Anderson wanted to keep continuity with the series by including a familiar actor. Henriksen plays billionaire Charles Bishop Weyland, a character that ties in with the Weyland-Yutani Corporation. According to Anderson, Weyland becomes known for the discovery of the pyramid, and as a result the Weyland-Yutani Corporation models the Bishop android in the Alien films after him; "when the Bishop android is created in 150 years time, it's created with the face of the creator. It's kind of like Microsoft building an android in 100 years time that has the face of Bill Gates."
As far as the regular Alien series, there was no "Weyland" figure head/actor/full name in any of them until Prometheus. Ridley Scott and the writers for that flick decided on Peter Weyland. And according to the Weyland Industries time line, AVP and AVP:R don't exist. In fact, the whole reason for that time line to begin with is to show what Scott and Fox (since they approved it) consider canon. And everything listed there completely contradicts AVP and AVP:R. It only acknowledges Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and arguably Alien: Resurrection.
Last couple pages had me cracking up since that whole debate mixed so much canon/non-canon and in-film/not in-film stuff.
If anyone is trolling, it's Niltusk for pulling everything he said on this subject out of his ass. Unless his ass is canon!?
This is my views...
I believe if AVP & AVP-R movies were at the same caliber as the original Predator and Alien everyone would have embraced them and this discussion would have not existed,
Truth is AVP are more related to the Alien universe than Predator as Weyland (however you want to spell it) exists in all five pictures including Prometheus. There is not a whisper of it all three Predator movies.
As a viewer of ONLY the movies (I have not read comic books/video games/ novels etc) I will continue to believe they share the same universe and timeline. Honestly it does not bother me at all. I find the “what if” or “only in the Predator universe” etc harder to believe than they actually sharing.
I see the Engineer, Giant Squid, cobra eels, black liquid added ingredients to our already love/hate universe!!!!
When I sat in the theatre back in July 2004 as the lights dimmed to watch AVP, I never once turned to my wife and said ...”hey FYI this is a what if movie....or remember this only takes place in the Predator universe......don’t try to think of the other four Alien pictures......
Last couple pages had me cracking up since that whole debate mixed so much canon/non-canon and in-film/not in-film stuff.
Peter Weyland from Prometheus and Charles Bishop Weyland from AVP are the same exact character. Just two different interpretations from 2 different directors/writers. One is canon (Peter) and one is not (Charles Bishop) in the Alien Series.
In other words, that was Anderson's way of explaining why Lance Henriksen was in AVP. But the real reason was because he wanted a familiar face from the Alien series and he couldn't get anyone else.
As far as the regular Alien series, there was no "Weyland" figure head/actor/full name in any of them until Prometheus. Ridley Scott and the writers for that flick decided on Peter Weyland. And according to the Weyland Industries time line, AVP and AVP:R don't exist. In fact, the whole reason for that time line to begin with is to show what Scott and Fox (since they approved it) consider canon. And everything listed there completely contradicts AVP and AVP:R. It only acknowledges Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and arguably Alien: Resurrection.
In the world of Prometheus (and canon for the Alien Series) the founder of Weyland Industries is Peter Weyland. After Weyland dies during the events that take place in Prometheus (and BEFORE Alien begins) another company (Yutani) merges with Weyland Industries to become Weyland-Yutani. We know this because in Prometheus it's just "Weyland Industries" and by the time Alien starts the company is then called "Weyland-Yutani".
In the world of Prometheus (and canon for the Alien Series) the progression of androids that appear in those movies are David, Ash, Bishop and Call.
When I sat in the theatre back in July 2004 as the lights dimmed to watch AVP, I never once turned to my wife and said ...”hey FYI this is a what if movie....or remember this only takes place in the Predator universe......don’t try to think of the other four Alien pictures......
I see the Engineer, Giant Squid, cobra eels, black liquid added ingredients to our already love/hate universe!!!!
Last couple pages had me cracking up since that whole debate mixed so much canon/non-canon and in-film/not in-film stuff.
Peter Weyland from Prometheus and Charles Bishop Weyland from AVP are the same exact character. Just two different interpretations from 2 different directors/writers. One is canon (Peter) and one is not (Charles Bishop) in the Alien Series.
In other words, that was Anderson's way of explaining why Lance Henriksen was in AVP. But the real reason was because he wanted a familiar face from the Alien series and he couldn't get anyone else.
As far as the regular Alien series, there was no "Weyland" figure head/actor/full name in any of them until Prometheus. Ridley Scott and the writers for that flick decided on Peter Weyland. And according to the Weyland Industries time line, AVP and AVP:R don't exist. In fact, the whole reason for that time line to begin with is to show what Scott and Fox (since they approved it) consider canon. And everything listed there completely contradicts AVP and AVP:R. It only acknowledges Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and arguably Alien: Resurrection.
In the world of Prometheus (and canon for the Alien Series) the founder of Weyland Industries is Peter Weyland. After Weyland dies during the events that take place in Prometheus (and BEFORE Alien begins) another company (Yutani) merges with Weyland Industries to become Weyland-Yutani. We know this because in Prometheus it's just "Weyland Industries" and by the time Alien starts the company is then called "Weyland-Yutani".
In the world of Prometheus (and canon for the Alien Series) the progression of androids that appear in those movies are David, Ash, Bishop and Call.
Now watch the giant cluster____ you get when you try to merge two films that don't acknowledge one another.
Charles Bishop Weyland is Peter Weyland's father. Peter Weyland founds "Weyland Industries" a science & technology company in 2012 years after his father Charles Bishop Weyland (a self-taught software engineer) already founded it as a multinational communications company. Charles Bishop Weyland finds a pyramid with Aliens/Predators and as a tribute to him for this discovery, 150 years later Weyland-Yutani make an Android series (Bishop) that's not only named after him but that also looks like him. Meanwhile in 2025 Peter Weyland makes the first android series (David) that is NOT named after his father and that does NOT look like him either. And years later by the time Alien starts Weyland-Yutani has another series of Androids (Ash) that ALSO are NOT named after Charles Bishop Weyland and that ALSO do NOT look like him either. No android from Weyland/Weyland-Yutani is ever made to resemble or bear the name of Peter Weyland who cured cancer and made Faster-Than-Light travel possible. And Peter himself (who made the first series of androids) doesn't give them his father likeness or name. No. Instead, 150 years after AVP Weyland-Yutani (filled with people who weren't even alive during that movie) decide to make an android series that's named AND looks like Peter Weyland's father Charles Bishop Weyland who BTW didn't cure cancer and didn't make Faster-Than-Light travel possible but who DID find a pyramid with Aliens and Predators i.e. two species that Weyland-Yutani has never been able to get anything significant from. No tech (Preds), no weapons capabilities (Aliens or Preds). Nothing. But simply finding them + an underground pyramid in the Antarctic was enough.
If anyone is trolling, it's Niltusk for pulling everything he said on this subject out of his ass. Unless his ass is canon!?
I believe if AVP & AVP-R movies were at the same caliber as the original Predator and Alien everyone would have embraced them and this discussion would have not existed
Are you just stupid? As I already stated, even if you remove AvP from the equation the Bishop series was designed by and made in the image of Bishop II (per Alien 3) who was human. So, obviously per your "canon" there was a Bishop I at some point. Grow up.
And you would be wrong. Because this isn't something "we're" deciding. Scott Ridley (With Fox' approval) created that time line for Weyland Industries which eliminates AVP and AVP:R from the Alien series canon. That's their decision. Regardless of "our" discussion.
Seriously, you're an ********. Who cares if there was a Michael Bishop I!? That has nothing to do with all the nonsense you were spewing about Charles Bishop Weyland being Peter Weyland's father.
Common tactic for morons when they're proven wrong: change up the point they were originally arguing/act like your counter-point doesn't pertain to them. Laughable.
Seriously.. I think Niltusk is Leonidas.![]()
Ok, just to "lighten the mood" a bit, here are some scans from the Cinefex issue featuring PROMETHEUS.
Great stuff in there, including one DAMN COOL shot showing what the Fifield mutant could have looked like.
Guess you're a moronic ******** then by shifting focus to me being Leonidas, I never changed the focus. I pointed out that there could be connections (ie, why make a reference in the viral campaign to his mother/father at all and why make it sound similar to the character from AVP?) It was for sake of discussion. If you don't like it maybe you shouldn't go to discussion boards or just stick to making dip____ gifs and tolling for the lulz with your idiotic troll face memes.
Oh and again grow up and get a life.
Yup, he's Leonitwit. And FYI: I didn't have to "change focus" because I already proved you wrong. The debate was dead. You were wrong. But instead of admitting you were wrong, you tried to switch it up by talking about something that had absolutely nothing to do with your original posts. Again, who cares if some dude named Michael Bishop made the Bishop Android series with his likeness and name. That dude was alive during Alien 3, which takes place over 200 years AFTER the events in Prometheus.
And how in the hell does the viral campaign make any connection with the character from AVP!? Peter Weyland's dad was a self-taught software engineer. How does that connect to any character in AVP or even in later Alien films!? It doesn't.
You weren't trying to start up any discussion. You were stating complete BS as fact and then jumping down peoples throat for disagreeing with your nonsense.