In response to that posted critic from AICN (No disrespects Dek):
For your information...
I have a BFA Degree in Video. I have studied FILM since I was 12 years old, astutely since I worked in a Video Store in 1982 at age 21. And seriously, student-wise, since. I studied the art of Film Narrative and all that high end hogwash, and have seen more movies that most people can. You had to at the Video Store, "Is this movie good?". You had to see them all....
Worked there off and on from 1982 to 1996. College in between and so on and so forth. I have seen and own silent films from Sergei Eisenstien, and have studied his and many other filmmaker's editing, style and cinematic sensibilities. I have seen almost every major horror film since the notion was created, INCLUDING what exists of Mr. Edison's first ever Frankenstein. So, I have seen all the movements in the history of Film. Studied them. Acutely.
I can talk the Movie Smack!
Hell, I have sat through all of Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible set, and that is no easy task!
Seen Foriegn, Domestic, Comedy, Drama, Chick Flick, Action, YOU NAME IT!
Point being, I have seen plenty. SO, I don't need some uppity critics at some site, telling me that what I saw, and enjoyed, makes me dumb, or immature, or some less-than-intelligent sloth, incapable of seeing a movie for what it is.
I know that TRANSFORMERS cannot be a "highbrow" viewing experience. NOR, would I want it to be. Hell, I am a HARD CORE
Godzilla fan. Have EVERY one of those, good and bad, and know the difference.
So, what has all this bloated explanation have to do with TRANSFORMERS?
All this to say, I can see for myself, and have, that it is
Some movies, are just , plain
I have said that I cannot speak for the Transformers fans out there, no way. Not my era or generation. BUT, I know a fun movie when I see one. And this was a LOT moreso than anything I have seen this year. BAR NONE!
I really did enjoy Live Free or Die Hard. That one was really good. Pirates stank. Why, because they got too carried away with themselves. Same with Spiderman 3.
This movie however, just took me and led me through a fun ride, and I was glad to be there. No pretense, no plan, just a bunch of giant robots rocking! hell....can taken seriously?!?!??!?!?
By anyone???
Ergo....IT IS FUN!
Besides, there is no perfect movie.
JAWS is close! (Sorry, self indulgent moment there!

I know, my beloved Bruce the shark was really bad...but I love him anyway...and always will!

But see, plot holes aside, and TRANSFORMERS has many! God knows! I could attack it if I wanted to...but, if I did, then some VERY cool imagery would have escaped my eyes, and I wouldn't have had this major "WHOAH!" reaction.
So, why bother? Did you guys see Megatron come through that floor after dude?!?!?! I mean, he was being chased, personally, floor by floor, by a MEAN giant robot!
That's CINEMA!
I will not compare. Nor will I waste any more time defending, a giant robot movie. IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Beauty, is in the eye of the beholder! And, I am, this go round, with those that see the beauty in that moment, when Optimus Prime rose up, and that little girl said, "Are you the Tooth Fairy?", and we all collectively shed a tear.
Nice. I liked that.
And I am not even a Transformers fan.
I hope this movie makes more money than God! Titanic! Whatever! Just go have fun!
It' just a silly movie. And I liked it!
