Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Who is Guy Pearce? All this talk about Guy Pearce playing old man Weyland and how they should have gotten someone else or better makeup or... WTF? Those two minutes of screen time really bothered people? LOL
Plot holes, bad script, unanswered questions...okay but wtf is this obsession with Guy Pearce??


Er, uh... he's the guy who played the character? It doesn't have anything to do with Guy Pearce in particular. I don't care about the guy, just the fact that it was played by a young man. If Joe Schmoe had played Weyland, I'd be like "why did Joe Schmoe get cast as Weyland? Why not hire an older guy."

Also, plenty of people have talked about supposed plot holes and things. Do you want people to just keep reposting the same things over and over? Not that the Guy Pearce thing is anything new, I know a lot of people had issue with the old age makeup. My thing wasn't so much the makeup but Pearce's performance. He's generally a great actor, but he just wasn't convincing. To be fair, it's VERY hard for a younger person to play older effectively. As someone who liked 85% of the movie, it was just a weird moment that broke the illusion so it stood out.

I mean, good lord I'm talking about the piping on the space suit and you're wondering why people are worrying about 2 minutes of Guy Pearce? :lol
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I'm sorry, but that's the dumbest thing I've heard in this thead. It's movie for god's sake.

Of course it's a movie :cuckoo:

But with all works of science fiction - it is also a work of SPECULATIVE fiction. Even though it has elements that are of pure fantasy (the Aliens etc.) - it still relies on certain known concepts (space travel, physics, etc.) in order to anchor the story so that there is a suspension of disbelief. Futurists do this all the time; they venture theoretical speculation based on known concepts of the present.

In an interview way back in 1978 - Ridley Scott himself said that "Alien" was in part speculative fiction. He was envisioning how the world would be based on the reality of that time. These speculations helped him to present the environment and setting of the movie in a way that "felt right".

So in summary; what I stated isn't so dumb. At least not "the dumbest" on this thread :wink1:

Based on the advancement of robotics in Japan (as Star Puffs has stated); it is not outright wrong to SPECULATE that the dominating corporation of the future producing android technology might likely be Japanese.
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Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Disagree about his acting. In the hologram, I thought he was a bit cheesy...but when he's out of the cryo tube, I thought he nailed it.

Don't know why anyone is complaining about the make-up either, looked great to me.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

He did do better outside of the hologram, but after the hologram the illusion was ruined so I didn't buy it for a second. At no time did I think "this is an old man." I just thought "oh, that young guy is doing a bit of a better job playing that old man."

And to me, that determines the success or failure of it. The moment it took me out of the world it was a tiny bit irksome. I didn't even know who played him. I actually thought maybe Fassbender was doing double duty for some reason.

Anyway, it didn't ruin my enjoyment as a whole but I just thought it was an odd decision. Maybe the 30 minutes or so Scott hopes to put back in the film will make this decision make more sense.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

My gf and I talked about the movie over dinner tonight. To try to answer some of the bigger questions in the movie - we came up with this:

The Engineers are time travelers. In the beginning of the movie - we see them go back in time to plant the seeds of life on an infant planet Earth - using their own DNA. The purpose of this is left for us to determine. Maybe they just travel the universe building worlds.

Then they discover that they F'ed up because we humans end up screwing up the universe in some catastrophic way - so they now need to undo this mistake. Barring the Back to the Future concept of time travel where they can just go back to a time before they created humans and prevent that event from happenning - they realize that they have to try to eradicate humans from all possible timelines. This was my gf's concept - I'm not 100% on board with it. The idea is that the one act of creating life on Earth creates a multitude of other possible futures that now each have humans that need to be eradicated.

So that is why there are multiple ships with the Alien spore? cargo in them. Like a massive temporal genocide campaign. One of those ships is the ship that the crew from "Alien" happen upon in the timeline that is the setting of that movie. Which is why Ridley insists this movie isn't a prequel to the events of that movie - because it exists in a completely different reality.

To me - the whole setup in the Space Jockey chamber always looked like it served more than just simple navigation through space. So maybe time travel isn't so outlandish. Would also explain why their bodies are so well preserved.

Then we speculated that maybe in the next movie - Shaw and David discover exactly what it is that humans did to f up the universe and deserve extinction.

Anyways. That's what my old lady and I came up with over a couple glasses of wine. :lol
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

He had no way to monitor what his instruments [the "pups"] were doing? Gah. Fail.

See? Just fails all over the place! Fails of logic :snake

How? It's 2089. Not 2890. I mean, the tech has to make sense. It can't just be whatever.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

How? It's 2089. Not 2890. I mean, the tech has to make sense. It can't just be whatever.

Okay - so the PUPS couldn't immediately help those two from getting lost because the data the PUPS were scanning was being sent to the crew back on the Prometheus.

Still doesn't explain how the two of them could still manage to get lost with the crew on the Prometheus monitoring their every move (with the aid of the scan data)? Did the captain just forget about those two red blips on the hologaph screen?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

They said the storm was causing interference. That's why he was cutting in and out during that point. If you remember.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Maybe they secretly wanted to stay lost. So they wouldn't have to go back to Earth with bitter, negative humans who find fault with everything.

Just a guess.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

^you know where logic failed on that one....

why didnt they just phone back the ship and ask for directions? oh, look we have a radio and live feed camera...
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Yet you're still posting here repeating the same points.

Stick to your Loki worshiping.:wink1: :wave

Yeah, if only that would make this film make more sense, problems would be solved all over the place and the Age of Aquarius would dawn or something.

Unfortunately I don't take kindly to some kid telling me [and others] that we are "stupid" because we don't agree with his stance that this film is the Best. Thing. Ever.
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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Im not sure if you guys realized but according to RScotts timeline, 2029 Weyland was in a lawsuit with a Japanese Corportation on the rights to patent David, and Weyland won. Now we have no idea who works for Weyland industries but you have to assume some of the greatest scientists from all over the world works for him. And he was acquiring World Leading Biotech companies from all over the world in the 2020s. They were also the first company in world history to achieve a market capitalization of $100 Billion in five years. They basically became the worlds leading scientific company.

Is that really out of the realm of possibility that a USA company could become world leading in the next 15-20 years? I mean in 1979 when Alien was created the world was very different than it is now. World powers crumbled, others came to rise in power. A lot can happen in 15-20-30 years.

That's my point though. It isn't "dumb" to speculate that the company COULD be Japanese - just as it isn't dumb to speculate that the company could have been taken over or acquired or overcome by a US company. And from the detail of Weylan that you just added - it looks like Scott himself was thinking along the same lines as us.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

They said the storm was causing interference. That's why he was cutting in and out during that point. If you remember.

the 2 were already on their way out before that storm hit...

they didnt phone in to ask directions...and they label them scientists. lolz
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

the 2 were already on their way out before that storm hit...

they didnt phone in to ask directions...and they label them scientists. lolz

...Don't get me started on the Engineer igniting the engines via FLUTE, either. Don't. lol
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

the 2 were already on their way out before that storm hit...

they didnt phone in to ask directions...and they label them scientists. lolz

Also - if interference from the storm is so bad as the storm is approach - then how come when the storm is RIGHT UPON THEM; the reception is perfect as the captain is telling them they need to hunker down?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Unfortunately I don't take kindly to some kid telling me [and others] that we are "stupid" because we don't agree with his stance that this film is the Best. Thing. Ever.
Fourth time you've made a remark about my age, just FYI. Oh, and not once have I labeled Prometheus as the best film ever. It's not, it's far from it..but it's still a really good movie.

Don't forget you're the one claiming the film is bad because Charlie had a neutral face during the head explosion scene... I even explained to you why he would have that expression, and you still wouldn't accept it. :dunno

Personal insults, along with spelling corrections, are the last gasp of those completely out of debateworthy ammunition. Frankly, in essence telling me to leave the thread [smileys notwithstanding] ought to be beneath you. Counter my arguments with your own, thas all good - but just "get out" is pure..... meh.
Personal insults? :cuckoo: What was that about me being a kid again?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Also - if interference from the storm is so bad as the storm is approach - then how come when the storm is RIGHT UPON THEM; the reception is perfect as the captain is telling them they need to hunker down?

maybe the suits have built in facetime. :lol

once again we need to...
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Don't forget you're the one claiming the film is bad because Charlie had a neutral face during the head explosion scene... I even explained to you why he would have that expression, and you still wouldn't accept it. :dunno

That wasn't me, actually. My issues with this film go far deeper than someone's facial expression.

Sorry your view your age as a "personal insult." Even if so, its less of one than your calling people "stupid" among other things.