Playstation 3 Thread

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So I'm thinking about getting a new 500GB hd for my PS3 when I get some spare $$$, can anyone recommend a good quality HD or will any 2.5'' SATA do?

Any 2.5" SATA will do, but many recommend getting a 5400rpm so its the same speed as the one that is already in the PS3. The prices on them are really great now, and if you really need space 640GB is an option now.
~~Even though most come in this size make sure that the drive is 9.5mm tall, otherwise its too big to fit.
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Weird issue: Ive had the sony blutooth dvd controller since I got my 'fat' version in 6/ great, no issue

However, as of late, it seems to be going thru batteries at a very accelerated rate...I just put two fresh ones in a week ago, and the charge is down to 1

Anyone have this issue or know what's causing it?

I seriously need to upgrade my hard-drive. I'm still using the original 80 GB HD that came with my PS3, but now, I have only 1 GB left!
Posted this in the God of War III thread as well, but I was hoping for some answers and was wondering if someone else had run into problems with the PS3 having difficulty reading Blu-Rays (if not with the same games).

I was having difficulty playing GOWIII yesterday. I loaded up my saved game at the Aphrodite's Chamber level. The cinematic played, but the only sound I was getting was the background moaning. The subtitles showed Aphrodite's dialogue, but no spoken dialogue was heard. I went to quit the game and go to the main menu, but the game was stuck on the loading screen with the spinning omega icon. After an interminable wait, I had to switch off my PS3 manually via the switch on the back.

Thereafter, I was having difficulty playing games. A few times I would put some games in, and the PS3 wouldn't read the disc. I finally got GOWIII to work, and played the Challenge of Olympus where you have to destroy all the urns. But I noticed everytime I failed the challenge and restarted, there was a noticeable pause between the screen where you choose to restart the challenge and the loading screen. And when In finally beat the challenge, when I hit "X" to go to the main menu, I encountered the same wait and had to shut off the PS3 manually again.

I'm wondering if this problem has something to do with a GOWIII update that was released this weekend or if my launch 60 GB PS3 is on it's last legs. For the record, I was having difficulty with other games yesterday as well. I tried RE5 after GOWIII, and my PS3 was having difficulty reading the RE5 disc as well. When I finally got it to boot up, I played Mercenaries. The game played fine, except that there was NO background music at all. I decided to shut off the PS3 via the manual switch on the back, and I left the PS3 off all night. Tried again this mrning. RE5 worked fine...but when I tried GOWIII again, it wouldn't read the disc and I got the screen where it said "Error occurred during start up operation" (something along those lines).

Any thoughts? Is my launch 60GB PS3 on it's last legs?
No more Linux for you!!! According to this article a the next firmware update will render PS3 users no more options for installing a second OS. Not that I ever use it,but I hate to hear when companies start removing cool features from their hardware. I understand why they are doing this, but I hate how the only way they want to fix the "security loophole" is to remove this feature completely rather than try to fix it another way.

"Sony is nixing a feature on PlayStation 3 that allowed users to install third-party operating systems, including the open source Linux OS, on the video game console. The PS3 Firmware 3.21 upgrade is available Thursday.
"It will disable the 'Install Other OS' feature that was available on the PS3 systems prior to the current slimmer models, launched in September 2009," Sony announced in post Monday on its official PlayStation blog.

Sony said the move was "due to security concerns." "For most of you, this won't have any impact on how you use your PS3. If you are one of the few who use the Other OS feature, or if you belong to an organization that does, then you can choose not to upgrade your system," Sony said.
The company did not elaborate on why it believes third-party operating systems pose security threats to PlayStation users.

Some other consumer product companies have restricted the use of Linux on their products due to a licensing condition that stipulates that commercial users of Linux make their source code available to end users.

Some manufacturers have voiced concerns that end users would use the source code to disable Digital Rights Management technologies, which are used to protect copyrighted media from unauthorized duplication.

Tivo, which uses Linux in its digital video recorder, has rigged its devices to block installation of source code that's been modified by the end user.

Critics of the move, including free software advocate Richard Stallman, now refer to any attempts by Linux-based hardware manufacturers to limit the use of modified Linux on their products as "Tivoization."

Some PlayStation users are slamming Sony's decision. "I'm so disappointed. You're taking a part of the integrity of my PS3. Soon, backwards compatibility will disappear," wrote night64448, in the comments section of Sony's blog.

"I paid for the ability to run Linux," wrote user Cheriff. "Removing functionality after the transaction has taken place, after you have my money, is not on," wrote Cheriff.

Sony warned users of its Other OS feature to back up their data if they plan to upgrade to the new firmware, as data stored in the alternative OS partition of their console's hard drive will be inaccessible after the update.

InformationWeek has published an in-depth report on Cisco's next-gen network strategy. Download the report here (registration required). "
Not only for online play and the PSN, but new games will require that you upgrade to the latest firmware, in order to play them. But, it sucks that Sony is removing Lenux support - I always wanted to install Lenux but I never got to it (and now, it looks like I won't have a chance).

In regards to one of the comments posted in that article; if Sony ever removes backward compatibility from the PS3 (via a new firmware update), then they would loose me as a customer. I hope it never comes to that.
I used to use Linux quite extensively on my PS3. But my phat became more trouble than it's worth and I moved on to the slim which doesn't have support for other OS's. So I got over the loss of linux a while ago. If I still had a phat I'd be hella pissed.
Yes and no. If you wish to participate in any PSN online features....Multiplayer, PSN store, HOME.... then YES every firmware update is mandatory.

Yeah I know most updates are required to go online, but I heard occaisionally they release certain that arn't requirements to go online mainly to fix bugs in previous updates and such. I don't like downloading updated unless I really have to. Thanks for the answer though hairlesswookiee, I really appreciate it.
In regards to one of the comments posted in that article; if Sony ever removes backward compatibility from the PS3 (via a new firmware update), then they would loose me as a customer. I hope it never comes to that.

Same here, but they kind of did that already when they phased out the 60GB and the 80GB that had backwards compatibility.
Just wait until they disable backwards compatibility for the few machines that do support it due to "security issues".
My 60GB PS3 died the other day, so I bought a new 120GB model.
Does anyone know if I can remove the hard drive from the 60 and put it in the new one and copy all of my save info, then put the 120HD back in the new one?
