Playstation 3 Thread

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I'm standing by my word as people don't care for their consoles as they should. That and the fact that certain companies such as microsoft put a console out before major glitches have been addressed.

Why don't you just admit that the PS3 can break too? There have been several cases here on this board of it. Instead you ASSUME that people don't "take care of them" and that's the only reason they break. I take great care of my systems and I went through 3 PS1's and 2 PS2's. Other people had better luck. My original XBox never broke and I still have my original 360 launch system going strong too. Other people have not been as lucky.

A system breaking is not "user error" most of the time.
I'm standing by my word as people don't care for their consoles as they should. That and the fact that certain companies such as microsoft put a console out before major glitches have been addressed.

You're generalizing man. I had a 360 give me a RROD and I have had my PS3 take a sh_t on me twice now. I am a grown man and take care of it all the time (using a compressor to dust the vents, its in a well ventilated area) so the blanket statement of "people don't take care of their consoles" is completely BS. You can baby it all you want and if something is going to brick on you then there is nothing you can do about it except wait for it to happen.
Deak Starkiller is right. There is something about this current generation, I don't what it is, but consoles are failing left and right.

The Bluetooth on my first PS3 died and I had to fight with Sony tooth and claw to get it fixed. I had to send it in twice. The first time it came back after two weeks and it wasn't even fixed.

My Wii optical drive started making really loud noises. It played fine, but the noise was really annoying. I called Nintendo and the woman I talked to was very friendly and helpful and offered to let me send it in and I had it fixed.

My DS Lite has cracks on the hinges due to a manufacturing defect of the early models. I never sent it in because I didn't think it was that big of a deal.

I don't have a 360, but it's problems are legend.

Now you could say I don't take care of my stuff, but the NES I got for my birthday when I was six years old still works. My genesis with 32X attachment still works. My N64 runs like a champ. And my Dreamcast still plays my favorites just fine.

This is the first generation of consoles that I've had *any* problems with. I don't know if they're pushing out technology that isn't ready yet, or if it's cheap manufacturing, or what, but based on my personal experiences, and those I've heard about, something is up with this current generation.
Deak Starkiller is right. There is something about this current generation, I don't what it is, but consoles are failing left and right.

The Bluetooth on my first PS3 died and I had to fight with Sony tooth and claw to get it fixed. I had to send it in twice. The first time it came back after two weeks and it wasn't even fixed.

My Wii optical drive started making really loud noises. It played fine, but the noise was really annoying. I called Nintendo and the woman I talked to was very friendly and helpful and offered to let me send it in and I had it fixed.

My DS Lite has cracks on the hinges due to a manufacturing defect of the early models. I never sent it in because I didn't think it was that big of a deal.

I don't have a 360, but it's problems are legend.

Now you could say I don't take care of my stuff, but the NES I got for my birthday when I was six years old still works. My genesis with 32X attachment still works. My N64 runs like a champ. And my Dreamcast still plays my favorites just fine.

This is the first generation of consoles that I've had *any* problems with. I don't know if they're pushing out technology that isn't ready yet, or if it's cheap manufacturing, or what, but based on my personal experiences, and those I've heard about, something is up with this current generation.

:lecture Kabukiman is right on the money.
And for the record the only consoles I have ever had problems with were my NES and SNES and Megadrive II, that bastard rarely works anymore! But my PS3, PS2 and PS1 have been true troopers for as long as I had them. I only have a PS3 now and the SNES and Megadrive II, also had a 360 for a while and it was also always good to me.
I'm inferring that if people took better care of things they wouldn't break on them.

Perhaps the compressor to dust the vents is actually harming your systems more than helping.

Ok dude, I think I am done arguing semantics with you since you have no clue what you are talking about. :rolleyes:
And for the record the only consoles I have ever had problems with were my NES and SNES and Megadrive II, that bastard rarely works anymore! But my PS3, PS2 and PS1 have been true troopers for as long as I had them. I only have a PS3 now and the SNES and Megadrive II, also had a 360 for a while and it was also always good to me.

Really I mean granted the NES and SNES are much older then may tend not to work as well since they may be more worn out. My NES works well but a cartridge needs blown into every now and then.
Ok dude, I think I am done arguing semantics with you since you have no clue what you are talking about. :rolleyes:

Are we arguing? I guess since all my systems work great I have no idea what I'm talking about then. Correct? My NES, SNES, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, GameGear, PSX, N64, PS2 (day 1 launch system), Gamecube, Gameboy Advance SP, Wii, PS3, PSP, and DS all work like a charm right because I know nothing about systems and consoles. LOL classic. I guess all 15 of these just keep working like a charm by themselves.
weird, the only systems i've had problems with are my old sega cd (it was temperamental and played games when it felt like it) and my old PS2 when i had one. i went through two systems before i gave up and bought the Xbox.
This was brought up earlier I'm sure, but why doesn't Sony release a update to allow you upload your MP3s onto your system AND play them as "custom soundtracks" on all (or most) games like you can on the 360? I'm not the most technologically educated, so I'm not sure if a software update could accomplish this, but I've always been curious.

Anyone have an answer??? :wave
Have any of you guys had problems logging into PSN lately? I get DNS Error (80710102) all the frickin' time. I know my connection is good because my Wii, DS, and computers all work fine all the time. Heck, I can tell my PS3 is connected fine as well since I can browse the net and my download manger is active. The problem is just with PSN.

It's always worked before, and I haven't changed any of my network settings recently, so I'm kinda hoping that this is happening to everyone.