Petition for Hot Toys to finish "their" Watchmen line.

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Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Yes! Please finish this, Hot Toys!
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Could someone please fix the spelling mistake in this thread title? :slap
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Yes please point out this spelling mistake that i apparently made.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Yes, it is spelling errors on a interwebnets toy board that kept Hot Toys from making any more Watchmen figure.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

The word "there" should be spelled "their."

..if this thread really is pointless then why should people care about the title spelling?

there/their ..people get "there" panties in a twist over nothing!:cuckoo:
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I have been coming in here from time to time to show my support and give the thread a bump. Every single time I see the title I go "noooooooo" it's their not there!

:) and I don't wear panties....
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Have people nothing better to do then point put spelling mistakes on the internet?:dunno ...just enjoy the frikkin hobby:slap
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

That's frikkin with a g. C'mon Cal pay more attention to your spelling.

Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

That's frikkin with a g. C'mon Cal pay more attention to your spelling.


What can i say, i type on here like i would text on my phone,if you don't like it that's your problem ....however i will fix the title just to keep you little spelling bee babies happy.
I would totally jump on a $400 set with Rorschach & Nite Owl and/or Ozymandias (you need a villain after all.)
Yes that is correct. It is not a spelling error, it's a grammatical error. The terms "there", "their" and "they're" are often incorrectly placed during standard internet speak. About 73% if I'm not mistaken but then again 46% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I would buy a convention exclusive for any of the remaining team. Time isn't really a factor as we've seen Batman Begins figures far after that license was thought to be done its more profitability. The first two didn't sell that well, that is what makes it less than stellar in terms of chances.
I know its probably neither here or nor there or spilled milk at this point but I've wondered, if the two that have been released would have sold better with a Rorschach announcement or if he had been released first? I'd imagine for a lot of people who may not have been interested in Silk Spectre or Comedian that they would have bought him and possibly only him. At the time I would have thought that a Rorschach would have sold two times more than the other two. I also wonder if they announced a Rorschach, how many would go hunt down the other two. The decision making on Hot Toys' end had got to be tricky. I've been watching the thread on the Kevin Flynn figure and so many people are on the fence saying they'd get him if they were sure to get a couple other characters, but on Hot Toys end that might not translate into enough preorders to justify working on any more. On the other hand if they announced a Clu or Quorra it might result in a spike in Kevin Flynn order or not. I know I'd pull the trigger today if I knew there would be a couple of other characters. Someone may buy more confidently an Iron Man figure because they know they will get what they want to display with it.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Have people nothing better to do then point put spelling mistakes on the internet?:dunno ...just enjoy the frikkin hobby:slap


This is a part of the internet's meaning dude. Just accept it as is.
Here's my take on grammatical errors:

Anyone can make a mistake. But if a poster constantly uses bad grammar, lack of punctuation, or continually uses a lowercase "i" when writing about themselves, I write them off as either kids or fools, and their arguments hold no weight for me. Language is the apotheosis of western culture. Guard it well, while you LOL.

If you don't care how you type, why should I care what you say?
Here's my take on grammatical errors:

Anyone can make a mistake. But if a poster constantly uses bad grammar, lack of punctuation, or continually uses a lowercase "i" when writing about themselves, I write them off as either kids or fools, and their arguments hold no weight for me. Language is the apotheosis of western culture. Guard it well, while you LOL.

If you don't care how you type, why should I care what you say?

Since we're on the subject and you clearly hold grammatical correctness near and dear to your heart, let us examine the bolded statement above. Notice the overuse and dare I say abuse of the comma, one of my personal favorite punctuation marks. The fragment highlighted illustrates a common occurrence amongst novice writers, so I hold no grudge. But please, do your part and let us all pitch in the effort to reduce Comma Trauma! :1-1: