Harvey is alive. I think he is supposed to be in part 3 anyway, so alive.
And yeah, with a night to sleep on it, was I left with a THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES feeling? Not exactly. I love the movie, but I am not where I was after I first saw BB. Sorry. Not. The movie itself is arguably better. The performances great. Just, there is something I like about a Batman movie or comic that was missing somehow. Fun. No fun here. At least the Joker was funny. That helped. But this seems more like a 90's movie somehow, like the Crow or other somber story.
Maybe it is merely the second act, the downer and obsticle laden section, and the third will be the opus I was expecting here. That's what it is I think, that this is NOT the end or buildup, but the setup. If so, I can live with that.
Gordon was awesome! Dent was awesome! I know I am about to be utterly skewered for this one, but I prefered Katie Holmes in this role...(ducks flying debris) ...and I wish there had been more of Maroni and the other gangsters. And yes, way more of Scarecrow. That was such a sneeze of a role. I could have been the damned guy for all the good it was.
Ledger was astonishing though. I must admit. What sticks with me? Him. Twoface, the FEAR part, the sense of dread, and seeing why these are BATMAN movies and not VILLAIN movies, as in, finally, here's SWAT! There goes SWAT! So much for experts, against The BATMAN! Yeah baby! Love that! This is frikkin' Batman, not some minor league comics guy, one of the hall of Comics Gods pantheon guys, up there hanging out with Superman in the JL in some other wacked out universe. So, yeah. Batman. That guy. No minor leaguer. Ever.
For me, always, it's all about the Bat. The villains, no matter how great, or how well played, only define the hero. They are the seasoning in the stew. But this is Bat stew. Always will be.
Great movie though. Still like it a lot. We'll see what repeated viewings bring.
Still, seeing Heath in that nurse outfit, shaking that remote, that sticks with you.