Official "The Dark Knight" SPOILER Thread

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Well Two-face could be brought back. He would ruin Harvey's Reputation and Batman would be cleared of the killings, and therefore able to become the hero Gotham needs. But why would Two-face come back and his motif, I don't know. Would need to throw in another villian or two for sure. Black Mask seems like the logical evolution of the Mob - even if the mask is to only hide his identity. Penguin could aslo be a mob boss, but I've heard Nolan has already nixed him as a character. Catwoman would just be eye candy but not really a threat.

Riddler could be very interesting! Could even get away with not revealing who he is until the end - sort of a murder mystery type of thing. That could cause some caos equal or greater to the Joker! His riddles would be the only clues linking him to the crimes.

I think Two-face, Black Mask, and Riddler would be the perfect coice of villians for Batman 3. Maybe throw Scarecrow in again since he isn't dead?
Two-Face's motif is to finish his original goal. Justice wasn't served because his flip on Gordon wasn't completed. He'd want to get to Gordon and his son just to do the flip right. He'd have to distract Batman ergo the terrorist behavior similar to the Joker to throw Bats off his trial. Harvey Dent would truly be dead because the character wouldn't acknowledge that part of himself. The only reason to "hide" Harvey was so that all of his work wouldn't be undone with finding out that the DA wasn't completely clean, Two-Face would use that as a distraction because it'd put all those criminals back on the streets and fill Gotham with the Mob again that he fought to get rid of making Batman's nights much fuller and less able to keep an eye on Gordon.
Two-Face's motif is to finish his original goal. Justice wasn't served because his flip on Gordon wasn't completed. He'd want to get to Gordon and his son just to do the flip right. He'd have to distract Batman ergo the terrorist behavior similar to the Joker to throw Bats off his trial. Harvey Dent would truly be dead because the character wouldn't acknowledge that part of himself. The only reason to "hide" Harvey was so that all of his work wouldn't be undone with finding out that the DA wasn't completely clean, Two-Face would use that as a distraction because it'd put all those criminals back on the streets and fill Gotham with the Mob again that he fought to get rid of making Batman's nights much fuller and less able to keep an eye on Gordon.

I don't know about that. He would have lost his mind more than Joker for that to be his one and only goal. Revenge on Gordon? I can buy that, but releasing caos on Gotham just to filp the coin again? I don't think so. That seems a bit too far fetched for Nolan's Two-face. I mean yeah that is what his goal was in this film, but it was on a very small level - took out those responsible and nothing more.
Its vengeance for Rachel. He blames Gordon, its the final piece after the two other cops. I can see him that focused for Rachel, without that final flip Rachel will never be fully avenged. If he is willing to flip coins and chase down people without medication or even time to heal, I believe he is willing to go after Gordon, he might go after Bats too because he could blame him for not allowing justice to be served. Using that as a catalyst to bring infinite justice to Gotham. Meaning after realizing his "absolute truth" he could envision Batman as not being extreme enough and being more of a vigliante than even Batman.
If Two-Face is back in part 3, I'd like to see him more like Batman's evil counterpart; taking down criminality but crossing the lines that make him a criminal too, breaking the one rule Batman won't. That's how I see the Two-Face character, bent on justice, but due to mental trauma, torn in his actions and leaving decisions to the fate of his coin, but willing to kill or whatever for his cause, misguided. Similar to Darth Vader after the Prequel trilogy, his actions are evil, but his intentions are grounded in good, he's just going about achieving his goal the wrong way.
If Two-Face is back in part 3, I'd like to see him more like Batman's evil counterpart; taking down criminality but crossing the lines that make him a criminal too, breaking the one rule Batman won't. That's how I see the Two-Face character, bent on justice, but due to mental trauma, torn in his actions and leaving decisions to the fate of his coin, but willing to kill or whatever for his cause, misguided. Similar to Darth Vader after the Prequel trilogy, his actions are evil, but his intentions are grounded in good, he's just going about achieving his goal the wrong way.

² couldn't agree more about what two-face should be in the third movie...

and of cours more focus on Thé Batman itself! but I guess that would come by itself since he is being hunt down by the Gotham Police...

Those 2 elements alone could make a attractive movie, but to top TDK maybe there must be some surprise in the form of a new villain...because it was ledger who made the hype around the TDK, who made it attractive for a broad audience and maybe in time will be the factor to make this movie a if a third movie has ambitions to top TDK, Nolan has got to use all his skills.
I really don't want to see the Riddler. I think he would be a re-hash of the Joker or as some said, basically a second Joker.
It depends how they do it. Have you ever seen Fincher's Zodiac?

Yep. I think playing it like that would work. Nobody knows WHO the Riddler is and that would be the source of the caos. Could be very creepy. And those that think he is a rehash of the Joker, well, he honestly isn't all that different when you get down to it. But instead of being flamboyant like the Joker, he hides out and doesn't reveal his face.

I think that kind of Riddler could work.
Yep. I think playing it like that would work. Nobody knows WHO the Riddler is and that would be the source of the caos. Could be very creepy. And those that think he is a rehash of the Joker, well, he honestly isn't all that different when you get down to it. But instead of being flamboyant like the Joker, he hides out and doesn't reveal his face.

I think that kind of Riddler could work.

I could really see that kind of Riddler in Nolan's third film.
I think that kind of Riddler could work.

It also makes sense in terms of the Nolan Batman universe, where the Joker is a reaction to Batman. So in the third film you have the logical extension of that, where the new villain is a reaction to the Joker. So you could either have a Zodiac-style Riddler character or an overt Joker homage in the form of Harley Quinn, who in this universe could be a deranged fan like those women who write letters to prisoners.
Harley Quinn only works in a cameo styled piece much like the Scarecrow in TDK, where Batman stops her and says "You're no Joker" or something along those lines. Her character cannot carry a film, the general non comic but fan population will just view it as "Joker 2: This time with Vagina!"
Harley Quinn only works in a cameo styled piece much like the Scarecrow in TDK, where Batman stops her and says "You're no Joker" or something along those lines. Her character cannot carry a film, the general non comic but fan population will just view it as "Joker 2: This time with Vagina!"

I'm not so sure (and I'm one of those people who didn't think the Scarecrow worked at all in The Dark Knight). It would depend on how she's written, and in any case "Joker 2" is what audiences will be demanding and expecting. It beats a recast.
That maybe true that a lot of people will want a Joker 2 but I have a feeling that Nolan will move away from anything TDK in terms of villainy to avoid direct comparisons.
I think an interesting way to move Riddler away from Joker is to make Riddler a threat to Batman himself. To me Joker was more a threat to Gotham City. If Riddler were Mr. Reese (with a recast presumably) he could have a grudge against Batman and Bruce Wayne and presumably Lucius Fox as well. I can see Black Mask fitting along with this in that Riddler uses him and his grudge against Bruce Wayne to battle Batman. Also keeps the whole mafia angle going.
Pop quiz--which one of these high profile actors will not be seeing their name receive star billing before the title atop the poster for Nolan's third Batman film?

1. Christian Bale
2. Michael Caine
3. Gary Oldman
4. Morgan Freeman
5. Joshua Harto

Who? And who is the last guy?

BTW love the quote under the sig.
One of my novelty prop coins has a bit of a Glasgow smile going on...maybe I could sell it on eBay as one of those "my 'insert object here' is trying to channel the late Heath Ledger" auctions

