cryo tubes holding Face huggers into the sleeping quaters or whatever it was with nobody seeing him? Let alone break them open for the huggers to escape without him being huggered himself?

Alien and Aliens can be picked to death along with Alien 3. A:R isnt worth going near.

Sometimes its better to just think up a reason in your head and enjoy the movie. or to not think how it happened just accept it did happen. The Alien franchise is farrrr from hole less. And its not meant to be a work of seamless theatrical art. They are alien killing sci fi fun.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

What's the character/ actor's name of the dude with the barcode on his head. He looks like a cool guy.:rock
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Sean Harris is playing Fifield


Hot Toys? :D
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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

How did Burke manage to carry 2 cryo tubes holding Face huggers into the sleeping quaters or whatever it was with nobody seeing him? Let alone break them open for the huggers to escape without him being huggered himself?

Pretty sure they were from the liquid filled tanks in the lab. :dunno
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Well whatever they were. How did he manage to carry them? Let alone the distance and be un noticed by either Alien or Human, and how did he open them without himself being attacked. Too many questions over a short scene.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You can't change the movie. Alien 3 exists, and will always exist.

Just assume the Queen pooped the egg out while she was running around.

Or don't. But that was a huge cluster____, and i'm surprised the movie didn't turn out like Revenge of the Fallen.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Sean Harris is playing Fifield


Hot Toys? :D

:exactly: I love the character design of Sean Harris as Fifield and he would make a great HT figure, and Fassbender is a definite buy if they make him.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Been reading this thread and, fascinating stuff but yet freakishly creepy at the same time. More so the rape scene worm they were talking about on IMDb.

Feels like the 80's again when the first film I saw was Aliens. The Space Jockey is really intriguing me. Though the discussions of Noomi are becoming more disturbing. They say she gets raped in most of her films. Never heard of her before.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Well whatever they were. How did he manage to carry them? Let alone the distance and be un noticed by either Alien or Human, and how did he open them without himself being attacked. Too many questions over a short scene.

You're tying to compare apples and oranges. One event could have played many ways, when the other event was pretty much impossible. We also don't know how far the distance was. It could not have be that far considering Burk runs into the next room during the Alien attack.

You can't change the movie. Alien 3 exists, and will always exist.

Just assume the Queen pooped the egg out while she was running around.

Or don't. But that was a huge cluster____, and i'm surprised the movie didn't turn out like Revenge of the Fallen.

And I guess the egg grew legs and walked up to the cryo room? It was a cluster ____.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

This is probably my most anticipated film in the past decade. Finally a 'spiritual successor' to the original Alien. I know I'll probably get hosed for this, but I never liked the direction Aliens took, making them out to be a mindless-hive creature.

And the Alien3 AC is great. The use of the creature, the bleakness of it all, if the script was a little more polished and Fox wasn't Fox, Fincher could've had a real masterpiece.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You're tying to compare apples and oranges. One event could have played many ways, when the other event was pretty much impossible. We also don't know how far the distance was. It could not have be that far considering Burk runs into the next room during the Alien attack.
I think you are over selling the start of A3 and under selling well.. my example of the face huggers. A3 can be explained by just saying there was 2 eggs, 1 was shown and the other was shown in the menus on the anthology. Or by saying the special version of A3 is the official version and there was only 1 Hugger, that molted after it infected Ripley and then took the Ox down. because the Queens contingency is it has a egg inside it at all times, that Carrys a Queen face hugger that implants a queen embryo then a warrior embryo to protect the queens host.

You cannot do the same for picturing Burke carrying 2 Zordon sized tubes which were a fair distance away 1 at a time whilst not being taken down by a Xeno, spotted by a Human or the motion detectors. And the fact he escaped untouched once freeing them.

I know there is a lot of hate for A3 thats just why i have thrown in my 2 cents to defend it. Because i really like it.
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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I think you are over selling the start of A3 and under selling well.. my example of the face huggers. A3 can be explained by just saying there was 2 eggs, 1 was shown and the other was shown in the menus on the anthology. Or by saying the special version of A3 is the official version and there was only 1 Hugger, that molted after it infected Ripley and then took the Ox down. because the Queens contingency is it has a egg inside it at all times, that Carrys a Queen face hugger that implants a queen embryo then a warrior embryo to protect the queens host.

You cannot do the same for picturing Burke carrying 2 Zordon sized tubes which were a fair distance away 1 at a time whilst not being taken down by a Xeno, spotted by a Human or the motion detectors. And the fact he escaped untouched once freeing them.

I know there is a lot of hate for A3 thats just why i have thrown in my 2 cents to defend it. Because i really like it.

No, I'm not overselling or underselling anything. I'm using the ending of Aliens, what I know about the Alien universe and a little logic. The problem with your explanation is that it doesn't make sense and it's still not possible. How did the Queen lay an egg without the sack that she left on the planet? When did she have time to lay it? How could it have gone unnoticed by Ripley, Bishop AND Neut? They just left it in loading dock area? Why didn't it get sucked out the space dock? And... lets not forget the biggest question of them all... How in the hell did the egg get on the ceiling and UPSTAIRS in the cryo room? Even if the egg was not in the cryo room, how did the Facehugger get to the cryo room? Way too many plot holes.

You do know that the survivors were pretty well locked down in a small area right? So I guess a cart with wheels couldn't not have been used to move the tubes?

Your last sentence is what kills your argument. I don't hate Alien 3. I like it. I even own it, but I'm not going to take a crowbar over the head just because Fox tells me I have too. The plot of Alien 3 is full of holes, holes big enough to drive a Mac truck through. You picked the wrong to defend. I would never try to defend that film.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

This is probably my most anticipated film in the past decade. Finally a 'spiritual successor' to the original Alien. I know I'll probably get hosed for this, but I never liked the direction Aliens took, making them out to be a mindless-hive creature.

And the Alien3 AC is great. The use of the creature, the bleakness of it all, if the script was a little more polished and Fox wasn't Fox, Fincher could've had a real masterpiece.

:exactly::goodpost: Agree on all points!

Don't get me wrong, Aliens was fun as hell and I still watch it every now then. (And I can't wait for the Colonial Marines game!!!) But Aliens is nothing compared to the original Alien. The Xenomorph was significantly dumbed down in Aliens to the point where it just became a big bug.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Your last sentence is what kills your argument. I don't hate Alien 3. I like it. I even own it, but I'm not going to take a crowbar over the head just because Fox tells me I have too. The plot of Alien 3 is full of holes, holes big enough to drive a Mac truck through. You picked the wrong to defend. I would never try to defend that film.
If you "like" Alien 3 why did you start bagging on a guy just because he said he liked it? And then pissed all over it? It was over the top and makes 0 sense why you would do that. That is what prompted me to attack Aliens as it can seemingly do no wrong. I wont take your arguments seriously when you ignored my counter scenario proving that the "best" movie in the franchise is just as, if not more flawed as the "worst". Id agree with you that both were flawed given that i did see the end of Aliens and the start of A3 and there is alottttt of unexplained stuff between the movies that sets off A3. But at least i tried to give an example. Well, 2 examples.
Where the hell did the space jockey come from? Where did all their eggs come from?? Alien started with more loose ends than A3 did. But its ok we will bum that because its the first.
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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I don't go to the movie theater as much as I use to; however, I will see this on the big screen.