Like I said, she got pissed that I used the wrong kind of ruler to do the math problem. She started yelling at me, and I took the paper I worked on, calmly walked over to the trash, and threw it away. She then yelled at me again, and sent me outside. This was in Florida, where they had portable class rooms. Outside of it, was a large wasp nest. I couldn't leave...because that was a no no, and she wouldn't let me in.
If I chucked it, or coped a 'tude, then that would make sense...but I didnt.
Dont remember if I got stung or not...but it was tramatic. Probably why i'm afraid of bees now. That ____ing whore.
Then, she found out I couldn't tie my shoes, so she yelled at me for that. Then walked over to some teacher and told her that I didnt know how.
When we got back to class, she told the entire class I couldnt tie my shoes. "You get to the back of the room, and figure out HOW TO TIE YOUR SHOES."
She made fun of countless students. "HA! You forgot to carry the two! HAHAHA!" she told a student.
She also got called out by my parents one day during lunch, because she constantly told me I was going to fail 3rd grade. My parents got in her face, and she said I was not.
After lunch she told me she still had a headache from talking to my parents.
I also remember she was crying one day. Sobbing, hiding in the back of the room. I never felt happier. I dont care what happend. She looked distrought. And that pleased me so much. I wanted to call her a _____ on the last day of school.