Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

For a sequel's sake, if they make one, they probably wouldn't kill her so they can keep the story going. However, if I was her, I wouldn't really expect any answers from a species that wanted to destroy the human race, engineered bio-weapons that mutated people into monsters, and when one was finally contacted it went berserk and killed everybody that was left. It doesn't seem like a very promising expedition. I'd also expect there to be more human characters introduced into the movie if they do a sequel. I don't think they'd do one with just Noomi, Fassbender head, and the Space Jockeys.

Won't matter, when they arrive the engineers are extinct/nearly extinct. :dunno
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

Saw it last night on IMAX 3D!!
Wow, really nice looking movie! I loved the story though it felt a bit rushed on the second half.
Little bits of info here and there are great, and I loved the opening sequence!
I do wish there's a Director's Cut despite Scott saying otherwise.
Not a perfect movie by any means but one that will keep fans talking and guessing for years. Great Sci-Fi IMO...
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

Saw this last night , wanted to see it immediately again afterwards.

Thought a bit about the whole "Space jockey not being in the seat in the ship" thing . I thought that the planet that the derelict spaceship was on was Lv426 ? So my theory is that there are still jockey's ( or Engineer's ) on the ship that Shaw and David flew away and that this ship is in fact the one we see at the beginning of ALIEN .

I could see one of the Engineer's taking over the ship after Shaw dies ( who has been hatching another embryo in her chest from some "oil" that was on the ring she put onto her finger after her caesarian ) and trying to pilot the ship but the Engineer has became infected with Shaw's "offspring" and that is what burst out of his chest ?

Boy I need to get out more often ! :lol
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

The big hole in this theory is that up until the life of Christ (coincidence?) the engineers were coming back and showing their "human" livestock things including the base which was the moon Prometheus traveled to. Something A) would have to had to change around the time Christ lived that made them want to destroy the humans (which honeslty makes no sense unless they just wanted to kind of reboot with better materials they had developed) or B)the mission from 2000 years ago was actually a "phase2" where they developed better ooze to introduced to the genetic materials. Unfortunately, both humans infected directly were killed off before we could see what full and lasting effects would have been.

Think about it. If the moon Prometheus landed on was a "military base" instead of a science base why would the engineers be showing the humans where it was when they visited? Thats just silly.

Forgot about the cave paintings :slap

There goes that theory :lol

That's very interesting about them taking off to develop a way to destroy us after creating us. Choice of belief, religion, could be seen as heresy to the Engineers. Or something else.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

Saw this last night , wanted to see it immediately again afterwards.

Thought a bit about the whole "Space jockey not being in the seat in the ship" thing . I thought that the planet that the derelict spaceship was on was Lv426 ? So my theory is that there are still jockey's ( or Engineer's ) on the ship that Shaw and David flew away and that this ship is in fact the one we see at the beginning of ALIEN .

I could see one of the Engineer's taking over the ship after Shaw dies ( who has been hatching another embryo in her chest from some "oil" that was on the ring she put onto her finger after her caesarian ) and trying to pilot the ship but the Engineer has became infected with Shaw's "offspring" and that is what burst out of his chest ?

Boy I need to get out more often ! :lol

I think at some point, the Engineers return to the planet Prometheus had set upon, and find the eggs the proto Alien had hatched. They gather them up to ship them off, things go wrong, and thus you have the beginning of Alien. They have to return there at some point.
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

I think at some point, the Engineers return to the planet Prometheus had set upon, and find the eggs the proto Alien had hatched. They gather them up to ship them off, things go wrong, and thus you have the beginning of Alien. They have to return there at some point.

It seems to me like that would be a pretty big jump in evolution
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

Where does a Queen Alien come into the equation? Or did I miss something big? :dunno

At the end I kind of thought this was the first queen being born, although not looking like one think about necessity being the mother of invention (ie Jurassic Park and reproduction) It is equipped to lay eggs in other words, not being a full queen persay...
Re: Prometheus Q&A (SPOILERS)

A religious interpretation of Prometheus

A long read and a little too wild and lots of conjecture but nevertheless interesting.

I wouldn't corner that as a "religious" read. Awesome article and had a lot of good stuff I didn't know about Scott saying. Not being a follower of Dr. Who that last paragraph was very interesting. I'd love to see this. Plus, after reading this, I definitely can see why Ridley chose to forego the "Paradise" Lost title.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

I'm really genuinely disappointed that people are bashing this movie. Not because I necessarily care if a film is "successful" but because I don't want the filmmakers to take it to heart or get discouraged. Listening to interviews with Ridley I think he's a genius and I think that Fassbender and Noomi really gave it their all and delivered incredible performances. For me, this film exceeded the hype and I can't wait to get figures from it. I was never once bored. It feels like the people who can't appreciate this movie are just trying to hate it because it wasn't like the other films in the alien franchise so they try to find ways to pick it apart or bash it because it was different. They dissect the "archetypes" and they dissect the "bad dialogue." It was no better in the original Alien. I think this film is almost as good as that and it's frustrating that almost no one else sees it without giving it some base-level criticism or labeling me a "Ridley Fanboy" (which I'm not I haven't even seen all his films). There's a lot of ideas in this movie and it's hard to juggle them all but I think that they did just the right amount of teasing about the big questions in the Universe without handing out answers. No matter what answers they provided people would be disappointed so it's better to tease people into thinking about it themselves. The people who didn't like this movie are too hung up on physics and "plot holes" of the DNA theories to bother to offer a cent of original thought.
Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!

I really wanted to think that this was the same planet as the one in Alien,it sure looked to end in a way that could make you believe that.The crashed ship,Engineer in his seat as seen in the original Alien,the Alien we are familiar with born.

The exit is one of the biggest WTF moments i have ever seen in a serious movie,a Woman taking an Alien ship and seeking revenge on the Engineers,ALONE:slap
If it was for the escape,alright but going on another adventure alone taking on the engineers?

1. The planet was designated LV-223. The planet in Alien is LV-426.

2.The Space Jockey was killed in the Prometheus lifeboat. He wasn't chilling in his pilot chair on the Juggernaut.

3. That's really not the Alien we are familiar with and I don't think it's the first. It's very similar looking in design to the wall mural shown earlier in the giant head room (which is actually described as an altar in the art book). So it seems there is some history there.

4. She's looking for answers. After what she has experienced she probably doesn't give much of a ____ that she may be going to her doom. But she's a tough one.