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SPooktacular Kits are $29.99..... thats official... :monkey1


*sigh* It's tough being right all the time.

The $30+ crowd can stick it. :monkey3 :banana
You try to tell the kiddies, share with them the breadth of your wisdom and expertise and they throw it back in your face. Too hard-headed to admit when you're wrong, eh Robodad? ;) :wacky

Now I know how Cassandra felt. :banghead
I can tell you now I have NOWHERE to be the week of Spook and I will shower and use the washroom at times my sweetheart is around the house. Which is more often than not so no worries...BG stays clean. :)

I'm very excited about this years spook. I wont lie, I didn't enjoy what came in last years kit, but the year before when I bought, I was in Spooktacular heaven. Even got me a 50.00 gift card! Thank gosh for wait lists.

So yeah, definitely looking forward to this years. I will not win anything however as I am the Buffy Girl. I LOVE horror, but can never answer faster than most of you all!

This will be my sweethearts first year doing spook. What fun!

ALSO: it would have been nice for us LADIES if SSC would have given us a hoodie in Small/Medium. Do you forget we're here too SSC?
Now that I see there's a hoodie, and it's not my size, I may have to skip the kit. BOOOO.
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day. :p

:lecture:lecture:lecture :lol

ALSO: it would have been nice for us LADIES if SSC would have given us a hoodie in Small/Medium. Do you forget we're here too SSC?
Now that I see there's a hoodie, and it's not my size, I may have to skip the kit. BOOOO.

See? Us XXL'ers aren't the only ones. Though to be fair, I'd rather see a girl in a hoodie that's a bit big than see a guy wearing one that's clearly too small. :p
I just got the email myself. This is a great deal IMO. I think I'm going to cave in and get this one!
I did it like this, I did it like that, I did it with a whifflewall bat. :cool:
Sorry to double post. But if you all look in your email you should have received an express update from sideshow. It has all the Spooktacular kit info.
$30 and "extremely limited," sounds like a hot seller to me; but the price is much lower than I expected, the hoodie alone is worth that.

:clap :clap :clap