If there's a sixth film with Davy returning, they might.
A sixth film with Jones would be interesting, much to explain for that, how is he brought back, is the Kraken back too, how will he travel if the Dutchman is a normal ship now, etc.
You also have to be careful not to let the film be almost a repeat of DMC either, as I would imagine the general plot would be similar, Davy chasing after Jack with Jack seeking a way to save his ass.
I'd love to see a concept like the hunt for the fountain of youth used with a more worldly scope. When the early news of On Strange Tides carrying on the search for the Fountain came out, I was excited, imagining a film about tracking down clues and hunting it down, kinda like an Indiana Jones or National Treasure type film, with multiple groups seeking it, having to travel to numerous locations, battles in between, so the final film was a bit of a let down that they basically all somehow knew what island to race to and even on the island, they didn't cross paths until the end.
This movie actually came close, you had Barbossa/Salazaar on one ship, the British on another, and Jack's ship all seeking out something they didn't know exactly how to get to, there just wasn't as much conflict between them. I'd like to see something where like after a battle, someone's ship is incapacitated enough where the others continue on, then they shore the ship, make repairs, maybe even some enhancements, then back to battle and taking an upper hand or something, like mixing Wrath of Khan with Indiana Jones at sea.