Collector Freaks Forum

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Got mine today---AWESOME
Did anyone have problems with zipper----mine is coming apart at the bottom--only had it on once:monkey2
Got mine today---AWESOME
Did anyone have problems with zipper----mine is coming apart at the bottom--only had it on once:monkey2

Mine too, and I haven't even worn it yet. The wife said I should contact Sideshow, but I'm gonna just sew it up. It's not that big of a deal.
BTW, just a thank you to Sideshow!

With the $50 gift code I got the Medicom Wicket figure for $16 shipped :rock :rock :rock
I hope that if they ever do a "Mort of the Dead" issue #2, that they actually have Mort in it. :monkey2

spoiler :monkey2

Well its been raining all day today and is supposed to continue til sometime tomorrow. I hope UPS drops off the package as Im leaving for work so that it won't be sitting out in the rain.
So what are peoples predictions for new product releases?

1)Dead Heads
2)The dead varient = pass

How many???
I predict a license announcement that SSC can make LOLcats merchandise!!

So what are peoples predictions for new product releases?

1)Dead Heads
2)The dead varient = pass

How many???

I can only hope they abandon this variant nonsense as the Spook Babysitter variant still hasn't sold out from last year. The steady stream of ridiculous variants hurt the line.
I can only hope they abandon this variant nonsense as the Spook Babysitter variant still hasn't sold out from last year. The steady stream of ridiculous variants hurt the line.

:lecture:lecture:lecture We lost a lot on the 2.0 completist list due to all the damn variants. Weren't there 3? They offered the international exclusive 1025 for those who didn't pick her up from Forbidden Planet, an 805 (tan?), and the Spook Ex 1025 which was arguably the best in the line.
Yeah. 3 damn variants last spook. :(
Nearly made me quit the line in disgust.

To date:

Green & Blue Doc
Blue & Grey Spokesman
Green & Red & Blue & Goth Babysitters
Green & Tan & Black Containment Op.

I don't know if it was the case, but it seemed they began to treat this line like a cash cow, pumping out the exact same figures regardless if they were wanted or made any sense. Hopefully they learned that we don't want that stuff. What's to pick from for variants anyway? Street Preacher, Harbinger and Punk? Maybe they'll churn out a bright red "Crimson Harbinger". :rolleyes: :sick
I'm hoping for some decent stuff as usual. Spooktacular is usually a blast anyways and I look forward to it every year now...