Bo Shrek
Super Freak
Looking forward to the blu ray release myself!!
Who needs blu-rays anymore when all the extras are online?
Just picked up my BR, don’t care for the steelbook art at Best Buy so I went to Target for the 4K/BR/Digital version because they have additional behind the scenes of the bank heist.
I'm guessing the 3D for this film was pretty awesome in theaters?
Region Free import since Disney hates its US customers.
Thanks. That'll play fine on regular US 3D blu players?
They act like there isn't enough profit to justify a 3D release at home for their first party titles even though their pocket studios of Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm DO release 3D blu-rays and almost always sell out.
Ironically though I actually think that the cinematography of Rogue One favors the 2D format and have only watched it once in 3D at home. But I imagine that Pirates would be awesome in 3D though I didn't actually see it that way in theaters.
Never actually watched Rogue One in anything but 3D, might have to slum it one night and watch the 2D.![]()
The X-Wings dive bombing the Shield Gate did look great in 3D but the cameras and lens filters they used created such beautiful cinematography that the natural distortion inherent with even good 3D is actually a noticeable downgrade IMO. I'm a bit biased though since my very first viewing was watching it projected in 2D from live 15/70 film stock onto a true IMAX screen. Plus it fits so well with the theatrical OT that I find 2D to be preferable just for further consistency across all four films.
TFA I absolutely prefer in 3D though.