Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Is that really out of the realm of possibility that a USA company could become world leading in the next 15-20 years? I mean in 1979 when Alien was created the world was very different than it is now. World powers crumbled, others came to rise in power. A lot can happen in 15-20-30 years.

That's my point though. It isn't "dumb" to speculate that the company COULD be Japanese - just as it isn't dumb to speculate that the company could have been taken over or acquired or overcome by a US company. And from the detail of Weylan that you just added - it looks like Scott himself was thinking along the same lines as us.

That was an interesting bit of backstory about David. Thank you for mentioning that. Is that from the Alien comicbooks Dark Horse used to publish by any chance?

I mentioned the Japanese specifically only to counter Alex Logan's infantile attack on tinister's comment. My original point was not intended to refer to nations as much as the contemporary reality of significant ethnic diversity in science fields in the West. A reality not represented on the screen.

There is nothing unrealistic at all about Weyland being an American company. But an EST (engineering, science, technology) endeavour is going to have high rates of participation by either Western citizens of East or South Asian ancestry or people from East and South Asia.

I just expected better of Scott, who put so much work into what is bar none the most visually spectacular film I have ever seen (rivaled only by Titanic).
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Yutani is no doubt the Japanese company.

Probably bought stocks when Weyland...uh...passed.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Wow, it feels like everyone here is having a different conversation at the same time. Let me try asking this again since we have some big alien fans here: How come Aliens exist in the Predator universe but Predators don't exist in the Alien Universe? The timeline from these franchises don't match at all. Also, "The Engineers" are cannon on the Predator franchise as well (a skull of one is even showed in one of the movies once). It would be nice to see a mention of the Predator race in an Alien movie.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

anybody else thought these "scientists" were not that "inquisitive".
i mean, you have mr holloway experiencing the infection and got barbecued....

didnt it bother them to ask how? why? what to do now? only david and weyland and his entourage(assuming) knows about what really happened to holloway and the GOO...
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

anybody else thought these "scientists" were not that "inquisitive".
i mean, you have mr holloway experiencing the infection and got barbecued....

didnt it bother them to ask how? why? what to do now? only david and weyland and his entourage(assuming) knows about what really happened to holloway and the GOO...

One of them was inquisitive enough to play coochy-coochy-coo with a cobra-squiddy-snake thing.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

anybody else thought these "scientists" were not that "inquisitive".
i mean, you have mr holloway experiencing the infection and got barbecued....

I think the right procedure here would be to quarantine Mr. Holloway and get a variety of samples from him but to be fair, there was just too much at risk to do that. They could not risk bringing a contagion back to the ship, or worst, back to Earth. Not to mention, that's not even their main field of study.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Wow, it feels like everyone here is having a different conversation at the same time. Let me try asking this again since we have some big alien fans here: How come Aliens exist in the Predator universe but Predators don't exist in the Alien Universe? The timeline from these franchises don't match at all. Also, "The Engineers" are cannon on the Predator franchise as well (a skull of one is even showed in one of the movies once). It would be nice to see a mention of the Predator race in an Alien movie.

I disagree. I don't mind predator movies having a little nod to Alien here and there since they're fun action flicks but when you compare the original Alien to Predator they're totally different kinds of movies.
I think it was a bad idea from the start making AVP and it was just cash in really so to start bringing predators into the back story of Alien would be ridiculous imo.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

How come Aliens exist in the Predator universe but Predators don't exist in the Alien Universe?

Because "the Alien franchise is sacred and must not be associated with the Predator Franchise" seems to be the general consensus. That is fine for them to think. We saw Cameron Alien in Predator 2 and Engineer in AVP:R. Aliens are in the canon Predator (none avp) franchise and Engineers are in the AVP Franchise. Engineers are probably canon in the Predator universe too just by default.

I don't know why people cannot just get their heads around the concept that all 3 species are from the same Universe (weather you want to Pretend AVP didnt happen because you are worried it lessens the Alien movies or not)
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I don't know why people cannot just get their heads around the concept that all 3 species are from the same Universe (weather you want to Pretend AVP didnt happen because you are worried it lessens the Alien movies or not)

That depends on who's logic you follow. Do you really think Ridley Scott and James Cameron think Predator is in the same universe as Alien when they think of their movies ?.
If you follow everything Fox has made then yeah , they're in the same universe.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I think the right procedure here would be to quarantine Mr. Holloway and get a variety of samples from him but to be fair, there was just too much at risk to do that. They could not risk bringing a contagion back to the ship, or worst, back to Earth. Not to mention, that's not even their main field of study.

even after the fact they got the holloway barbecued and how they handled mutant-zombie fifield's(like how?)....

so how did they connect the GOO, blame the goo and all the shat when only david and a select few knew...

so from "what the hell is going on phase" we then get distracted about shaw's pregnancy, c-section staples and forget about that "what the hell i s going on phase" and carry on

Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

What a childish response. Japan is THE world leader in robotics research. If David were real it would be most likely to be made in Japan and thus look Japanese (EvilFace can now supply the requisite teenage school girl joke). They are already have vaguely human robots along that avenue.

My point was more that East Asia will be the world leader in scientific output within the next few decades. I think Europe and America will keep pace, but the film needed a more Asian presence to feel authentic.

Authentic? It's a story about a spaceship traveling billions of miles in space, an android that could pass for a human, and a corporation being able to spend a trillion dollars without going bankrupt, all of which takes place in the next 81 years. I think anything authentic flew out the window the first day of shooting.

Of course it's a movie :cuckoo:

Clearly you don't realize that.

But with all works of science fiction - it is also a work of SPECULATIVE fiction. Even though it has elements that are of pure fantasy (the Aliens etc.) - it still relies on certain known concepts (space travel, physics, etc.) in order to anchor the story so that there is a suspension of disbelief. Futurists do this all the time; they venture theoretical speculation based on known concepts of the present.

Exactly, which is why the whole film is a total farce. See above.

In an interview way back in 1978 - Ridley Scott himself said that "Alien" was in part speculative fiction. He was envisioning how the world would be based on the reality of that time. These speculations helped him to present the environment and setting of the movie in a way that "felt right".

1978 was a very different time. Scott also had a heck of lot more to work with back then because he wasn't stuck to adapting his story to an already established timeline.

So in summary; what I stated isn't so dumb. At least not "the dumbest" on this thread :wink1:

This depends greatly on your point of view.

Based on the advancement of robotics in Japan (as Star Puffs has stated); it is not outright wrong to SPECULATE that the dominating corporation of the future producing android technology might likely be Japanese.

Considering they can't even manage a population problem, who knows what will happen with Japanese.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!


As for the scene with David and Holloway, I think it was pretty straight forward. David asked him what he would be willing to do and Holloway says "Anything". David took his comment literally.

Another thing I was thinking about is the scene where they wake up the Engineer and he goes nuts. The Engineers created human life. Humans evolve to the point where they can create their own form of life. Humans are no longer the creation, they have now become the Gods. The Engineer doesn't like this. What do you guys think?

Could work very well, but they really made the Engineers look like galactic chumps. For me this movie was supposed to be about them! We get thrown a few crappy holograms, silent film style, and when an engineer finally does make a live appearance, he doesn't say anything!

How cool would it have been if instead of the humans creeping up on the alien, he found them instead? What if he communicated to them on his terms, peacefully at first, but eventually leading them to a violent demise as experimental subjects?

Which brings me back to the android; he stole the show from the only thing that really brought me to see this film in the first place. The more he just casually solved every access point, every navigation device and of course the language well enough to speak it, the more trivial these mysterious beings became. Sure there's more to know, but does it matter now?

Who is Guy Pearce? All this talk about Guy Pearce playing old man Weyland and how they should have gotten someone else or better makeup or... WTF? Those two minutes of screen time really bothered people? LOL
Plot holes, bad script, unanswered questions...okay but wtf is this obsession with Guy Pearce??


He was good in LA Confidential and Count of Monte Cristo. He was fantastic in Chris Nolan's Memento. In my opinion he's a solid actor but doesn't have great range or depth. From what I've seen him in, he generally excels at bringing the traits of arrogance and singleminded focus/obsession to his characters. He will be in Ironman 3 next year.

He wasn't quite good enough to pull off the obsessed Weyland. The makeup made him look like a puppet from Star Wars.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

He did do better outside of the hologram, but after the hologram the illusion was ruined so I didn't buy it for a second. At no time did I think "this is an old man." I just thought "oh, that young guy is doing a bit of a better job playing that old man."

That's what I thought while watching it too. I kept justifying though that they would have really good plastic surgery in those times and old people would just look different 80 years from now.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Talking about Aliens, Preds & Enginners in the same universe; it's a tough call to say who would be the most badass out of them all.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Wow, it feels like everyone here is having a different conversation at the same time. Let me try asking this again since we have some big alien fans here: How come Aliens exist in the Predator universe but Predators don't exist in the Alien Universe? The timeline from these franchises don't match at all. Also, "The Engineers" are cannon on the Predator franchise as well (a skull of one is even showed in one of the movies once). It would be nice to see a mention of the Predator race in an Alien movie.
Aliens don't exist in the Predator franchise. There was an Alien skull on the trophy wall in Predator 2, but it was ONLY put in there to promote or hint at the new comic series.

As for the Engineer skull, we have never seen one. I assume you're referring to the skull seen in AvP:R. The Alien versus Predator franchise is seperate from the Alien and Predator franchises (no matter how much Bakurenoh wishes it wasn't).

Plus, the skull fits the description of the space jockey's helmet.. It had the trunk, these weird flap things..etc. It would be completely inaccurate since we now know that the Engineers are basically tall bald humans.

AvP:R is also an abomination of a movie and should never be taken seriously.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Which is reasonable. 100 years from now I'm sure our life expectancy will be higher.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Authentic? It's a story about a spaceship traveling billions of miles in space, an android that could pass for a human, and a corporation being able to spend a trillion dollars without going bankrupt, all of which takes place in the next 81 years. I think anything authentic flew out the window the first day of shooting.

Clearly you don't realize that.

Exactly, which is why the whole film is a total farce. See above.

1978 was a very different time. Scott also had a heck of lot more to work with back then because he wasn't stuck to adapting his story to an already established timeline.

This depends greatly on your point of view.

Considering they can't even manage a population problem, who knows what will happen with Japanese.

Alex - you obvisously shouldn't be watching movies - based on what you've stated here. Either that or stop trolling. The way you speak here - you must not enjoy ANY movie - which poses the question; why are you on this thread? Done.
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