No, I meant chestburster. It comes out of her stomach..there's an umbilical cord..has the shape of a burster..etc. There's a pic I posted in the A&R HT Prometheus thread shows a close up of Shaw's face in that same birth scene with these weird tentacle/alien finger things hovering above her..they obviously belong to whatever was removed from her stomach.
Some things we've seen lead you to believe the crew creates the Xenomorph, or encounters the first type of Xenomorph..and there's other stuff shown that makes you believe the opposite, that they've been around for a long time and this is somthing new..
I personally hope that the only Xenomorph-related thing in the movie is the mural. I think that's perfect. Nice subtle little hint, and everything else being new and mysterious...a seperate story.
I originally really wanted this to be a true Alien prequel, but now I am more interested in them exploring other nightmareish biomechanical creations.
Someone on AvPGalaxy mentioned somthing about there being various biomechanical creations (weapons) imbedded in the uhh..the wall or whatever, like in the mural. I thought that was an interesting an arsenal. A weapon rack...but with living biomechanical creations.