Lets examine the repercussions of the two.
Yeah.. let's do that. But let's do it realistically. Ok?
The first, a talented sculptor makes a sculpt of let's say Jim Carey. [From Ace Ventura]
Let's also say this is without first obtaining permission from Jim Carrey to reproduce his likeness and permission from the studio that owns the rights to Ace Ventura to reproduce that characters likeness.
He spends a week or two agonizing over the likeness and expression
Manual labor is "Agonizing". Making sculptures in your spare time is anything but.
you can figure out that if he was being paid an hourly rate to do so it would add up quickly.
But you can also figure out that people don't get paid an hourly wage for stuff they do on their own spare time. When I put together my brother's furniture from IKEA back in the day you can imagine if I was being paid an hourly rate to do so it would've added up quickly too. Or when people clean their houses, if they were being paid an hourly rate to do so it would add up quickly as well. In other words, it's irrelevant
He makes a mold of it and starts selling copies.
Sells them at 40 bucks a piece.
The studio that owns the rights to the ace Ventura character is potentially getting robbed of something like 1,000 dollars! That will surely put a dent in the profits of a major movie studio.
You do realize this is the same asinine argument shoplifters use to justify stealing from big stores, right?
Now the re-casters: A guy buys one of those 40 dollar heads and some mold rubber and without the investment of skill or labor he starts selling copies for 25 bucks on ebay.
So the recaster takes a shortcut i.e. they find a way to to profit from something illegally without taking the proper steps to legally do it. Guess who else takes a shortcut and finds a way to to profit from something illegally without taking the proper steps to legally do it? Yeah, customizers.
Who loses out!? The same people in both of your examples:
Jim Carrey
Because he's not getting paid a single cent while two different people (customizer AND recaster) illegally make money off his likeness.
The studio that owns the rights to the Ace Ventura character
Because they're not getting paid a single cent while two different people (customizer AND recaster) illegally make money off the character they own.
The sculptor that put a few weeks of his time and talent into the original is completely undercut. The re-caster does not care about any of this, they just see an opportunity for profit with little personal investment of skill or time and jump on it.
The creators of Ace Ventura, the film makers and Jim Carrey that put more than a few weeks of their time and talent into the creation of a character are completely undercut. The customizer does not care about any of this, they just see an opportunity for profit with little personal investment of money or time to properly go about obtaining a license and the rights to produce a legit item and jump on it.
A community that supports private selling of a few head-sculpts to make customs that doesn't find anything wrong with recasting those head-sculpts will find that eventually the really talented folks will not continue producing those sculptures.
This community (myself included) whole heartedly supports independent customizers and the stuff they produce. There isn't a single person in this thread saying customizers should stop making and selling stuff.
What's being said is simple: If you're hustling then don't complain when you get hustled yourself. Period.