Super Freak
Would Mr Freeze work in this world?
Yes. He'd work in a meat locker or be a dry ice e-tailer.
Would Mr Freeze work in this world?
Would Mr Freeze work in this world?
I totally disagree. Why leave Batman's Character Arc incomplete? TDK was the second of three acts...
Give me a character within the Batman rogues gallery that can stand on the same level as Joker (in terms of eminence) and an actor that can rival Ledger's Joker, all while making this film as good or better than TDK.
If Nolan steered away from classic Batman lore, as far as villains go, it would be one of the costliest mistakes he will ever make. Plus, it would never happen. WB and DC would never allow it.
He's GOT to have a Bat-villain in the third act. And, if anyone can make it work, Nolan can, so we'll have to wait and see!!
At this point, I'd think WB would give Nolan free reign to do whatever he wants with Batman and the villains.
I mean, they allowed him to use an obscure and little-heard of villain in Batman Begins (Ra's Al Ghul), which was a big gamble considering it was the first film in the new, revamped Batman film franchise. But the villain, along with Scarecrow, fit in with the theme, and the WB execs understood that. I think they'll feel the same once the third Batfilm makes it's way into pre-production (if it hasn't already, for all we know, keep your eyes on bogus-sounding movie names and title anouncements in the coming months).
I still find it funny, after watching the BB DVD features, that Nolan had the WB execs come to his house and sit in his garage to read the BB script.
Batman was not redeemed in TDK,
Batman is complete. If you think that being loved by the citizens of Gotham is a defining characteristic of Batman that demands to be realized on film, or that he needs to get married and live happily ever after or whatever else that wasn't realized in TDK, then yes at least one more movie would be required. But that is a simple matter of opinion, nothing more.
Sure he was. He started his crimefighting "career" as a murderer at heart with a good family name. He ended TDK with a tarnished heroic persona and a murderer by name. That's an awesome journey and in no need of further "development." What greater act of heroism is there than saving the city and not getting the credit for it?
I think its too bad that you've equated your opinion on the subject with higher knowledge of cinematic storytelling. Yes I'm aware of the "three act play" approach. TDK has its own three acts and BB and TDK together create a separate three act play. You don't always have to be a slave to the the "movie trilogy" formula to achieve that.
SW: ANH had three acts. Lucas expanded it into a trilogy, then stated he was going to make a trilogy of trilogies. He settled for two and like it or not, the SW story is complete.
Batman is complete. If you think that being loved by the citizens of Gotham is a defining characteristic of Batman that demands to be realized on film, or that he needs to get married and live happily ever after or whatever else that wasn't realized in TDK, then yes at least one more movie would be required. But that is a simple matter of opinion, nothing more.
So is Nolan definitely doing a third one, I thought I heard he was only contracted for two. Of course I also heard he was contracted for three. But if he is only contracted for two then it wouldn't make much sense to do a three part act with only a contract to do two.
So is Nolan definitely doing a third one, I thought I heard he was only contracted for two. Of course I also heard he was contracted for three. But if he is only contracted for two then it wouldn't make much sense to do a three part act with only a contract to do two.
Nolan seems to take a one at a time approach. Even though he has a plan for Batman's story, he takes each movie on in itself, which I think is part of his success, he doesn't get wrapped up in the connections and things, he just looks to make the best movie for each story. I read an interview about TDK where he said he wasn't thinking about a sequel after Begins, but the right story came along and he rolled with it. I think at this point, he's probably more committed to making another as he's really getting his story going, but like pjam said, he's going to breath for a bit after TDK before thinking about the next. It'll likely be 2011 before that film comes out anyway.