official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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I am liking these figure pics, always have...just hope the probody is good and tight for the whole line
Overall, the culprit is really the body. Thankfully I do have an extra HT TT that I can swap with but I am pissed now that I need to factor in the cost of a new body just to bring this figure up to standard. Needless to say, this will be the last time I am buying a Sideshow figure.
I bet it won't be easy to get that uniform on a TT without major reconstruction. Look at how tightly fitted the shirt is.
Looks great, but I think he'll look better on a TrueType...

I might give it a shot, we'll see how it goes. I really think the shoulders on the Pro need to be larger, I know a lot of people say they shouldn't, but I disagree...for the male "heroic" look...wider shoulders are better.
You shouldn't have to replace the body. At the price everything should be up to standard. Typical quality issue with sideshow. At least this time we won't have to worry about paint-apps and the doll-dot.:lol
that visor is easily twice the size it should be and the body looks ridiculous....

Not sure what reference material you were expecting SSC to use but the visor looks just fine to me.



if you can't see the size difference in those pics, you really need to either adjust your monitor or get new glasses...

Apparently I do need to adjust my monitor. Because on my screen the SSC visor is only slightly larger than the top pic and is *smaller* than the visor from the vintage figure. If you think his visor is twice as big as it should be then maybe this figure is more what you're looking for:

Apparently I do need to adjust my monitor. Because on my screen the SSC visor is only slightly larger than the top pic and is *smaller* than the visor from the vintage figure. If you think his visor is twice as big as it should be then maybe this figure is more what you're looking for:


at least that geordi figure has shoulders.... he looks like he could kick ss's snakeeyes ass
I just hope Sideshow is flooded with cancellations. A bad showing by the first figure in the line, and arguably the most popular character, will spell certain early death to the line.
The great pics from MD show overall the fig is looking pretty good. The gear, and especially the weapons look awesome. Sideshow seems to excel in that department.

It does seem though that the Pro body is not the ideal platform for SE. Major futzing, and bringing down his pants are definately called for. Also posing him in some kind of action pose, (which it seems from the pics he can hold) the narrow shoulders, and thin arms don't look as bad.
Wow - if this forum thread wasn't free to read I'd cancel my SSC SE order and use the 120 bucks to pay an entrance fee to this thread.

By that I mean (a) this thread is hilarious and; (b) this SE figure blows goats!

The arguement about the size of the visor is awesome - the tit for tat comments back and forth are priceless. Then there is the Christmas Vacation comment about Clark. Good Gawd that's funny. I love the emoticon the guy used when he identified the reference: :lecture

Ah ha ha ha - he schooled everyone.

Seriously, I am pissing myself laughing at work here.

So yeah, back to SE - TRAIN WRECK is really the word for it. This figure is hideous. I don't know what happened between the prototype pics and these pics (maybe a recession) but this thing is horendous. It is definitely the body that blows. He looks like a big wad of spaghetti wrapped in a black leotard. Not my picture of a hero, that's for sure. The head... well, the visor looks somewhat large, but may not be too badly outta whack. I think it's the head size to shoulder size ratio that is really throwing everyone for a loop. The head might be slightly too big but it's tough to really guage it when the figure has ABSOLUTELY NO SHOULDERS!

Thanks for the bait and switch Sideshow, but you've been busted. :horror
That's really great that SE can now sit with his legs crossed and meditate but what we really wanted was for SE to be able to stand up and look like he's gonna kick the crap outta all of Cobra all by himself. Sadly, he now looks like Stever Rogers before drinking the super soldier serum that turned him into Captain America. Pitiful.

Aaaand, it's also a shame that Sideshow is underhandedly preying upon everyone's love of this character. There are fans on this forum who are such die-hard SE fans, who LOVE SE soooo much that they are completely blinded to how much this figure sucks. It's sad, because those poor fans cannot possibly bring themselves to cancel their order for this figure and as a result Sideshow is gonna think we're all suckers and keep making this junk.

Way more than disappointed. :tap
I had to cancel a couple of months ago (in favor of Toht), and I'm glad I did. I know if I had gotten him without having seen these new batch of pictures from Monkey Depot, I would have been terribly disappointed especially at $120.

I would like to see it in person or have someone do some major futzing before I make any real judgment. I think those Monkey Depot pics show him off very accurately since there's minor fuzting, and based on them I'm glad I canceled. The gear is great and he looks okay on some of those, but the body suit really looks awkward and bulky on him particularly around the head and neck.

Hopefully once he actually ships, our fellow freaks will give us the real scoop and better photos.


And how DID Monkey Depot get him already? The website says it's in stock and ships in January, but its availability is "Pre order"?
I think Ill be cancelling this one tonight when I get home. If I cancel this one, I cancel Cobra Commander and the Trooper as well.. Oh well.. more money for HT Iron Man!
The Monkey Depot pics actually prevented me from canceling. I think their pics look miles better than the production pics. Proto pics are still the best, but he still looks solid.
Hopefully the visor can be adjusted on the head. SE's visor is typically from his brow right to the bottom of his nose. The SS version looks like it's covering his upper lip so it does look a little low. Even still,I'm beginning to become very disappointed with the Prometheus' appearance even under covered basically looks like a Buck.

What does everyone think if Sideshow were to dump the Prometheus and then just contract out the TrueType for all their figures?