Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

That's not a plot hole. That's a stupid mistake.

And he isn't mapping the complex. His pups are. He can't see the pups' map. Prometheus can. That's who it was for. Prometheus.

So the geologist in charge of the pups cant find his way out, but the scientist that are carrying a head and canister can find there way out of the complex and get back on the ship in less then 15 min before they seal the it shut?? :impatient:
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Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

The only fail is thinking that it's a fail because you didn't get it all. The movie was made purposely like this. From Lindelof "All I'll say in response to your question is, nothing is an accident in Prometheus. Every single decision that is made by Ridley Scott is made for a very specific reason and purpose". More will be explained in the second movie and probably in the DVD/Blu director's cut:

What was cut from Prometheus?

A lot. According to Collider there is about 20 to 30 minutes of deleted scenes Ridley wants to include in the DVD release. And Logan Marshall-Green also revealed to us that his character had been considerably toned down in reshoots. We're assuming 30 minutes is an understatement.

If I have to consult outside sources before I see a film in order to make sense of the proceedings, I view that as a failure from an artistic standpoint.

I should not have to consult a director's cut released months after the theatrical release, in order to make sense of a film.

This isn't a tv series like "Lost," this is a theatrical release whose sequel will be released year after this film. We won't be tuning in next week. That is a very long time for people to have to wait.... and there will be no answers, just more teasing.

I hope this works out well for Lindelof; because his Lost fanbase and the Alien franchise fanbase are two different things. I am sure there is some cross-pollination, but I remember a great deal of angst about Lost even back in the day. Good luck with a theatrical format where everything is hidden and we need Cliff's Notes just to get through the thing. I don't see that working out really well. If it would, people would not be as unhappy with this film as they are.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

That's not a plot hole. That's a stupid mistake.

And he isn't mapping the complex. His pups are. He can't see the pups' map. Prometheus can. That's who it was for. Prometheus.

He had no way to monitor what his instruments [the "pups"] were doing? Gah. Fail.

See? Just fails all over the place! Fails of logic :snake
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

That makes sense. I was wondering why he howled. :lol

..and it's an alien pyramid maze thing. He was stressed and scared. They got lost. ____ happens.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Another question:

If the planet they land on was not the Engineer's race home planet but their "biological weapons factory", why would the ancient drawings point to that location?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You're kidding, right?

No I am not. I expect explorers to have a PLAN to get back out of a labyrinthine structure which might be populated by hostile organisms, fail-safes or what have you.

Do archaeologists enter a pyramid without a plan to get back out? I don't think they do. I call that "suicidal" if they don't.

As for the "oh this is a scientific expedition, put that flamethrower down!" thats just another huge and suicidal FAIL. These supposed explorers and scientists treated the site as if it were a tea party. NO, its a hostile environment! No wonder they died.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Another question:

If the planet they land on was not the Engineer's race home planet but their "biological weapons factory", why would the ancient drawings point to that location?
Great question...

But didn't it just point to the star system? I can't remember they're reasoning for picking LV-223.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

No I am not. I expect explorers to have a PLAN to get back out of a labyrinthine structure which might be populated by hostile organisms, fail-safes or what have you.

Do archaeologists enter a pyramid without a plan to get back out? I don't think they do. I call that "suicidal" if they don't.
If that bothers you, every single movie ever made must as well. Because I guarantee you there are "plotholes :rolleyes:" in all of them.

But, yet, you choose to complain about Prometheus' only.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

There may be plotholes in all of them, but few of the size and sheer number exhibited by this film.

I'm actually pretty forgiving. This film is just that off the chain with the mistakes.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

The "plotholes" you've mentioned so far are incredibly minute.

The "Oh no, I forgot my way out!" "plothole" literally happens in almost every movie. And you can even make up whatever you want to explain it, so I don't see how this is taking away from your viewing experience.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Eh, many people are confusing the unanswered questions with poltholes though. And many people are stupid.
The mural got me thinking. If the Engineers create life, and that is their main purpose, the Xeno represents the perfect organism. The perfect creation. The urns in the alter room contain different DNA goo than the stuff we see at the start. They create us, and while we're an achievement they're proud of, as proven by the cave paintings, they continue to engineer, creating the Xeno, which turns on them. The mural shows face huggers on bald humanoids; I dont think we were used for fodder. The Engineers have showed they're mire than willing to sacrifice in order to create. I don't think the Engineers were evil, just obsessed.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

I watched it again last night (still liked it), and had two observations:

1.) What WAS the point of hiring Guy Pearce and putting him in old age makeup? I didn't like it the first time, and this time it was even more unconvincing. Pearce's performance just isn't realistic enough and is frankly a bit over the top in "old manisms" and the make-up isn't bad but ultimately unconvincing. I know there is a viral video of young Weyland. But I doubt they'd cast a young actor just to make a viral video. I guess at one point young Weyland might have been in the actual movie. Even so, I wish they'd just cast an older actor.


2.) The space suits. When I first saw them on the cover of Entertainment Weekly, I thought they were really cool and it was interesting how they had the bright orange piping. But at the start of the movie no one has orange piping, they have blue piping. Looking at the EW cover, David had the blue piping suit on then too. It was just the women with the other suits. Then, towards the end a couple of people (including Shaw) wear the suits with orange piping. It seems quite random. At one point, I THINK I remember seeing David in the orange piping suit... but outside he has the blue piping suit, but I could be making that up. Weird. Anyway, maybe this was just to show the "lived in" universe in that not everything was exactly the same? Or maybe the suits were different kinds of suits and I just didn't realize it.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Who is Guy Pearce? All this talk about Guy Pearce playing old man Weyland and how they should have gotten someone else or better makeup or... WTF? Those two minutes of screen time really bothered people? LOL
Plot holes, bad script, unanswered questions...okay but wtf is this obsession with Guy Pearce??
