Burning would be nice because she could watch him go first, knowing full well what she's in for.
As for rape culture, I assume she means that this is everyone's fault, just like every time a woman is raped. I remember in the early 80's, a 2 year old in Auburn, Maine was stuffed in an oven by her parents and her 5 year old brother was made to watch. They thought she was possessed by Satan. God told them to do it. I guess that was a result of our God culture, huh? Or maybe our kitchen appliance culture.
I can't tell. Maybe I should ask an enlightened post-modern journalist.
My exact thoughts every time I go out on the street or watch the newsDisgusting ****ing animals. Death would be too good for them.
Crucification. Slow, extremely painful and humiliating. Drag them outside and nail him to a tree. She watches, and only when he is dead is it her turn.
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How is it almost understandable?Wow. Just wow. I really wonder how this could have happened. I mean its almost understandable that the guy could be so sick as to want to rape a baby but how could a mom even allow that?!
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And you're right, its pure evil. Its hard to even conceive of something so monstrous.
Burn them both at the stake.
And what the hell is "our rape culture"?
This is something that I thought only happens in a movie like A serbian Film...