Super Freak
PS4 Graphics comparison
the video should work IF you replace the *** with the Letter f and A and g ... I know I know

Thanks for the link.
PS4 Graphics comparison
the video should work IF you replace the *** with the Letter f and A and g ... I know I know
A 2K-4K PC better have nicer graphics than a PS4.
Where did you get those numbers from? Why does every console player think that a good gaming PC costs millions?
Of course if they're doing demos they will have super expensive hardware.
Of course if they're doing demos they will have super expensive hardware.
Why not just demo on a PC equivalent of the power of a PS4 then.
Would look the same.
Wouldn't that be a $400.00 PC?
Or are you saying that a 4K PC is needed to show off a PS4 game that people will expect to look like that when the PS4 is released.
Why not just demo on a PC equivalent of the power of a PS4 then.
Would look the same.
Wouldn't that be a $400.00 PC?
Or are you saying that a 4K PC is needed to show off a PS4 game that people will expect to look like that when the PS4 is released.
A 2K-4K PC better have nicer graphics than a PS4.
Of course if they're doing demos they will have super expensive hardware.
Cable on consoles just doesn't get me excited......I haven't used cable in 4 years so come on! No one is gonna care too much
Cable on consoles just doesn't get me excited......I haven't used cable in 4 years so come on! No one is gonna care too much
Me either. Tbh, they can keep almost all of the extra functions for mine. I just want to game on it. I have smart TV and a computer, so that other stuff is covered just fine. I get why they have to cover everything though. It's just expected now.
Which is why Sony has chosen not to focus on these aspects of the PS4, unlike Microsoft.
Cable on consoles just doesn't get me excited......I haven't used cable in 4 years so come on! No one is gonna care too much
Hmm, I must have missed where the ps4 is mostly grey? I don't really dig that. Unless I'm seeing it wrong.