Doctor Who
Super Freak
"Tom obtained Luxury B alls"
I find this funnier than I should.
I'm immature.
I find this funnier than I should.
I'm immature.
My current team right now is:
LVL 28 Combusken
LVL 27 Tyrunt
LVL 10 Bulbasaur (Traded)
LVL 10 Squirtle (Traded)
LVL 10 Charmander (Traded)
I am at the part right after fighting those two Lucarios Gym trainer. I was able to use my little cousins 3DS and X version to erase and start over. This way I can trade between two different versions and get the other Charizard stone and get the original startes with exp boost. I still love the 3 originals in my party and nothing else really. The only ones I like so far that isn't original is the special Torchic and I think Tyrunt is working his way into my heart. Tyrunt is just too cool looking to me and could possibly be one of those pokemon I would like to go along with my original three when a new pokemon game comes out.
As of right now, I am going to turn on the exp share and start power leveling the original three to catch up and go from there.
Since Club Nintendo decided to take away all my points because I didn't use them as I couldn't afford anything, have a free Pin#.
nice I got a modest baby fennekin