Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

My point was that although he's a scientist, he's still a human. And meeting the beings who created you is...the most..important and exciting thing imaginable? It's not like they're digging up a new Egyptian pharaoh's tomb.. It's bigger than your profession.
He has every right to be disappointed and frown for a few hours.

But, if Ridley Scott knew anything about film making..or common sense for that matter, he would know that Holloway should have been smiling and clapping when the head exploded. The disappointed look on his face shows irresponsibility and lack of intelligence. Movie ruined.

I dont think anyone has said this last. Its not quite that simple. The destruction of the head was a scientific disaster: they destroyed the most valuable relic they had so far, all so they could go all Dr Frankenstein on said valuable relic. It was a bad call, Ripley, it was a bad call.... Experimenting on the head was not for them to do: this should have been saved for transportation to Earth.

This adventure should have been far bigger than excavating a tomb, and a scientist of all people should be expecting to delay gratification. This is what rings false to many of us.

Now as to the 5,000 [or 2,000, or however old it was] year old head still having liquid blood inside it, thats another one of those plot discrepancies I was talking about earlier. 5000 year old relics do not have anything liquid in them, except perhaps on a molecular level.

It's almost as if you all actually want to hate the movie.

I DONT want to hate it. I am very disappointed. That's not hate. its great sadness.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!


As for the scene with David and Holloway, I think it was pretty straight forward. David asked him what he would be willing to do and Holloway says "Anything". David took his comment literally.

I thought he acted like Ash in Alien and took it upon himself to experiment to see what it would do, and also maybe try and bring back a lifeform, or something like that.

Another thing I was thinking about is the scene where they wake up the Engineer and he goes nuts. The Engineers created human life. Humans evolve to the point where they can create their own form of life. Humans are no longer the creation, they have now become the Gods. The Engineer doesn't like this. What do you guys think?

The Engineers wanted to destroy the humans, so upon seeing humans, he wanted to exterminate them. That's how I took it.

In bold above
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Morphosis: them taking their helmets off was a huge key moment in the film!!

the reason is their body temperature changed the atmosphere in that chamber and the vases of black liquid began to melt because of the change in the atmosphere. Worms started to grow because of this and then mixed with this black oil it started to create this new life form

See, none of this was made clear in the film. And the fact that it wasn't, to me is a fail.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

See, none of this was made clear in the film. And the fact that it wasn't, to me is a fail.

The only fail is thinking that it's a fail because you didn't get it all. The movie was made purposely like this. From Lindelof "All I'll say in response to your question is, nothing is an accident in Prometheus. Every single decision that is made by Ridley Scott is made for a very specific reason and purpose". More will be explained in the second movie and probably in the DVD/Blu director's cut:

What was cut from Prometheus?

A lot. According to Collider there is about 20 to 30 minutes of deleted scenes Ridley wants to include in the DVD release. And Logan Marshall-Green also revealed to us that his character had been considerably toned down in reshoots. We're assuming 30 minutes is an understatement.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Not meant to be racist. I'm Asian myself. Simply basing on which nation is more advanced in robotics at the moment.

I'm sorry, but that's the dumbest thing I've heard in this thead. It's movie for god's sake.

What a childish response. Japan is THE world leader in robotics research. If David were real it would be most likely to be made in Japan and thus look Japanese (EvilFace can now supply the requisite teenage school girl joke). They are already have vaguely human robots along that avenue.

My point was more that East Asia will be the world leader in scientific output within the next few decades. I think Europe and America will keep pace, but the film needed a more Asian presence to feel authentic.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Why? The Alien series has had religious undertones. At least the 3rd and Res.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

After reading all of your praise for Prometheus and belittling people who had questions about the movie, I don't know whether to :rotfl or :thwak you now.


I haven't belittled ____. If you thought that, that's on you. :dunno
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Well, I'm seeing it again this weekend. I had my issues with it, but it was visually impressive and it really felt like a sci-fi film. This movie brought you into an alien world that felt very real. I loved some of the characters and that the story dealt with something very complex compared to the more simple story formula of Alien movies, which I also love. I think the argument of hate/love for this film is a little too intense for me, but I really enjoyed reading everybody's take on the mysteries we were left with at the end. It was very cool.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Just came from seeing it... thought it was really good. It just felt great to be able to see something fresh in the Alien universe. I have a few questions regarding the movie and the whole history in a whole but have been doing some reading since I came back in order to make sense of things. Lots of good hints and theories out there. Quick question to you guys though, how come Aliens exist in the Predator universe but Predators don't exist in the Alien Universe?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

The other scene that was ruined because the characters reacted in a manner that didn't ring true: Fifield and Millburn encounter the facehugger worm and Millburn approaches it like it is a kitten. When just 5 or 10 minutes before - his panties are in bind to get back on the ship just at the site of a DEAD engineer. Makes no sense unless his actions serve only to get him killed in that scene.

You forgot to mention that they decide to set up camp right where the canisters are and milburn is sitting on one while it drips black alien ooz out of it.then he sees the worn and makes a new friend :yess:
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You forgot to mention that they decide do set up camp right where the canisters are and milburn is sitting on one while it drips black alien ooz out of it.then he sees the worm and makes a new friend :yess:


Plot holes you could drive the Derelict through.... yes indeedy. Really sad. And as someone else said earlier, the guy responsible for mapping the complex can't find his way out? Just...... huge plot holes, everywhere.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

That's not a plot hole. That's a stupid mistake.

And he isn't mapping the complex. His pups are. He can't see the pups' map. Prometheus can. That's who it was for. Prometheus.