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I'm wondering how fast this will realistically sell out. $30 is a helleva price...
It's a great price, yay the Spook kit continues to be a bargain, but I don't think these will move as fast as some think. Sure the first couple of hundred might go fast for the die hards, but the last couple of hundred will take awhile.
My biggest thing about this is that they are offering Larges and Xtra Larges. So will that mean they will have only so many of each? Will the Larges or Xtra Larges sell out first?
I'm going to guess they have half their stock of each and the Large will sell out first.
I'd have to agree. It may be a stereotype but its one that is being substanciated on many forums over and over that people are complaining that they need XXL on swag items. I would think the larger sizes would sell out first. Just like if they had a XXL package those would go first and if they offered smalls, while some would have it and love it it'd probably rot on the shelves for the most part.
My experience with tshirt sales are that L go first, then M & XL, then S & XXL.
That may be the general trend EC, but we are dealing with a specific targeted subgroup not mass produced in-store items. Not to mention a lot of people like their hoodies a bit bigger since they are layering items. I still say XL outsells the L.
Well, I would of thought that MEDIUM would have been the smallest size, since maybe a few females would want to partake in this offer. But either way, dats kewl :rock
Well, I would of thought that MEDIUM would have been the smallest size, since maybe a few females would want to partake in this offer. But either way, dats kewl :rock


Re Monroe, you must admit that men's ideas of the ideal woman changes through history. All you have to do is go to a museum and look at paintings and statues to get an idea.

And I'm definitely not defending anyone who is ignoring a overweight issue. But on the other side of this, are those who think that a woman being skinny is healthy. If she's too skinny, she most definitely isn't. A woman a bit over her weight is in better health than one under. We are meant to be round.

And I know you know this. I do.

But it's hard to read, day after day, you guys fawning over unnatural bodies that can rarely exist without alterations and risky surgery...

It hurts.


...just sayin'. :huh
It's a great price, yay the Spook kit continues to be a bargain, but I don't think these will move as fast as some think. Sure the first couple of hundred might go fast for the die hards, but the last couple of hundred will take awhile.

thats good to know, this will be my 1st Spook kit! :mwaha
It's all about the glasses, folks.

I spoke to the director of Sideshow's technology department and he swore to me that the glasses offered x-ray vision capabilities.

The rest of the stuff is just gravy.