Official "The Dark Knight" SPOILER Thread

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I think Heath's performance was amazing and could certainly deserve the Oscar. His lines, delivery and body language were all top notch. Not sure how anyone was disappointed by Joker.

And I think it's just wishful thinking to say Harvey/Two Face is still alive, looking for the actor to take any kind of shallow breath. The way they left things in this film, he died from the fall. Sure I'd like to see him in the 3rd film, as the other villains aren't as strong, but agree that his return would undercut Batman's sacrifice. Who knows though. With Heath dead, maybe Nolan will opt to bring back Two Face instead. Hopefully they just go in a different direction as the Two Face stuff was adequately explored in this film.
Ok, last one before nap time I swear...

The video that the joker shot of the fake Batman. Damn! Wow. you'd never had seen that in 1989. Sheesh.
One question. One reviewer mentioned this movie had the most arrogant Bruce Wayne of all the films. In Begins his arrogance was an act. Has he become an ego-maniac in this film or is it still just an act?
One question. One reviewer mentioned this movie had the most arrogant Bruce Wayne of all the films. In Begins his arrogance was an act. Has he become an ego-maniac in this film or is it still just an act?

I read that too. I don't remember who said that at the moment.

I believed it was still an act. He must be consistent after all, right?
The narrative is clunky. Every character seems keen on belting out nothing but philosophical ponderings over the nature of good and evil, duality and so forth and so on. I know, I know, It's a big thing in the comics, but it just doesn't work in a film of this genre. The dialogue itself doesn't progress the story, it stalls it and gives expository detailing to an event that's already passed. I thought one of my friends said it perfectly: "Show me what's happening, don't tell me."

And the pacing and editing is just all over the place. Harvey and Rachel were abducted? What? How? Well, thanks for telling me after the fact.

Next, once again the villains are more interesting than Batman himself. But I guess it's unfair of me to complain about this, seeing as the Joker is the main villain and all.

I loved everything else about the film though. Heard some complaints from more than a few viewers who thought it was too dark; I thought it was pointless (at this point in time) to argue with them. They just don't get it.

I personally don't think any of these complaints holds water.

The abduction was handled well, the pacing and narrative flow of the film was solid. The psychological stuff was perfect and worked very well in this type of film. I could see how some are bored with it, the just blow something up already attitude, but it really got to what these characters are all about and set this film apart from others in the genre. And dialogue will always be used as exposition in big films so to keep the slowest members of the audience understanding WTH is going on.
I saw it last night and I don't get how anyone could be disappointed in any facet of this film. Never before has any movie been this hyped in my head and delivered on this level. I was 110% satisfied with what I saw.

They somehow managed to give Lucius, Rachel, Harvey, Bruce, Batman and the Joker all depth... without drowning the movie while doing so (ala Spider-Man 3).

Heath's performance was astounding, his Joker was one Hell of a twisted bastard but very smart at the same time. It really was a joy to watch. It doesn't get any better than that hospital scene and the resulting explosions, that was THE JOKER. I found myself forgetting it was Heath under there, it was so well performed. While Nicholson will always hold a dear spot in my heart for his Joker, THIS Joker was the one I wanted to see the most. It was perfection.

Two Face was handled extremely well, he made me more nervous than the Joker did at times. His dedication to his form of justice was so absolute, and his pain was justified... They really nailed the transformation and tragedy of Harvey.

I could go on about how the suit performed waaay above expectations and how I loved it more than the Begins suit, or how the story twists threw me, or how much the end surprised me... But I won't.

Let's just say that there is a new favorite Comic Book movie of all time on my list, and a new top 10 movie of all time as well. I wasn't disappointed at all, in any way. Best movie of the summer, bar none. :rock
He was using it to cut into a crook's moving van while hanging on outside it, only to be knocked off before achieving whatever it was he was doing, so I think it is a mystery, a bit, other than the obvious can opener thing. Not sure what else it is though...

He also used it to bend the fake Batman's gun. It's basically a super grip.

Saw it last night.

It was good but not great IMO...Heath was better than I expected but a little overboard at times.

Bale was great as usual.

I actually missed Katie Holmes! The new Rachel was awful IMO.

Harvey/Two Face was great...I actually liked him better than Joker. Perfect casting.

Overall, 3.5 or 4 out of 5.

Batman Begins was a better movie to me. Dark Knight just seemed to be missing something at times, the beginning just did not really feel like a Batman movie to me. It picked up about 30 minutes into it though.

I enjoyed Iron Man and Hulk more.
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Was it me or did Rachel look like she was in her 60's. I kept thinking, everytime she was on screen, how OLD she looked.

Saw it last night.

It was good but not great IMO...Heath was better than I expected but a little overboard at times.

Bale was great as usual.

I actually missed Katie Holmes! The new Rachel was awful IMO.

Harvey/Two Face was great...I actually liked him better than Joker. Perfect casting.

Overall, 3.5 or 4 out of 5.

Batman Begins was a better movie to me. Dark Knight just seemed to be missing something at times, the beginning just did not really feel like a Batman movie to me. It picked up about 30 minutes into it though.

I enjoyed Iron Man and Hulk more.

What? That crap.

I did feel Batman was a little too dark. He runs into the trash truck head on, killing that driver, shoots out a mall window door w/o thinking of the citizens that could be behinde it. Then again, Keaton's batman was just as relentless.

I just now realized Joker didn't pull out any jokes? aside from the joker card.
Joker had plenty of great jokes. The pencil, his Dent campaign sticker on his nurse outfit, his continuing joke about his "scars", the Joker card... not to mention all the times you found yourself laughing when he was doing some pretty jacked up stuff.
Nicholson's Joker pales in comparison . to bad ledger is dead .it really was a superb performance. i hope they don't try and CGI him in the next film.
Going to see this tomorrow at !2:20 pm and I can't wait!! I had to Fandango tickets lol okay I'm not trying to repost a picture that has already been posted so if this is posted already please forgive me. I didn't have the time to look through all 52 pgs.

Its well know that that pic is a fake.

I saw it last night and I don't get how anyone could be disappointed in any facet of this film. Never before has any movie been this hyped in my head and delivered on this level. I was 110% satisfied with what I saw.

They somehow managed to give Lucius, Rachel, Harvey, Bruce, Batman and the Joker all depth... without drowning the movie while doing so (ala Spider-Man 3).

Heath's performance was astounding, his Joker was one Hell of a twisted bastard but very smart at the same time. It really was a joy to watch. It doesn't get any better than that hospital scene and the resulting explosions, that was THE JOKER. I found myself forgetting it was Heath under there, it was so well performed. While Nicholson will always hold a dear spot in my heart for his Joker, THIS Joker was the one I wanted to see the most. It was perfection.

Two Face was handled extremely well, he made me more nervous than the Joker did at times. His dedication to his form of justice was so absolute, and his pain was justified... They really nailed the transformation and tragedy of Harvey.

I could go on about how the suit performed waaay above expectations and how I loved it more than the Begins suit, or how the story twists threw me, or how much the end surprised me... But I won't.

Let's just say that there is a new favorite Comic Book movie of all time on my list, and a new top 10 movie of all time as well. I wasn't disappointed at all, in any way. Best movie of the summer, bar none. :rock

100% agree with you there!

Joker had plenty of great jokes. The pencil, his Dent campaign sticker on his nurse outfit, his continuing joke about his "scars", the Joker card... not to mention all the times you found yourself laughing when he was doing some pretty jacked up stuff.

Me too. I guess we both just have a sense of humor like him. I mean I STILL laugh at the pencil scene and the hospital scene - the two best scenes in the entire movie!