I'm 41. Ive been around twice as long as you think.
If there was actual information in there that had any truth to it or you could actually gain something from then it would be worth reading. All, I read is probably someone in the 18-25 range with no life experience trying to tell the rest of us how things should be.
I'm now convinced he's a troll. He HAS to be.
I'm 41. Ive been around twice as long as you think.
It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
(Macbeth, V.v. ln. 26-28)
First of all, stop using so many words. William Shakespere once said "brevity is the soul of wit". Basically it means "cut to the chase and don't waste my time"; or alternativly "the most effective arguements are ones that can be made in the least amount of words".
The walls of text you write are unneccessary and make it less likely that someone will agree with you, if they chose to read at all.
Second of all, why are you acting like "schools indoctronating kids to go along with society" is a bad thing. Schools prepare kids for the world, and a large part of that is learning how to function in it. We don't live in your perfect world; wwe live in this once. You either play by the rules or you don't function.
I appreciate the statement you made about my loquaciousness. I do need to condense my thoughts.
You don't need to indoctrinate kids into conformity to give them the tools they need to succeed. Just teach them what they need to know. The school system really doesn't teach for success. As far as the world being perfect, the world is what people make it. The sum total of what everyone does makes the world what it is. If everyone was taught better as children, then it follows that the world in which we live would be more perfect. Everyone contributes to what the world is like, and school starts people out for the better or worse.
There is absolutely no useful information in any of Blacky's posts. NONE.![]()
Yet, you're spewing out your rhetoric trying to convert a bunch of people to the concept of anarchy on a high-end toy forum. Because that's the way to succeed, right?
A 12-year-old with a gun is more than capable of making himself rich with said tool. Hell, amongst the non-armed, it might even make him the alpha dog. It doesn't make it right, doesn't mean he earned it and doesn't mean he's a success by any standards. It's essentially the extreme of your failed argument though.
You need order, you need rules, you need structure to be successful. Not just the individual, but the society as a whole.
If you have no interest in the world radically changing for the better, of course you none of the information I speak of be be used by you. As such, it will be perceived as useless by everyone who doesn't want the world to change for the better and do what it takes to change it.
If you believe the world is good enough as it is, you will see no reason to improve it and might be offended or angered by the idea of change. The only way the world can improve is by people changing their beliefs to those that enable the motivation to change the things that people do to make it what it is, and improving it.
If conventional wisdom is the ONLY wisdom to someone, ANY ideas that differ will only be rejected out of hand, because they aren't popular enough. Just because an idea isn't popular doesn't mean that the idea itself is flawed, it just means that no improvement will come from that idea because people refuse to try to implement the idea.
I get the feeling that everyone who disagrees with me is opposed to any idea that calls for radical change to how things in the world are done, regardless of what that idea might be.
Tell me truly, would you be really consider ANY idea that was radically different than the status quo that was said to make the world a better place? I don't just mean an idea that would come from me, I mean an idea that would come from ANYONE. I doubt you would. I would say that most people would not, because they are too used to how they have always believed and done things.
You don't know me...so don't act like you do with just a few comments I've posted over the years.![]()
As I've said in the past you have nothing to offer this forum. Absolutely NOTHING.
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
George Carlin... Oh how we miss you.
You know, moral relativism doesn't equate with intelligence. Adaptation to a flawed system isn't as intelligent as changing to a better one.
You know, moral relativism doesn't equate with intelligence. Adaptation to a flawed system isn't as intelligent as changing to a better one.
So what are you doing to realize this better system?
Unnecessarily causing people to suffer and be slaves to others is evil, and so many teachers are evil. That was always my opinion in school, which is why I always tried to do as little work as possible.
I notice you evaded my question. It seems like you don't want to, so I have my answer.
It is human nature to resist change. It's true of everyone. I figure you are human. Every human gets comfortable with routine. It's why wives who get beaten by their husbands even over many years don't leave them. They are too used to the status quo and they fear change. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. It's how people are.
Since the tone of your response is ridicule and dismissal, I must conclude that I am right about this. I don't need to know everything about anyone to know that everyone finds unknown things that involve change uncomfortable. I understand.
You know, moral relativism doesn't equate with intelligence. Adaptation to a flawed system isn't as intelligent as changing to a better one.
It does if the change you propose is impractical and radical.
Change happens very slowly over time, and is only brought about by people who have gotten to the top of the system, not those that live outside it.