Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Wow, it feels like everyone here is having a different conversation at the same time. Let me try asking this again since we have some big alien fans here: How come Aliens exist in the Predator universe but Predators don't exist in the Alien Universe? The timeline from these franchises don't match at all. Also, "The Engineers" are cannon on the Predator franchise as well (a skull of one is even showed in one of the movies once). It would be nice to see a mention of the Predator race in an Alien movie.

Well, I know we have the Alien head, It messes everything up.

I mean, I don't mind if it's the same universe, it's just those dumb AvP movies that ruined everything by being set in modern day earth.

If they were set in the future, like every other AvP story in comics, games, ect...then it could easily tie in, because it has no canonical confliction.

Yeah that was a mouthful to say I bet. :lol
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread


Liked that scene. I wish we saw more of the ship crew there. I liked them more then anyone else, sans David and Shaw.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Plus, the skull fits the description of the space jockey's helmet.. It had the trunk, these weird flap things..etc. It would be completely inaccurate since we now know that the Engineers are basically tall bald humans.

Yeah... Now. That was retconned. It's pretty obvious in ALIEN that the Space Jockey was an actual creature of some sort, and not wearing a helmet.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Alex - you obvisously shouldn't be watching movies - based on what you've stated here. Either that or stop trolling. The way you speak here - you must not enjoy ANY movie - which poses the question; why are you on this thread? Done.

I think you should take you're own advice my friend. I enjoy many films, but I enjoy them for what they ARE, not what ARE NOT. You two are the ones who want things to be more "authentic". I'm perfectly content with what we got.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Yeah... Now. That was retconned. It's pretty obvious in ALIEN that the Space Jockey was an actual creature of some sort, and not wearing a helmet.
What's your point? I'm not denying any of this.

I said "it would be completely inaccurate since we now know that the Engineers are basically tall bald humans"

But, AvP:R was never cannon to the Alien franchise to begin with, was it? :dunno
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Yeah... Now. That was retconned. It's pretty obvious in ALIEN that the Space Jockey was an actual creature of some sort, and not wearing a helmet.

Yes it was an actual creature originally and not a guy in a space suit, and it sucks that they changed that.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

It doesn't "suck" because you simply didn't like it.

It sucks to him. And that's fine.

I don't really like it either, actually. The Space Jockeys were always cool, mysterious, and spooky. This film removed a lot of that mystique. It would have regardless, but I think revealing them as roided-out space dudes went a long towards that.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Can't say I thought it sucked. To each his own I think is where this falls.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I could imagine Janek (Idris Elba) fitting in with the crew of the Nostromo and Sulaco, the rest of the group, not so much.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I could imagine Janek (Idris Elba) fitting in with the crew of the Nostromo and Sulaco, the rest of the group, not so much.

Good obervation. And true. Ripley would have _____-slapped Shaw right off the damn ship. And she'd have done worse to Holloway, Vickers, and pretty much everyone else.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I don't remember that. I would have preferred them to stick with the SJ being an actual creature..and I've said that from day one, but I've always been open to this idea which worked very well.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Authentic? It's a story about a spaceship traveling billions of miles in space, an android that could pass for a human, and a corporation being able to spend a trillion dollars without going bankrupt, all of which takes place in the next 81 years. I think anything authentic flew out the window the first day of shooting.

..., which is why the whole film is a total farce. See above.

Compare the state of technology in 1888 to 81 years later, 1969, the year of the first moon landing, and the farce that is your post becomes apparent.

- Sent from my iPhone (which will be obsolete in a year).

This depends greatly on your point of view.

No. It really just depends on calling your infantile hyperbole out for what it is. tinister already did that and so am I.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Good obervation. And true. Ripley would have _____-slapped Shaw right off the damn ship. And she'd have done worse to Holloway, Vickers, and pretty much everyone else.

Indeed she would, she's a professional. Speaking of which, when I think of the crew of the Nostromo, I see a group of people who are very good at their jobs. Sure, they are basically space truckers, but they are good at it and none of them strike me as incompetent or falling to acting illogically due to the whims of the (bad) script.

As much as I like Janek, even he isn't exempt from blame in this regard.

I think I'll put on Alien and Aliens tonight. Prometheus left me feeling worse than after I watched Resurrection or AVP. At least with those, I saw the mediocrity coming.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Yeah. I'm cool with people not liking it, but come on.....I just can't understand that.

You don't want something new, you don't want something old. ____ will never be perfect. This series will always be flawed. Always.

Whatever. This movie is better then Alien Res, AvP, and AvP-R. That's all that matters.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You don't want something new, you don't want something old. ____ will never be perfect. This series will always be flawed. Always.
But it only matters when it's Prometheus. It's fine to have small, harmless flaws in other films. But not Prometheus.

When Prometheus has a few small flaws, we need to _____ and moan over them for weeks and label the movie as garbage.

But uh, it's fine with any other movie.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Yeah... Now. That was retconned. It's pretty obvious in ALIEN that the Space Jockey was an actual creature of some sort, and not wearing a helmet.

The whole SJ chair scene was done for the money shot to take the film up a notch. No-one knew what is was at the time. It gave the film a 'wow' factor within the first 20 minutes that's all.