Dr.Mirakle32, in your spoiler button, are you talking about Joker or Two-Face??
Two-Face. I'm glad they killed him off, and still did the character justice. This is the first time I ever cared about the character. I was surprised that I was more interested when the plot focused on Harvey, than when it did on every other character. I think Eckhart is the unsng hero of TDK, with Ledger getting all of the (well deserved) praise.
Am I the only one who could care less if BATMAN 3 (really BATMAN 7) was made in the next five years? Nolan did such a great job with TDK, that it will be hard to top with another sequel. I'd especially be upset if the third film was just Nolan's take on Riddler, Penguin or Catwoman. Sure he would do a great job, but I'd rather see Bat-villains that have never been seen on screen before. Nolan already got the heavy-hitters out of the way with the first two films (Joker, Two Face, and Ra's, in amazing interpretations) and all of the villains featured in TDK had been done before on film. Let's see something new and completely different in BATMAN 3.
There are only so many times I can see the same plot rehashed: Batman fights crime, ends up on top of a tall building kicking a human bad-guy's ass, and saves the day. If they are going to bother (which you know they will,) let's see something different.
Am I the only one who would rather see WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN or THE FLASH, before another BATMAN sequel? I love Bats, but WB should give another DC hero a shot. Even WORLD'S FINEST: BATMAN v SUPERMAN would be cool to see, before another realistic rehash of the previous films.