Petition for Hot Toys to finish "their" Watchmen line.

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I know its probably neither here or nor there or spilled milk at this point but I've wondered, if the two that have been released would have sold better with a Rorschach announcement or if he had been released first? I'd imagine for a lot of people who may not have been interested in Silk Spectre or Comedian that they would have bought him and possibly only him. At the time I would have thought that a Rorschach would have sold two times more than the other two. I also wonder if they announced a Rorschach, how many would go hunt down the other two. The decision making on Hot Toys' end had got to be tricky. I've been watching the thread on the Kevin Flynn figure and so many people are on the fence saying they'd get him if they were sure to get a couple other characters, but on Hot Toys end that might not translate into enough preorders to justify working on any more. On the other hand if they announced a Clu or Quorra it might result in a spike in Kevin Flynn order or not. I know I'd pull the trigger today if I knew there would be a couple of other characters. Someone may buy more confidently an Iron Man figure because they know they will get what they want to display with it.

I was thinking the EXACT same thing earlier today! I saw a retailer only had one silk spectre left and I thought... should I buy it? Immediately afterwards I thought... I'd definitely buy her if they made a rorsarch. I bought Kevin Flynn because I'm almost positive there will be a Sam in Light Disc Battle suit... *i hope*... Kevin is now sold out at Sideshow.. hopefully this bodes well for future tron figures. I think the sales strategy with Watchmen was definitely botched.
Since we're on the subject and you clearly hold grammatical correctness near and dear to your heart, let us examine the bolded statement above. Notice the overuse and dare I say abuse of the comma, one of my personal favorite punctuation marks. The fragment highlighted illustrates a common occurrence amongst novice writers, so I hold no grudge. But please, do your part and let us all pitch in the effort to reduce Comma Trauma! :1-1:


Yep. There should not be any commas before "and" or "or".
Since we're on the subject aur nd you clearly hold grammatical correctness near and dear to your heart, let us examine the bolded statement above. Notice the overuse and dare I say abuse of the comma, one of my personal favorite punctuation marks. The fragment highlighted illustrates a common occurrence amongst novice writers, so I hold no grudge. But please, do your part and let us all pitch in the effort to reduce Comma Trauma! :1-1:

Sorry to disappoint, but this "novice writer" has five published books under his belt, four of which can currently be purchased at the Smithsonian. My editor does delete some of my commas, it must be confessed.


When to Use a Comma before "And"

Two specific situations call for the use of a comma before "and." The first is created when we have three or more items in a series. This mark of punctuation is called the serial comma.


Yep. There should not be any commas before "and" or "or".


See above.
It was a bit of a clunky sentence. For example I have always approached lists as needing each item in them, if taken on their own, to make sense; as such "If a writer constantly uses lack of punctuation..." sits uneasily with me since "uses" implies actively engaging with something and the use of the word "lack" to immediately follow suggests that there is nothing to be engaged...but I'm splitting hairs. I find it funny that people still seem to think that there are indisputable grammatical laws out there in the universe - hell, the NY Times has a letters section devoted entirely to pointing out journalists'/sub-editors' mistakes (or defending them, as the case may be).

I'd argue as well that the error is indeed one of spelling and not grammar. A grammatical error would be if the sentence was incorrectly structured. As it stands, the word that was used in that context was spelled incorrectly.

(And now please let the debated over "spelled" vs "spelt" begin)

Edited to add two things:
1. I think that I created possibly one of the most clunky sentences ever in order to describe what I felt was a clunky sentence. And I have no faith that I have used that semi colon correctly.

2. It's clear that this thread is why Hot Toys stopped making Watchmen figures. They saw the title, and thanks to a rogue fleck of dirt on their screens read it as "Petition for Hot Toys to finish there. Watchman line" and obviously thought people were asking them to stop right where things were.
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Sorry to disappoint, but this "novice writer" has five published books under his belt, four of which can currently be purchased at the Smithsonian. My editor does delete some of my commas, it must be confessed.

Congratulations on such a stellar, star-studded resume. Grab a coke and give your accomplished self a pat on the back, you deserve it! :clap

However, like you so eloquently mentioned, grammatical sins are serious business....particularly in a toy forum. I understand where you're coming from, you can't let things like this slide. A misused 'there' here, an inappropriate conjugation there, then what? Using an apostrophe to pluralize a proper noun?! It'll be anarchy! You were simply doing the great visitors of this forum a courtesy really, I get it. But just as you are clearly passionate about the non-use of possessive pronouns, I equally can't stand the abuse of comma's. So I, like you, called it like I saw it. Novice.

Like the above poster mentioned, if this thread was started by somebody who wasn't a "kid" or a "fool" as you called it, we may very well have had our Rorschach. If only we had ourselves a Smithsonian worthy author to start this thread with a grammatically correct title. Darn. :monkey2
We should just close the thread Hot Toys isnt going to make any more of this line... They got bigger fish to fry like anther 50 figures form Ironman 2... Plus Hot Toys needs all the time in the world to finish there Avatar figures almost 2 years and no Proto pics... What about the DX Superman??? See what I mean this line is dead... :lol:lol:lol:gah:
We should just close the thread Hot Toys isnt going to make any more of this line... They got bigger fish to fry like anther 50 figures form Ironman 2... Plus Hot Toys needs all the time in the world to finish there Avatar figures almost 2 years and no Proto pics... What about the DX Superman??? See what I mean this line is dead... :lol:lol:lol:gah:

Didn't they show a Navi prototype a while back?

::: puts Com and AEG on ignore :::

AEG: Automatic Electric Gun (airsoft). Was talking about one of our magazine reviews. :lol
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

What can i say, i type on here like i would text on my phone,if you don't like it that's your problem ....however i will fix the title just to keep you little spelling bee babies happy.

You know I was kidding right? :)
But I did laugh when I saw your amended title. Never have a set of inverted commas meant so much!!