official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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No, he's an eccentric paranoid schizophrenic. Don't read into it any more than that.

Personal insults, name calling and sexual references. What the hell is wrong with you man? Can you not listen to what Khev aka THE mod here has been telling you? As for the NWO, my reference was a joke to your ridiculousness. I don't take you seriously because, really, you're a joke bub. Additionally, you send me to friggin' YouTube for thruth?! :rotfl There's a bunch of Fillipinos doing Jedi backflips and playing with lightsabers there (as well as a particularly chubby kid with excellent skills with a double-saber), a bunch of people turning into shrieker demons, etc. I take it that's all real too, right teemu? :huh WTF?!

yes I gave you a youtube video of george bush calling for a New World Order...a political leader,calling for it...I guess thats just fake too right?
I dont take your insults towards me as insulted me plenty of act like your innocent of that..You started the joking insults first because I put down on your precious Sideshow snake eyes.....sheesh
yes I gave you a youtube video of george bush calling for a New World Order...a political leader,calling for it...I guess thats just fake too right?
I dont take your insults towards me as insulted me plenty of act like your innocent of that..You started the joking insults first because I put down on your precious Sideshow snake eyes.....sheesh

Not to get too far off subject but I do not think New World Order in the context you are referring to is even as sinister as it sounds. There have been New World Orders throughout history. You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts and the facts don't really back up the conspiracy theories.

BTW, just to reiterate, does anyone know if a pro body can be easily swapped with an older HT body?
yes I gave you a youtube video of george bush calling for a New World Order...a political leader,calling for it...I guess thats just fake too right?
I dont take your insults towards me as insulted me plenty of act like your innocent of that..You started the joking insults first because I put down on your precious Sideshow snake eyes.....sheesh


1) That YouTube video of OLD ASSED, IRRELEVANT NEWS FOOTAGE showed people speaking about a New World Order, much of what I, and generally anyone else with common sense, think the UN already is, and NATO was before it. It's not apocalyptic by any means, nor will it ever be.

2) If I insult you, trust me, it's retaliatory and I don't use name calling, like "idiot" or "stupid" or call you "sheep," nor do I use sexual references like "Sideshow ball lickers" or "taking it in the ass from Sideshow," etc.

3) I don't know what you're talking about as far as Snake Eyes. He isn't "precious" to me by any means and I've also been critiquing the hell out of this figure which is, by no means, perfect.

BTW, just to reiterate, does anyone know if a pro body can be easily swapped with an older HT body?

Yes, and quite easily too assuming you're talking about a TrueType. The head and feet go perfectly. The only severe modification will be cutting the Pro's hand pegs to fit into a TT's forearm sockets. But once they're trimmed to size, they're better than TT hands.
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Awesome! Thanks for the info!

No prob. Most of us went that route with Indy and the bodies can be gotten loose for about $20 shipped. I actually wouldn't mind even paying Sideshow that extra $20 if SE was assembled on one. Food for thought SS. While the TT has oddly broad shoulders, it doesn't look nearly as odd as the Pro's silhouette.
Well, don't forget to lump the Hobbit body in there too bud. Everyone whined about that and it was also co-designed by Hot Toys.
Yeah, but I'm thinking we now know which one of the two is likely to blame for the loose joints. :lol

I'm beginning to agree about the Pro though. While the pics show that the shoulders can actually hold a pose (which I'm stoked about), I don't know which looks more odd, the Pro or the Buck? :huh :lol
Yeah, they're both odd. And while the Pro is (so far) a big disappointment in several ways I still prefer it over the Buck, which just doesn't look natural at all, imho. It always looks like a "doll" or a mini-mannequin instead of the 1:6 humanoid that bodies like the TT achieve. The Pro does look more natural than the Buck, but it has the looseness issues (so far) and rater small, Medicomish features. :duh
Yeah, but I'm thinking we now know which one of the two is likely to blame for the loose joints. :lol

Both? :huh When HT released their first TT, it wasn't all buttery goodness either. Now, it's near perfection (still has a few minor issues) but look how long and how many releases they've had to perfect it. And even though we got two Hobbits, both bodies were from the same batch. I'd like to see what improvements have been done should they utilize the body for someone like Short Round or say.... Yoda?
Wow, Snakes is taking a pounding in this thread. I think I might know how tomandshell must have felt when the Plastic Fett PF was about to be released. :lol

All I know is that when SE arrives I have no intention of posing him in the stupidest, most unflattering ways possible. I'll pick something more like this, enjoy having the figure on my shelf and call it a day. :)

I think if he came his wolf Timber, it would justify the price
All I know is that when SE arrives I have no intention of posing him in the stupidest, most unflattering ways possible. I'll pick something more like this, enjoy having the figure on my shelf and call it a day.

That's not exactly the same thing as being a "grail". :monkey3

:lol :duff
Wow, Snakes is taking a pounding in this thread. I think I might know how tomandshell must have felt when the Plastic Fett PF was about to be released. :lol

All I know is that when SE arrives I have no intention of posing him in the stupidest, most unflattering ways possible. I'll pick something more like this, enjoy having the figure on my shelf and call it a day. :)


Those MD shots were much better than the SS ones and some of the poses made the figure look pretty good. know a lot of figures take a beating over production pics but ths one does seem a little harsher (probably because of the price tag). I've been wanting a higher end SE forever so I'll give this one a chance. I know in these economic times, collectors need to be more discriminating about what they're buying so I guess the criticism is understandable. But we all know these figures always look better once they get in our hands...