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I am going make an observation, and I am not trying to piss in anyones cornflakes, but the vast majority of the complaints are coming from guys who didn't buy this... Or a select few with some hefty paint issues ... While the vast majority appear to love her. Personally I think the guys who bought this that don't like it have a right to complain, and the rest sould be in their way. I speak from experience when I say there is no point in hammering on and on in a fight where you got no skin in the game. I did it once, and all that I managed to do was piss people off. IMHO we should let the lovers of this piece rejoice and help the guys out who are looking for help with USEFUL suggestions. Not tieraids about how much SSC SUCKSS!!

Spidey, speaking of skin in the game, have you bought a Poison Ivy statue for yourself? :dunno
This is the Ivy Thread. Discuss Ivy, good or bad.

I think she came out great. There are a few pics I've seen where I just feel bad. I keep lookin at mine expecting to find a problem.
I really don't know what you are ranting about but it has nothing to do with that I am debating. :cuckoo:

Good, then lets just agree that we don't understand eachother, I feel like I just had a conversation with my wife and I was just left with wtf just happened?! Lol
Spidey, speaking of skin in the game, have you bought a Poison Ivy statue for yourself? :dunno

Unfortunately, no. I am saving up for a bunch of things, she doesnt make my cut interms of having some kind of connection to the piece, but I am sure as hell admiring this one. However, I am it entirely sure I would pick her up if I had the cash on hand and available. Just a little over sexied for my taste, but I completely admit she looks AMAZING.

Edit: Right now I have the Superman and Batman PFs on the way, and I am trying to see if there is a way I can swing either the Hulk Maq or Spiderman Com. So I am putting myself in a tighter budget ... Lol.
Alright fair enough. I suppose in the written word it is taken much more seriously than intended.

It is just that people say for a $400 collectible it should be perfect. Has anyone tried getting a professional painter to paint a statue? It costs a lot more than $400.

Now if Ivy came out like rogue, that would be bad. Overall I think Ivy is one of SSCs better offerings and one of their best female PFs IMO. It is without a doubt the best DC Female PF that SSC has released so far. That much cannot be argued.

I'm down with all that. I just hope that when my Ivy arrives on Monday, it looks as good as playa's does. I'll have zero complaints.
Unfortunately, no. I am saving up for a bunch of things, she doesnt make my cut interms of having some kind of connection to the piece, but I am sure as hell admiring this one. However, I am it entirely sure I would pick her up if I had the cash on hand and available. Just a little over sexied for my taste.

:lol so why are you here again? :nana:
I have never asked for a replacement before. Will they replace for this kind of defect?

Yeah, that should easily get you a new statue. I wouldn't worry about then saying no there, that's a major flaw dead center statue. It's a big dark scratch/mark right between the breasts in a very light area, completely noticeable regardless of how it's posed or presented!

No problem. Here's my Ivy from normal viewing distance.

I mean, it's one of those things that when you know it's there, your eyes just tend to focus directly on that spot. lol Well, at least it's in the center of her bra and not awkwardly only on one side. :lol

If you have the painting skills to match the colours then go for it! It's not a major issue...though I can see how yours eyes would go there if it's all you're looking for. Oddly enough it did seem to miss a bit of a slap of paint. Extremely minor amount too. I'm guessing Sideshow would reject your claims if you asked them about it. Hell, Samurai Predator's Hot Toy came with decapitated Alien heads that were painted the wrong colour, so they made up a story and stopped looking for replacements/looking to fix the issue, so they'd definitely say that yours is just a leaf painted the way leaves are.

Practice on something, or maybe on one of the leaves on her back or the back of her boot in order to get the right colour. Unless you're confident you can get it in one shot! :) Just be careful, as it looks really good as is, so you don't want to make this dark blotch of a leaf that's all you can see as well :)
If I like this thread ... It is full of pretty pictures

That's cool Spidey. I frequent threads of pieces I like but for whatever have not bought. Rhino Com, Hulk Maq, Wolverine LSF, Bats & Supes Busts, etc...

The whole reason to be a member is to share thoughts on this hobby we enjoy. It only gets rough when members just troll on and on about the same negative things all the time. Nothing wrong with sharing an opinion about a piece whether you bought it or not. Peeps just need to do it respectfully and move on. Whether I have issues with a piece or not, I'm always happy for members that enjoy their purchases.
Just got mine! Essentially perfect, she has just one tiny white scuff on the front of the base, but aside from that, she's perfect.

Very happy!


(And about the stuff in the background, my shop buys entire estates a few times a year, and the we just bought an ENORMOUS collection of vintage and antique RCA/Nipper memorabilia, so we're still sorting it all out.)

:clap she looks great! Love the pics of the comic shop!
Just unboxed Ivy tbh I didn't go over her with a fine tooth comb because at first glance she looked fine so that's good enough for me, getting her into the base was a pain though as the peg attached to the foot refuses to sit in flush in the hole but I dont think she's going anywhere the way she is atm (if anyone else has the same problem though I'd be interested to hear what you've done about it)
What are you smoking? DC Direct are known for terrible flat paint applications on all their crap.

I did like thier GL that one was stunning! The base was so nice the statue was amazing too! But the rest I didn't love.

#610 arrived today. Really like this one. I'm no photo wizzard but here are a few pics. One spot on her right boob is missing a spot of green paint and is skin (no problem with that for me! =)
Think the eyes are pretty on point.



Wow the eyes are perfect! Spot on!

I am going make an observation, and I am not trying to piss in anyones cornflakes, but the vast majority of the complaints are coming from guys who didn't buy this... Or a select few with some hefty paint issues ... While the vast majority appear to love her. Personally I think the guys who bought this that don't like it have a right to complain, and the rest sould be in their way. I speak from experience when I say there is no point in hammering on and on in a fight where you got no skin in the game. I did it once, and all that I managed to do was piss people off. IMHO we should let the lovers of this piece rejoice and help the guys out who are looking for help with USEFUL suggestions. Not tieraids about how much SSC SUCKSS!!

:horror why? You must buy this one! She is a must own for al comicbook fans!

Mine is stuck at ups here. It does not say she is on the way :mad: so looks like sat or Monday. Errr....

Btw seems like there's still some issues with QC on ivy. Must be a different factory then vampi PF. That one was just about perfect with even more parts than ivy, and COH too. Vampi PF was a masterpiece which ever factory that made her. Must have costs more to use that factory because vampi so so damn perfectly done.
Just unboxed Ivy tbh I didn't go over her with a fine tooth comb because at first glance she looked fine so that's good enough for me, getting her into the base was a pain though as the peg attached to the foot refuses to sit in flush in the hole but I dont think she's going anywhere the way she is atm (if anyone else has the same problem though I'd be interested to hear what you've done about it)

On statue forum quite a few have the same issue. They explain there on how to fix it there. :)
Haha. Looks great to me!! Anyway, these are LEAVES and they can be a different color!

Playa, I would put her up and not even think twice about it. Leaves are not all the same color and have various degrees of shading. Your piece looks great to me. I hope that my statue looks as good as yours when it arrives. It also looks like she fits on the base very well. No way I'd send her back or ask for a replacement.

Thanks for the reply guys! I'm just used to ivy having all green leaves is all. I guess having a different color leaf could be thought of as adding realism. ;)

Hope your's comes out looking great too Filip! :rock

I think you are whiny and entitled. This is a perfect example where variations in paint application occur from statue to statue. It looks like the drybrush/highlight was just applied a little thicker here. It is most certainly not something worth demanding a refund over.

So I guess I'm whiny now? Because, I asked what other members think? Because, I mentioned how happy I am with my Ivy? Because, I said I was gonna fix this minor issue myself?

Sure, whatever man.
Thanks for the reply guys! I'm just used to ivy having all green leaves is all. I guess having a different color leaf could be thought of as adding realism. ;)

Hope your's comes out looking great too Filip! :rock

So I guess I'm whiny now? Because, I asked what other members think? Because, I mentioned how happy I am with my Ivy? Because, I said I was gonna fix this minor issue myself?

Sure, whatever man.

If you ever do decide you absolutely have to fix it yourself. I'd recommend using golden fluid acrylic paint. A mixture of sap green hue and van dyke brown hue should get you the color you need. Just lightly mix the brown a little at a time into the green until you achieve the darker green. also make sure you only use a little paint at a time as other wise it can glob onto it. I've never painted a statue but color mixing and paint application I know.

EDIT: Oh and because this is the 666th page
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