Super Freak
I'm not making any of it up really. They're just conclusions I come to based on what is shown to me in the movie.
i.e. they're YOUR conclusions. How is that hard for you to get!?
If I show you a square I drew and tell you "it's a house" and then you state "it's a house" afterwards as a fact you're correct because that was my intent when I created it and I, as the creator, told you so.
But if I show you a square I drew and tell you "it's whatever you want it to be" and then you state "it's a house" afterwards as a fact you're wrong because that's your impression of it. You might see a house, someone else might simply see a square, someone else might see a box, etc. The only person who knows for a fact what it is would be me, as the creator. So if I'm vague about it then there's no definitive answer.
Which also brings up another BS thing about stuff like this in movies: as the creator, being vague and not committing allows me the opportunity to retroactively explain my creation (in another film) after seeing input from people who've seen it i.e. my original intent could've been simply "it's a house" but after seeing people come up with ideas infinitely more creative than mine I could simply state "yeah, it's what all those people said it was. Yup. Exactly what I thought when I made it."