Super Freak
wwwwwwwwwwwooooooooot!! NOV 15 DAY ONE!!!
The problems you mentioned shouldn't be happening. I'm OK with the feature but I've seen it long enough that it doesn't really matter. Kind of like how when you're watching a 3D movie you kind of forget the 3D like halfway through the movie.
I thought the remote play was going to be able to work over the internet? If it's only over wi-fi then I don't think it's as good of a feature. Then you're just paying for a controller like the Wii U.
Cancelled my order. I decided I"m gonna stick with the PC and PS3 for a couple of months. Maybe I'll get a PS4 with my tax refund or something.
Is that what they said? In that case it isn't so great after all.. I mean, I wouldn't complain that I could play it via Wi-Fi.. but I would like to play PS4 games anywhere.
Cancelled my order. I decided I"m gonna stick with the PC and PS3 for a couple of months. Maybe I'll get a PS4 with my tax refund or something.
Not going to lie. I've considered it. I have so many games to play and there are plenty current gen games still coming out.
That's why I did it. I've got a stack of incomplete games on my stand, and more on the way. I'm not saying I'm NOT going to buy a PS4, but right now it would just be a waste.
If I got it on release day I predict this is how it would play out:
Unboxing!!!!Excitement!!!! Woo!! New console, and super graphics!!! Best thing ever since sliced cheese.
Two weeks later it's collecting dust, and I have another stack of entirely new PS4 games that I won't play through for a couple of months.