Hmmmm interesting. I'm actually thinking I'm going to go the cargo route and then remove one of the pockets. Can't be too tough.
This Triad outfit comes with both the shirt and pants.
Hmmmm interesting. I'm actually thinking I'm going to go the cargo route and then remove one of the pockets. Can't be too tough.
what kind of pants do guys you think you're going with? I haven't been able to pin down a set that I really like yet. Ideally I think I'd wanna try and grab a HT sarah connor set as I think they'd fit tightly and look really good because of that.
Thanks. Did yoiu win the recent auction on ebay for the boots?
I've still got the head, shirt and some weapons coming. Still haven't decided on the pants yet, though, which ones did you get?
I used Sarah connor pants on mine, copycats! nah, they are a great fit though they aren't pure black, I dyed mine. Look perfect now.
I got my 2 headplay sculpts in today. Very nice! Though just a touch on the small side unfortunately. Just a touch though. I think the likeness is helped a lot when he has glasses on as well.
Pics of the head on my Reloaded Neo to come!