Official "The Dark Knight" SPOILER Thread

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If that is the case is a physical manifestation of the old metaphor that Two-Face used to use in the comics. Harvey is all there is only Two-Face. He's used that many times..
Dr.Mirakle32, in your spoiler button, are you talking about Joker or Two-Face??

Two-Face. I'm glad they killed him off, and still did the character justice. This is the first time I ever cared about the character. I was surprised that I was more interested when the plot focused on Harvey, than when it did on every other character. I think Eckhart is the unsng hero of TDK, with Ledger getting all of the (well deserved) praise.

Am I the only one who could care less if BATMAN 3 (really BATMAN 7) was made in the next five years? Nolan did such a great job with TDK, that it will be hard to top with another sequel. I'd especially be upset if the third film was just Nolan's take on Riddler, Penguin or Catwoman. Sure he would do a great job, but I'd rather see Bat-villains that have never been seen on screen before. Nolan already got the heavy-hitters out of the way with the first two films (Joker, Two Face, and Ra's, in amazing interpretations) and all of the villains featured in TDK had been done before on film. Let's see something new and completely different in BATMAN 3.

There are only so many times I can see the same plot rehashed: Batman fights crime, ends up on top of a tall building kicking a human bad-guy's ass, and saves the day. If they are going to bother (which you know they will,) let's see something different.

Am I the only one who would rather see WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN or THE FLASH, before another BATMAN sequel? I love Bats, but WB should give another DC hero a shot. Even WORLD'S FINEST: BATMAN v SUPERMAN would be cool to see, before another realistic rehash of the previous films.
This would be an awesome prize!!!

The Dark Knight Xbox Giveaway!

In celebration of The Dark Knight hitting theaters, Superhero Hype! is giving away a special edition custom Xbox console! Valued at $948 each, Xbox is creating both a Batman and a Joker version. We'll keep which one the winner will receive a surprise, but you can view them below (click on the images for bigger versions)! In addition, the winner will receive four (4) IMAX Ticket Vouchers so that he or she can check out the most-anticipated movie of the year with friends and/or family in the theater!

Yeah, saw that on Gametrailers TV a week or 2 ago and it looked beasty! That and the GOW2 360 they are gonna give away is sick!!

I wish that MS had made the Elites with the glossy back. Looks much better than that dull black.
seen this last night Aussie time!!!
Words cant describe how amazing this movie is!!!
Ledgers owns this movie-the Joker was truly spine chilling,a superb oscar winning performance NO DOUBT!!!!Very bittersweet too.
from start to finish i was left wanting more and with a 2 and a half hrs of film that is saying something.
Yes,the dissapearing pencil scene was very funny,and the opening sequence of the heist.
one word best to describe Joker-CHAOS.
some really memorable scenes most noteworthy the Tumbler which turns into the Batpod ;) the Fight/chase sequence at the near end,and of course the Harvey/2 face scene and the joker in hospital ;) cracked me up!!!!

Yes,Hot toys SHOULD do a Harvey figure and ANOTHER Joker figure with"special attire" LOL.....nuff said,am going to see it again this saturday!!
Iron Man doesn't like the TDK hype:

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Just got back from the movie and I absolutely loved it. Was it a perfect movie? No...but it is pretty close. A lot of critics complained about the movie being too long but it flew by for me. Chris Nolan is an absolute genius!! Some things I'd like to discuss about the movie:

1. Nolan absolutely got me when he faked Gordon's death. I was steamed and thought there was no way they could save this movie. I was so happy when he turned up a few scenes later.

2. I thought Dent overreacted when Gordon was "killed" off. He knew Gordon's death was fake so why did he abduct the Joker goon and try to do something so extreme?

3. I really liked Eckheart's performance as Dent. This movie was definitely not all about the Joker. Eckheart's performance stood out and he might be my favorite character in the movie (Two-Face is my favorite Bat villain so I'm a little biased). I agree that he is not dead at the end of the movie. They are telling Gotham citizens that he is dead (and not Two-Face) to show that there is still hope in Gotham and that Dent died holding on to what he believed in originally.

4. Did they change actors for the Scarecrow? He did not sound like Cillian Murphy to me and didn't really look like him either.

5. Christian Bale's acting was superb as well. My favorite part was the way that he looked at Harvey Dent when Dent was talking about Batman. You really believe that Batman doesn't want to do this forever and the complete faith he has in Harvey. Heart breaking when Harvey changes towards the end.

Go see this movie ASAP!!!
Just got back from the movie and I absolutely loved it. Was it a perfect movie? No...but it is pretty close. A lot of critics complained about the movie being too long but it flew by for me. Chris Nolan is an absolute genius!! Some things I'd like to discuss about the movie:

1. Nolan absolutely got me when he faked Gordon's death. I was steamed and thought there was no way they could save this movie. I was so happy when he turned up a few scenes later.

2. I thought Dent overreacted when Gordon was "killed" off. He knew Gordon's death was fake so why did he abduct the Joker goon and try to do something so extreme?

3. I really liked Eckheart's performance as Dent. This movie was definitely not all about the Joker. Eckheart's performance stood out and he might be my favorite character in the movie (Two-Face is my favorite Bat villain so I'm a little biased). I agree that he is not dead at the end of the movie. They are telling Gotham citizens that he is dead (and not Two-Face) to show that there is still hope in Gotham and that Dent died holding on to what he believed in originally.

4. Did they change actors for the Scarecrow? He did not sound like Cillian Murphy to me and didn't really look like him either.

5. Christian Bale's acting was superb as well. My favorite part was the way that he looked at Harvey Dent when Dent was talking about Batman. You really believe that Batman doesn't want to do this forever and the complete faith he has in Harvey. Heart breaking when Harvey changes towards the end.

Go see this movie ASAP!!!

1. He didn't get me, since you see Gordon smashing the signal, and seeing him looking over jokers knifes in the trailers.

2.that may be a flaw in the movie, nice catch.

4. Nope, it was him. But it went by SO FAST, I can see how one might think that.

5. In truth, I didn't feel much compasion for Dent/Two Face. Maybe because his origin was missing, I dunno.

IMO, Nolan probably could walk away from the series, since this movie made his batman series complete.
Nolan is signed up for one more.....should be interesting to see if he can live up to the hype and standard created with this one.
Nolan is signed up for one more.....should be interesting to see if he can live up to the hype and standard created with this one.

Well, Maroni is still alive, and so is two face. What would be the theme of the 3rd batman. When Alfred said to bruce, "know your limits"...maybe it should be based off that?
Yup, unclear if Two-Face died. I imagine they could sneak him into Arkham where he will eventually escape and wreak havoc on Gotham. I think Black Mask would make an interesting villain for the third film, at least as a mob boss filling the void left by the Joker and Maroni and the rest of the gangsters. I could definately see Nolan walking away - I mean, how is he going to top this film? Warner Brothers will not let this franchise go now though, so expect a third film no matter what.
Just got back a while ago. It was different from what I was expecting, but I seen little from the trailers (seeing the movie made me understand that). I definitely can't say I was disappointed. Far from it.
It had a lot in it, but it all fit together nicely. Joker was fantastic, funny and frightening. Harvey Dent/Two-Face was superb. Interesting take on him, too. The batpod coming out of the Tumbler was very cool. The IMAX scenes were awesome. Especially the building jump. Makes you feel like you're there. The ending action was very tense. Also the sonar was cool. It was also pretty freaky.

Poor Rachel, she wasn't a bad character even when Katie played her. Is Maroni dead? It's hard to say. Also, I'm a little unsure on Harvey Two-Face. Leaning towards dead. ;) Fall was pretty high.

We all want to see it again.

I wonder about Arkham Asylum. It would have been nice if they brought up The Narrows and the Asylum.
Just saw it! Loved it! And no way Harvey is dead. No way.
Great movie. But, it is only the setup for what is to come. This and Begins. Too bad Heath can't be a part of that. Boy was he good!

Best scene in the movie to me: Joker and Two-face in the hospital room. Those two characters, FINALLY, successfully done, in the same movie, in the same scene! FANTASTIC!

Best Batman moment: Tie, either the bending the barrel down HERE I AM moment, or the Pod rolling up the wall and back down again. Great stuff!

Cannot wait for the third film, even without Heath. Let's not sully his legacy saying Joker cannot return, he can. He just gave us the best is all.
Great stuff! Love it. Totally satisfied with the movie.

Harvey died. How could they have made that clearer?

exactly...i know it could be spun the other way, but i doubt Nolan would pull that trick on us for the third movie. i was really hoping that Two Face would end the movie by killing Joker when Batman had him hanging upside down. i kept waiting for it, but no. i think that would have made the perfect transition for Harvey into Two Face.