Playstation 3 Thread

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who here is getting force unleashed for the PS3?? i decided to get it for the PS3 because the last game i bought for it was metal gear. anyone playing call of duty 4???
who here is getting force unleashed for the PS3?? i decided to get it for the PS3 because the last game i bought for it was metal gear. anyone playing call of duty 4???

Im getting it for the 360, mainly cause Im still having problems download game updates and dont wanna have problems with it down the line.
I have never had major problems with my 360, but tonight I tried to turn on my PS3 and got this message:

tomandshell's PS3 said:
The hard disk's file system is corrupted and will be restored.

When I click the button to continue, it does a restore/restart and ends up at the same error message over and over and over again. Dead as a doornail.

Looks like this is the PS3 version of the Red Ring of Death. Anybody know about the warranty on the PS3? Or does anybody want to buy a whole bunch of Blu-ray movies now that I no longer have a player?
tomandshell's PS3 said:
The hard disk's file system is corrupted and will be restored.

Oh my god! Sucks man!!

I don't know why, but maybe the funniest quote I've seen!! I think it's the "originally posted by" part.

It has been reported before and I think you can send it in for that. The PS3 warranty is good for one year. But definitely call the number on the box to see what they say before going all "Office Space" on it man!


If you are done with it, I'll have cash on Friday to buy some Blu-Rays!!
this appeared
"The hard disk's file system is corrupted and will be restored" :monkey4

and guess what else....... i cant play metal gear online anymore because im starting to lag now!!! WTF?! i played 2 months of metal gear online and boom! im sick laggin! i dont lag in COD4, GTA4, only MGO!!! any of you guys know how to fix this?:monkey2 good god i hope i dont lag when socom comes out
I have never had major problems with my 360, but tonight I tried to turn on my PS3 and got this message:...

When I click the button to continue, it does a restore/restart and ends up at the same error message over and over and over again. Dead as a doornail.

Looks like this is the PS3 version of the Red Ring of Death. Anybody know about the warranty on the PS3? Or does anybody want to buy a whole bunch of Blu-ray movies now that I no longer have a player?

I don't know if I'd call that the RRoD if it's just a HD problem. The PS3's hard drive is easily accessed on the left side of the system (left when looking from the front). There is a little door that lets you get at your hard drive without having to take the beast apart.

When you get the HD off, you can connect it to a computer to run diagnostics, and try to fix it, or you can just go to the store and buy a new hard drive. Not the ideal situation, I'm sorry, but you should be able to find a replacement 2.5" hard drive in the $50-$100 range.

The warranty lasts a year and I've heard things both good and bad about Sony's tech support. My experience, as I've whined about on this board previously, has been terrible. I had a dead PS3 for a couple weeks before they would finally let me send it in, then they returned it to me without fixing it. I had to beg and plead with them to take it back again until they exchanged it. :banghead

Good luck man.
My experience with a PS3 repair was alright. Considering most of my frustration was caused by not having my PS3 for 2-3 weeks, they did a good job servicing the unit.
My experience with a PS3 repair was alright. Considering most of my frustration was caused by not having my PS3 for 2-3 weeks, they did a good job servicing the unit.

that's good news, however i'm pretty much screwed if mine ever died. i have the 60gb version...but i upgraded the drive to a 250gb.
~~i know this sounds really lame, but i was cleaning and realized just how sleek and sexy the PS3 looks compared to the 360.
does anyone else appreciate this aspect of the system?? the slim, slot loading drive also adds a nice finish to the system that says "high end"
this appeared
"The hard disk's file system is corrupted and will be restored" :monkey4

and guess what else....... i cant play metal gear online anymore because im starting to lag now!!! WTF?! i played 2 months of metal gear online and boom! im sick laggin! i dont lag in COD4, GTA4, only MGO!!! any of you guys know how to fix this?:monkey2 good god i hope i dont lag when socom comes out

It's amazing that it happened to both of us within a few days! Hadn't heard of that message before and now it hits twice.

Mine was out of warranty, so I have ordered a replacement hard drive from Amazon. Doesn't look like it will be too hard to replace. Still a bummer, as I will have lost all of my downloads, saved game files, etc.
Awesome! Thanks for the heads up! Glad this showed up during my trial month of Prime. :rock

edit: Looks like Ratchet and Clank is next. Devil May Cry is coming up as well.
that's good news, however i'm pretty much screwed if mine ever died. i have the 60gb version...but i upgraded the drive to a 250gb.
~~i know this sounds really lame, but i was cleaning and realized just how sleek and sexy the PS3 looks compared to the 360.
does anyone else appreciate this aspect of the system?? the slim, slot loading drive also adds a nice finish to the system that says "high end"

Sounds almost like your in love with the system, more then just a gamer love :naughty

But yeah, I like the disk slot alot better then the 360 one....also like the power button on it as well.