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Other than that, I did not bother with self promoting.

I self-promoted, only because I thought it was funny. I didn't post until 3:45 and knew I had no shot to win out of the dozens of entries but it was funny to go all politician on it. Still got 13 likes. :lol

The Spooktacular private group Lance did was awesome though as were the tons of giveaways here, which shows much awesome our community actually is. I even got a few new Facebook friends out of it. :D
Other than that, I did not bother with self promoting.

I was out touring factories and kissing babies! :rotfl

The "like" contest is the only one thing I think was a *really* bad idea. I understand the intent, it just went down in a different direction. I'm sure we won't see something like that again.
I just hope they read these posts and see what we the faithful find went wrong and why it just was not as fun as it once was.
It was a really bad idea that I think didn't go down like even SSC expected...not to mention those negative ads and claims I support the Sideshow Non-Refundable Deposits.....well those hurt.
I just hope they read these posts and see what we the faithful find went wrong and why it just was not as fun as it once was.

They poke in when they can, but this thread moves fast. I suggest that some of you guys who took issue with some of the goings on at Spook, take some time to type up a polite note to "Ask Sideshow" just to make sure it gets read.
In reality it doesn't matter. Sideshow will do what they will. You have to remember that the Sideshow reps who pop in here themselves are awesome people and care not only about their own company but also what the collectors think and feel. They deliver our message but they are in a small minority overall. Sideshow will do whatever they want and we either participate or don't
They poke in when they can, but this thread moves fast. I suggest that some of you guys who took issue with some of the goings on at Spook, take some time to type up a polite note to "Ask Sideshow" just to make sure it gets read.

They usually have a survey at the end. That would be the place to fill out your thoughts. Buffy asked Alex if there was gonna be one this year too and she said yes.

Agreed 110%. Twitter and Facebook should have been used to create a buzz, gather excitement but all in all push members back to the actual Sideshow site where everything should be occurring. One or two contest given out on those sites fine, but they rivaled the actual site contests at times, not to mention if I were in charge, I wouldn't have ever announced big giveaways like Doors on Twitter and Facebook. I would have put it up after the fact with something like "Did you catch Doors of Indecision where we passed out ______ and _______ and _______ to lucky Spooktacular participants? No? Then make sure you stay on the Sideshow homepage through this week for more chances to win." I understand usage of new technology and what is trendy right now but hopefully next year its used as a sign to an event not an event place.

Between having to check Ivana's page, Mort's page, Sideshow's page, Spooktacular event page, Twitter, Sideshow's homepage not to mention the one contest hidden on the One Ring. It was too much. Not to mention the flurry of glitches on things that weren't new but Spooktacular regulars, right down to a word not working for 30 minutes only to have those who found and were trying and being vocal about it not working lose out on the item by sheer dumb luck for those who tried it later. Let's not even start about the multiple prizes given out to folks, big ones at that and the ones given out to ungrateful folks who ended up winning more.

I look forward to Spooktacular every year, its a ton of fun (or was) and everyone used to get in to the spirit. I couldn't shake the feeling that SSC was phoning it in this year. Maybe its because they spread themselves too thin that it felt that way. As for as SSC is concerned this was my worst Spooktacular experience and it has nothing to do with not winning in reality every year I get screwed in Chat due to lag or something else people even note it here so that I find funny and most of my swag comes from freebees from the decoders (which was severely lacking) but it comes from the overall feel of it, the fun and participation. There wasn't a movie (even though I didn't like last years still many did), Criswell was meh, no returns from last year's highlights like the Crew or even EGAD (still crying tears from not seeing Alison again)

There were flashes of ol' Spook, in scavenger hunts and definitely amongst those of us who were in chat 12/13 hours a day entertaining ourselves whilst the SSC folks were out at meetings and such (planned during your own event? Really?) but overall I saw it as a week wasted. Hopefully they get it together before next year but as least it wasn't as watered down as the SDCC event was this year and at least the Mort comic was great.

The FREAKS were great as always but that is expected since on these boards we bring the awesome 24/7, 360 days a year.

:goodpost: I agree completely, Mike.
Well I didnt win anything this year and I dont care, because chat IS SPOOK for me and thats where its at and it was awesome once again chatting with all my fellow :FREAK:s :hi5:

I cant wait for the next chat event :impatient:
Side of right now, there are still 20 of the different contests that have either not announced winners, or one or more of the announced winners are still in "pending" state.

So, still chances for wins here ;)
Side of right now, there are still 20 of the different contests that have either not announced winners, or one or more of the announced winners are still in "pending" state.

So, still chances for wins here ;)

Yeah I know. Instead of F5-ing the website I'm now F5-ing my Yahoo mailbox... :lol
i collect cash too!!!!!

I collect mostly all the marvel LSB line
sideshow SW imperial characters
Halo action figures
3 3/4 gi joe cobra figures
Marvel Pf's
DC universe action figures
history books

and anything else that catches my eye

loose.i cant keep them in the plastic prison!!!!!!!!!

Do you have this set?


If not PM me your address and it's yours...
Do you have this set?


If not PM me your address and it's yours...

yea i have about 20 of them lol. I army build.
I really do appreciate the offer though, but i would rather you donate them to toys for tots. Xmas is right around the corner and i know damn well some children are going to need help from people like us.

You can donate them if you would like..That would make me much happier.

I really to appreciate the kindness of your offer, but i bet this would make a kid in need very happy.

I hope i am not coming across as a D(*k, that was not my intention.
Ok, really trying to avoid garbage posts to get my post count up, so I'll try to make this relevant...

This was my first Spooktacular (as mentioned before), but I've been collecting Sideshow pieces for years (also as mentioned before), so I would consider myself one of their core fans, even if I haven't been part of this forum, or the chat, or any other activity outside of getting their newsletter, drooling over pieces I can't afford, and buying what I could.

For the veteran Spooksters...sorry this wasn't as good for many of you as it was in the past...that often happes when an event like this grows.

For the new Spooksters (both old collectors like me and complete Sideshow newcomers), let's do what we can to integrate into the existing community, rather than try to take it over right away.

We can do that *after* we've become indispensable to the rest :wink1: