OK...I'll say it...ENOUGH WITH THE JEDI!

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I think the Jedi-weary would simply like to see a better mix of lines in the releases. There's plenty of non-armor characters that SSC could be doing but they haven't yet.

I think most would like to see a nice alternating blend of releases, one month Jedi, next month Sith, next month Scum and Villainy, next month Heroes, etc.

That having been said, I'm not tired of the Jedis, as long as the releases are interesting and highly sought after fan picks -- I think Plo Koon is one of those.

Hopefully we'll be seeing some armored figures and debut of the Military line in the not-too-distant future.
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DarkArtist81 said:
I love the OT better than the PT, but still enjoy the great tapestry that is the Saga. My two favorite films are Empire and Sith,
Word. Though since I'm a little older (32 in a week and a half) I do have the good fortune of remembering seeing ANH during its original theatrical run. Due to the magic of that first film my "favorite of the saga" rotates between ESB, ROTS, and ANH (pretty much which ever one I'm watching at the time. ;))
alright i agree with some in the fact that im broke, and need to save money--so lets start with some other characters that i dont care about buying. im sticking to the Jedi and Sith lines so of course im excited everytime one of either line is announced.
Sith Lord 0498 said:
For the record, some of us aren't whining and crying about the Jedi. Personally, I feel it's time to see more variety of characters. Sideshow certainly got off to a great start with Jabba, Leia Boushh, and Bib Fortuna. But the SW universe goes far beyond just Jedi vs. Sith. The Heroes of the Rebellion line has been shortchanged thus far with only two figures where the Order of the Jedi line already has six figures (soon to be seven).

Believe it or not, there are some of us who would like to see more diversity in the line, and I highly doubt that expressing that opinion could be construed as "whining and crying"

And BTW, Salacious Crumb is part of an expansion pack, so I can't really see how you've included him as one of the main Scum and Villainy line.

Perhaps we are not the ones who need to get over ourselves. 'Nuff said.

WOW! Did you even put any thought into a single word you typed in this post? I NEVER said that everyone was whining about too many Jedi, that obviously isn't the case. But when threads like these are getting created (though the first post in this thread is far from whining), I just think it's a bit rediculous since the last Jedi announced was almost half a friggin year ago. Hell, we've had a LOTR 12" announced since the last Jedi to tell you how long ago it was.

I agree that the announcements and releases so far are Jedi heavy, you'd have to be blind to not. But there are some very good theories here (again they are all theories until someone from SS sets us straight) as to why. Trust me, you are not alone in wanting other characters from other lines. I've been dying for a Lando since Han was announced and am shocked that he hasn't been. I feel that the Hero line has been the most ignored since I feel it has the most potential. The Sith Line is very limited, and we already have seven Jedi. The Scum and Villiany line just got announced (though what a way to get it started). And I counted Salacious because he is a character that has to be purchased (he costs $30, more than half a regular 12") and I'm sure C3PO would have my back that he deserves to be counted as Scum and Villiany. Is anyone going to get Jabba and his throne and not get Salacious? I have more money in pre-orders for that line than I do in the Jedi (including those already released).

So take a moment, breathe, and relize that none of my posts are attacks (except those to Collector Freak), and I was just stating a very obvious fact that has to this point been over looked.
Ill just say that I too L O V E the lines as they are so far, B U T, I do wish there was more variety. I was geeked as hell to see the SDCC offerings. When you guys broke the news and I was hours away from gettin on a plain to actually go and see the Jabba(etc.), I HAD to get online at the airport and see them again! Plo is one of my favorites, but I do hope SS doesnt run out of Jedi. Having so many at this point takes a bit of excitement out of getting them b/c I already know what SS can do. Though that doesnt stop my excitement for them, it does dull it just a bit. I cant wait to see what's in store, but I was surprised that there would be a Jedi in the '07 lines this early. Like many have said, there are plenty of other humanoids that can be done, but lets keep our fingers crossed that diversity is on the horizon and the SDCC bunch was indeed the start.
Variety sounds nice when you say it, but for a collector, it might be even more frustrating.

Let's pretend that every figure Sideshow announced so far was for a different Episode in a very specific scene. We buy them. And we look at our collection and cannot take a single photo of any of them with each other... because they just don't belong. I'm talking about if they released Ep3 Anakin, Ep6 Luke, Ep4 Greedo (not to be confused with ep1 deleted scene greedo ... yes I AM a nerd), ep2 Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, etc etc. Then everyone would be griping about how they want their scenes to be completed and how it would take them 5 years to do so.

I trust the Sideshow peeps that they know what they're doing. And I have a strong feeling that after Plo Koon and maybe Ki-Adi Mundi... the Jedi will slow down a lot more. A LOT more... and they'll start putting out the more obscure but popular Jedi (like the ladies) but more sporadically. (just my guess)

Then we'll see a ton of OT characters with a sprinkle of prequel characters and all will be happy. And when the prequel fanatics come in and complain about all the OT stuff, we can just show them the early roster of toys and tell them to shove it. :lol
In the end it will all balance out. I want to see more figures from the others lines and I want badly to see Clones, Stormies, Sandtroopers, etc. I love the Jedi so I'm fine with those coming out. Patience it needed is what it all comes down to.
I'm sure that many fans will disagree, but the Prequel Trilogy didn't have anything like the impact of the Original trilogy - artistically, commercially or culturally. And I'm among those fans who prefers the OT and doesn't really like the PT. I'm not saying anyone has to agree with me, that's just my personal position. For that reason I'd like to see less figures like Plo Koon and Kit Fisto, at least initially, and more like Jedi Luke, that give me that kind of 'if only my ten year old self had had these toys' kind of buzz. More ANH, more ESB, get the legendary characters from the OT done first, then the main characters from the PT, then move on to secondary characters from the PT. But that's just my personal preference.
For the record, some of us aren't whining and crying about the Jedi. Personally, I feel it's time to see more variety of characters. Sideshow certainly got off to a great start with Jabba, Leia Boushh, and Bib Fortuna. But the SW universe goes far beyond just Jedi vs. Sith. The Heroes of the Rebellion line has been shortchanged thus far with only two figures where the Order of the Jedi line already has six figures (soon to be seven).

Its actually understandable why SS would choose Jedi Vs Sith, as they are
quickly and easily recognizable, both groups also play large roles in the Saga.
It boils down to patience, and when people create threads like this, its as if they are children whining and crying that they can't get the toys (they) want asap. The original poster was complaining about the lack of OT characters as priority, yet SS just released in quick succession Jabba, Leia Boushh and Bib Fortuna and the last Jedi announced was in March. I'm actually expecting alot more Jedi in the future, since its a vast array of them.
More diversity for some fans translate as their own personal preferrence in who they would like to see be made and once again its all about patience.
KitFisto said:
You call statements like "ENOUGH WITH THE JEDI" just expressing an opinon. To me it sounds like whining. There is a more constructive way to voice an opinion rather than to call for the end of figures many of us like and want more of. The title of this thread does sound like whining and complaining rather than a constructive thought.

How about requesting the other lines get stepped up and moving rather than asking for no more Jedi....a line for which I am very excited.

I never said "ENOUGH WITH THE JEDI" though. That was Magic Giraffe who started the thread. This is what I said:

I'd also like to see a hiatus on the Jedi (except for Yoda) and more Sith and armored figures (Clonetroopers, Fetts, etc).

I guess when I asked for a hiatus, that was too whiny and not constructive enough. Oh wait a second...yeah, I think I did ask for other lines to get stepped up and have Order of the Jedi put on the backburner for a little while.

I guess some people just don't fully read posts before shooting their mouths off. :rolleyes:

Darth Loki said:
WOW! Did you even put any thought into a single word you typed in this post? I NEVER said that everyone was whining about too many Jedi, that obviously isn't the case. But when threads like these are getting created (though the first post in this thread is far from whining), I just think it's a bit rediculous since the last Jedi announced was almost half a friggin year ago. Hell, we've had a LOTR 12" announced since the last Jedi to tell you how long ago it was.

I'll simply reply with a requote of your post, Darth Loki (with a few key phrases highlighted for emphasis...

Darth Loki said:

This is the first Jedi announcement since MARCH!!!!!! It's been almost half a year since the last Jedi was announced.

It just seems like a lot of Jedi are coming because we are starting to receive the Jedi that were ordered earlier in the year. So please stop the whining and crying about too many Jedi because we've had 2 Sith, 3 Scum and Viliany (counting Salacious, not counting the Throne), and a Hero since the last Jedi anouncement. Get over yourselves already.

Yeah, it sounds like you accused us of "whining", "crying", and "b**ching". So, yeah I did put some thought into my post.

Again, I'll repeat what I said above...

I guess some people just don't fully read posts before shooting their mouths off.

So please, get over yourself and let those of us with polite, rational opinions have our chance to speak as well. Thank you.
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Honestly I could go for some more baddies but don't mind the Jedi. Although I do agree with Sith Lord, armoured figures would be pretty cool right about now!
I for one am really happy with SS's SW line. My only downer (and I cant really call it that as all good things come to those who wait :monkey5 ) is living in the EU, You guys are getting figures nearly a month before me.

Having read through ALL of the posts in this thread, I can understand and appreciate everyone's wishes for less Jedi or more military etc.

I beleive SS has it all in hand and will no doubt try to make all they can to do with the SW universe.

Looking at the sculpters, Andy and Mat seem to be dealing with the Human characters with Oluf and Tim mixing it up with Alien figures (Forgot that Brian is Responsible for Jabba so thats another person on board) My point being these guys will probably have a list of characters to be cracking on with so we shouldn't really worry too much. Im guessing the coming year will be full of suprises that will have all of us happy campers.

Just wait till they announce the 1/6 scale Hoth Wampa and Bantha

:chew :chew :chew :chew
airbond2 said:
I'm sure that many fans will disagree, but the Prequel Trilogy didn't have anything like the impact of the Original trilogy - artistically, commercially or culturally. And I'm among those fans who prefers the OT and doesn't really like the PT. I'm not saying anyone has to agree with me, that's just my personal position. For that reason I'd like to see less figures like Plo Koon and Kit Fisto, at least initially, and more like Jedi Luke, that give me that kind of 'if only my ten year old self had had these toys' kind of buzz. More ANH, more ESB, get the legendary characters from the OT done first, then the main characters from the PT, then move on to secondary characters from the PT. But that's just my personal preference.

No, I think MOST fans will agree with you about the impact of the Original Trilogy. And while deep down inside, I'd love for them to just make OT figures, a part of me doesn't mind the prequel stuff either (though the movies were really really really bad).

From a business point of view, Sideshow is really smart to be a little prequel heavy right now while Ep3 is still fresh in our memory (for better or worse). They know that OT stuff will fly through the roof regardless. But if they gave us a ton of OT stuff now, would any of us open up our already struggling wallets for prequel toys later? Not as likely.

So giving us all the prequel stuff early on is pretty wise. Get us while we want to spend the dough. Get us when we don't know any better. hehe
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Sith Lord 0498 said:
I never said "ENOUGH WITH THE JEDI" though. That was Magic Giraffe who started the thread. This is what I said:

I'd also like to see a hiatus on the Jedi (except for Yoda) and more Sith and armored figures (Clonetroopers, Fetts, etc).

I guess when I asked for a hiatus, that was too whiny and not constructive enough. Oh wait a second...yeah, I think I did ask for other lines to get stepped up and have Order of the Jedi put on the backburner for a little while.

I guess some people just don't fully read posts before shooting their mouths off. :rolleyes:

I'll simply reply with a requote of your post, Darth Loki (with a few key phrases highlighted for emphasis...

Yeah, it sounds like you accused us of "whining", "crying", and "b**ching". So, yeah I did put some thought into my post.

Again, I'll repeat what I said above...

I guess some people just don't fully read posts before shooting their mouths off.

So please, get over yourself and let those of us with polite, rational opinions have our chance to speak as well. Thank you.

Do you not see the irony in your post?

I also made my post around 3 in the morning so maybe I wasn't using the best choice of words but I stand by them.

I don't think we need a hiatus from Jedi, I think we need more of a balance. It does appear that is happening if you look over the past 6 months. Don't forget Padme will most likely be in the Hero line as well.

And trust me, I've gotten over myself twice already today :eek:
DekeStarkiller said:
I just feel that there is a bit of a gap between younger fans and older fans. Me being older I am more interested in OT (and I am not a purist, I love the PT almost as much as the OT) figures where as younger guys may really be into PT Jedis and such.

How are defining older and younger fans? I'm really not knowledgeable about the ages of folks on this board.

I tend to assume everyone's around my age (35) until they mention that they're still in school, or that they didn't see Star Wars in the theater until the '97 re-release. Or they mention their grandkids, but that doesn't happen often that I can remember.
I for one would be more than happy if we got a new Jedi every 3-4 announcements. I love them! I don't want many troopers or especially not Cantina or Jabba's Palace stuff. But Jedi? Every last one of them!

But that's just me. I think other people should get what they want too.
I think the best mix a year would be too do it like this:
3-4 Jedi (includes hopefully OT Ben Luke Yoda)
2 Sith
3-4 HOTR
2 S&V
4 Troopers (We need 1 Rebel 1 Imperial 2 Clones a year for 6 years)
1 big item every other year
2 accessory sets
CookieMonster said:
Looking at the sculpters, Andy and Mat seem to be dealing with the Human characters with Oluf and Tim mixing it up with Alien figures (Forgot that Brian is Responsible for Jabba so thats another person on board)

After seeing Trevor's sculpt for Ilum Padme, I'd certainly like to see him tackle other human characters, specifically females (Padme, Leia, Mara Jade, etc.) Of course, Andy's contributions would always be welcomed as his sculpts are generally superior work. A true talent!! :)

Darth Loki said:
Do you not see the irony in your post?

I'm sorry, but no I don't see any irony in my post. :confused:

Explain, please?