Official Transformer Movie Review Thread!!! - Spoiler Free until July 4th!

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grangewallis said:
PS: I liked Prime's mouth... The whole Battle face thing is cool...!
Yeah I loved how he had the face plate when he was fighting.:rock:rock:rock
Oh, I also wanted to say that Peter Cullen damn near brought nostalgic tears of joy to my eyes. That speech he made to the other Autobots at the dam, I wanted to jump out of my seat and salute that maginificent bastard.
TheObsoleteMan said:
Oh, I also wanted to say that Peter Cullen damn near brought nostalgic tears of joy to my eyes. That speech he made to the other Autobots at the dam, I wanted to jump out of my seat and salute that maginificent bastard.
I just got back from seeing this. Without a doubt, this was one of the best movies I've gone to theaters to see. I love Pirates of Caribbean, but I enjoyed this more. It had tons of humor, superb casting, great action, great filming, I find NO flaw in this film, this is already a definite first day on DVD buy it movie, and I'll likely see it again at least one more time. I am still attached to 80's optimus prime, but after seeing the new design on screen and not just stills and toys, it rocks, going to have to by me a figure of him.
This movie was so good and the action, the cheese and the inspirational rendition of Optimus Prime was captured perfectly... Now someone take the keys for Superman out Singers hands and give them to Bay... I'm sorry, but I want to see a Superman Action movie... Returns does not live up well to repeated veiwings in my book, I enjoyed the movie but it was very meh, neither here, nor there. I reckon Bay would do a good Superman movie, I want him to be an action hero!!! Bay would also do the whole cheesy Truth, Juctice & the American Way bit well, as well... Anyone agree me?

*Brasing self for verbal bashing!*
honestly, anything Bay touches is pure gold man. I can only wish he'd get ahold of the next Superman flick! With his cinematography and score, it would be one hell of a ride.
grangewallis said:
Let's start a petition then NASH

hell yeah! and can we replace Bosworth with Alba for the part of Lois!??! :chew:chew:chew
nash said:
hell yeah! and can we replace Bosworth with Alba for the part of Lois!??! :chew:chew:chew

Oh it's all on now!!! If not Alba, Knightly! Or some one that looks like they actually like sex! Bosworth doesn't look like that! Too "Virginal" (if that's a word) except in that red dress she wore that one time!
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Saw it today and loved it!! It was pure kick ass. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more me, my buddy, or his seven year old son. We three enjoyed it a lot! :rock
I'm all Transformers right now, I wanna run out and buy the 10" Optiums Prime now, and the Transformers Theme on the soundtrack is a pretty sweet take on it.
Damn fine movie...even if I had to ask my wife who the heck half of the robots were ( she had younger brothers of the right age) :)

For some reason felt a bit like Indpendence Day, which isn't a bad thing either.

Almost want to go out and buy some Transformer toys :lol
I'm itching to see this... Have to wait until Friday (PayDay). Saving all my Paypal funds to pay Hurricane. :lol

I really want to see it though, it looks amazing..... Sounds great too...:rock
dekadentdave said:
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Awwww hell nawwwwww!!!
This was an amazing movie. I really really enjoyed it. What's interesting is that they could have easilly made it an R movie, there were lots of What the Fu....! And did you notice how it didn't really show any people dying. Like seeing anyone falling out of damaged buildings of being smashed by a robot and whatnot. I hope it comes out on HD-DVD, that would be amazing.
The movie rocked!!!! The best (most enjoyable) movie I have seen this year! Pure fun!

Of Course you can nit pick... BUT... if you don't you'll be happy!