Planet of the Apes - movies and TV show General discussion

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Well, I'm happy in the old megathread. Old habits die hard, and yes sometimes I forget there is another world out there, but I was freaked out that the place I had called my second home was going to be locked. The megathread is full of inspiration for me, and is frequented by a nice group of simians I am very proud to call my friends.
I sometimes forget that there are other lurkers about. But you know something? The apes that frequent the megathread are part of my family. When they have not chimed in for some time, I think about them and wonder what they are up to.
Can there be a single thread for all this Ape talk, I'm losing my mind jumping all over the place. I need a happy home!!!!

I agree. I hate jumping all over like this. :(

That was the whole idea here guys. Not a single thread, but a whole APES forum broken down into sections so you could go directly to the topic/conversation you were looking for.
So a Forum would only create a sense of organization? Perhaps 12" ape customs in one section, custom ape accessories in another, talk of new ape products in another, talk about ape movies in another, etc?

Does anyone know why Darklord Dave can't do this for us? Is it a matter of time for him? Perhaps available space on on this website? What gives? I don't understand why this can't happen.

Wouldn't a Forum be much easier to locate for NEW visitors as well when visiting this Sideshow Freaks Website?
Does anyone know why Darklord Dave can't do this for us? Is it a matter of time for him? Perhaps available space on on this website? What gives? I don't understand why this can't happen.

It not matter of time but of taste. He has never been a big fan of POTA. So no POTA forum. Apparently it's that simple. However he is a fan of Joss Whedon (as am I)... therefore there is a forum section for them regardless if Sideshow is even making anything anymore... or if it has much activity there. :banghead:banghead:banghead
But the switch is a mistake in my opinion.

In the first film, according to the cave scene at the end of the film, apes arose from an alternative evolutionary path... spanning centuries after the destruction of the Earth by man. Cornelius describes an era of caveman like-carnivorous gorillas. Humans that grow from this evolutionary path stay beasts... both primal and mute. So the treatment of humans by civilized apes is understandable. It is not oppression the apes practice... no bigotry involved here but animal control. Humans are hunted because they are destroying the ape crops. In the first film, the apes are not the bad guys... and Zaius is trying to keep his people innocent and pure. Like dinosaurs and cavemn before them, intelligent Humans and Civilzed Apes do not share a common place in time... they are separated by centuries.

But the successive films change that path. Escape introduces the new idea (through that insanely improbable time travel plot twist) both intelligent human and apes will share a common time. This sets up an unfortunate scenerio where one group MUST oppress the other to create drama. First it is the human who become demonized in Conquest... creating a race of people deserving conquest.

But by the TV series, Apes are now the demons. Reduced to simplistic terms, the apes are now the oppressor... waging bigotry against humans that have capability of speech and are clearly intelligent.

Something is lost in this translation in my opinion.

My take on this has always been (other than this being a simple plot hole caused by later screenwriters not really paying close enough attention to the first flick) is the "carnivorous gorilla" stage was either Cornelius misinterpreting his finds or else some sort of offshoot or survivor group that wasn't part of the society that became Ape City.

And of course, the apes always knew the truth about humanity, but kept it secret from everyone except a few high level types- Dr. Zaius being one of them.

As Zaius says, all his life he awaited Taylor's coming and dreaded it. He somehow knew the whole story from the beginning, including that humanity had once had a civilization superior to the apes'.

So, for me, all that "animal control" jazz is oppression because it's just a smokescreen to cover up the ape government's true purpose- preventing humans from reacquiring technology and destroying them, or some sort of misguided attempt to prevent Taylor from reinstituting human civilization. Or, alternately, pushing the Alpha/Omega button. Due to the alteration of the timeline in the later (chronologically earlier) films, we can't be too sure what exactly it is Zaius feared so much.

And also the apes' treatment of humans is punishment for having kept them as slaves. To the ape population in general, the humans are just animals. But to apes like Zaius, they are former rivals and enemies who could be that again.

Zaius is the ultimate hypocrite in some ways, but also a desperate creature with complex and somewhat conflicting motivations because of his foreknowledge of a terrible fate awaiting them all. And yet he still plays into Ursus' hands and helps precipitate the final disaster despite this knowledge.

In fact, if he had chilled out, apes might have lost their supremacy but the earth would've continued to spin through space for eons.

Too bad, Zaius! You screwed up, pal.

EDIT: About two minutes ago, I had another thought. Perhaps Zaius wasn't reacting to any Sacred Scrolls prophecies of Taylor's arrival, but rather to his own inference from his insider's knowledge of ape society's true origins that sooner or later, a human would appear with the power of speech, signaling the end of ape supremacy. Maybe that's the implication of his private argument with Taylor after Taylor's trial.

Either way, I think Zaius had multiple motivations, some positive and even noble in a certain light, and many others overly reactionary and paranoid. And in the end, the paranoia won out and he foolishly went to war with Ursus.
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Eversince Fox ran channel of the Apes around Thanksgiving, I have been fixed on watching the POTA TV series again. I know many don't like the TV series but I really dig it. While watching them something struck out ot me that had not in the past. If you watch the movies, many of the background ape actors are wearing pull over mask due to keeping the budget low. In the TV series, the majority of the back ground Apes do not wear the pull over masks. They are made up just as well as the major actors with a lot of screen time. It is too bad the series was cut short. I would love to see a made for TV movie to revisit the TV series and see Burke and Virdon escape and be able to return home again.
So a Forum would only create a sense of organization? Perhaps 12" ape customs in one section, custom ape accessories in another, talk of new ape products in another, talk about ape movies in another, etc?

Does anyone know why Darklord Dave can't do this for us? Is it a matter of time for him? Perhaps available space on on this website? What gives? I don't understand why this can't happen.

Wouldn't a Forum be much easier to locate for NEW visitors as well when visiting this Sideshow Freaks Website?

If you go over to the link I provided a few posts back I broke it down into possible sections. LMK what you think.

Dave has never been a real big fan of POTA or me, so no forum, yet other less produced lines still have or get them.

And, yes, the idea was to make it easier for new visitors to find a section that might interest them and hopefully migrate into the fold.
Eversince Fox ran channel of the Apes around Thanksgiving, I have been fixed on watching the POTA TV series again. I know many don't like the TV series but I really dig it. While watching them something struck out ot me that had not in the past. If you watch the movies, many of the background ape actors are wearing pull over mask due to keeping the budget low. In the TV series, the majority of the back ground Apes do not wear the pull over masks. They are made up just as well as the major actors with a lot of screen time. It is too bad the series was cut short. I would love to see a made for TV movie to revisit the TV series and see Burke and Virdon escape and be able to return home again.

Somebody had brought up this very question on the Apes Yahoo group, but I just lurk there. You hit the nail on the spot, Dr. Zaius. The TV series are one of my guilty pleasures, bad acting and all that. I just love Roddy McDowall and need to hear his voice once in awhile. Anyway, even though the budget was quite low on the tv series, you never see any pullover masks.

What I noticed though is that the female chimps have facial hair under their muzzles, unlike the movie series. You would think it would look bad but it does not at all. I believe in the movies, they did not put hair underneath Zira's chin to make her more feminine. Anyway, I would take more facial hair over unpainted human skin. (I'm going to be painting my neck when I get made up. OH I CAN'T WAIT!! :banana:banana:banana) I noticed this while studying the costumes to make Burke and Virdon's outfits for some of you apes.
I think the size of the megathread is quite daunting for any newcomers. It would be cool for some of the apes subjects to be broken down into some sections but I still love the megathread.

Oh...and regarding the TV series, my eldest says he loves to watch it because of what the astronauts teach the apes. I never thought of that. I only watch it because of Galen. What I hate about the TV series is that the apes are dumbed down a lot. Kind of sucks, but that's what happens when you cater the TV series for children.
Re: Planet of the Apes - TV series

Yet, under hypnosis, Zira in "Escape from the Planet of the Apes" is asked the date on the spaceship she was flying in (yeah, chimps can fly, right) when the she sees the Earth destroyed and she says "thirty nine fifty.... something".

When she said this, she was drunk on grape juice plus.
Somebody had brought up this very question on the Apes Yahoo group, but I just lurk there. You hit the nail on the spot, Dr. Zaius. The TV series are one of my guilty pleasures, bad acting and all that. I just love Roddy McDowall and need to hear his voice once in awhile. Anyway, even though the budget was quite low on the tv series, you never see any pullover masks.

What I noticed though is that the female chimps have facial hair under their muzzles, unlike the movie series. You would think it would look bad but it does not at all. I believe in the movies, they did not put hair underneath Zira's chin to make her more feminine. Anyway, I would take more facial hair over unpainted human skin. (I'm going to be painting my neck when I get made up. OH I CAN'T WAIT!! :banana:banana:banana) I noticed this while studying the costumes to make Burke and Virdon's outfits for some of you apes.
The thing I noticed about the female chimp makeup is that compared to the male chimps, the cheek bones are wider, nose is smaller, the muzzle is also smaller, and the brow ridge is less prominent, but still more so then in the average human female. They pulled every notable difference between males and females out in order to make them appear feminine, and it worked perfectly even with all the facial hair!
Maybe the hair under the chin is used to hide the edge of the makeup, perhaps because they improved the makeup to be more expressive or just cut a few corners?
Still, I just wish they also made female Orangutans and Gorillas because it seems incredibly odd without them.
The thing I noticed about the female chimp makeup is that compared to the male chimps, the cheek bones are wider, nose is smaller, the muzzle is also smaller, and the brow ridge is less prominent, but still more so then in the average human female. They pulled every notable difference between males and females out in order to make them appear feminine, and it worked perfectly even with all the facial hair!
Maybe the hair under the chin is used to hide the edge of the makeup, perhaps because they improved the makeup to be more expressive or just cut a few corners?
Still, I just wish they also made female Orangutans and Gorillas because it seems incredibly odd without them.

I really would have loved to have seen female orangutans and gorillas!! I'm still waiting for Verne Langdon to see if they ever made female gorillas in the church scene. Probably not, but Verne was there working at makeup lab.
Somebody had brought up this very question on the Apes Yahoo group, but I just lurk there. You hit the nail on the spot, Dr. Zaius. The TV series are one of my guilty pleasures, bad acting and all that. I just love Roddy McDowall and need to hear his voice once in awhile. Anyway, even though the budget was quite low on the tv series, you never see any pullover masks.

What I noticed though is that the female chimps have facial hair under their muzzles, unlike the movie series. You would think it would look bad but it does not at all. I believe in the movies, they did not put hair underneath Zira's chin to make her more feminine. Anyway, I would take more facial hair over unpainted human skin. (I'm going to be painting my neck when I get made up. OH I CAN'T WAIT!! :banana:banana:banana) I noticed this while studying the costumes to make Burke and Virdon's outfits for some of you apes.

I never realized that Jess! That is interesting! I can't wait to see you made up as Zira also. Didn't you get the appliance off of Apemania?