Pokemon X & Y

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IVs stand for Individual Values. They are a hidden stat modifier that affects how many stat points you have in each stat. IVs go from 0-31. 0 is terrible and 31 is a perfect stat. Just for example you entered a battle with your pokemon charizard and blastoise, the enemy has a charizard and a horsea. They are all lv 50. Now you go into the battle thinking "A horsea? My charizard will wreck this little bastard. And another charizard? Hmph my Blastoise will destroy it!"

So you go into battle With your Charizard against The Horsea. You use Air slash and it does moderate damage to the horsea. Horsea retaliates with a surf attack, it 1 Hit KOs your charizard. You cant believe it, you think to yourself that even though horseas are a water type they aren't strong enough to kill a charizard in one hit. You send out blastoise and kill the horsea. So now youre pissed that the enemy killed your prized charizard and give their tard zard some Hydro pump love. Charizard survives the hit with about %20 hp left. You scream hacks. And the charizard uses earthquake and nearly kills your blastoise. you use aqua jet and kill the charizard and win. However youre still perplexed at how a weak pokemon managed to kill your charizard so easily while your superior water type didn't kill their fire type.

It is due to ivs. Your charizard has 0 special defense ivs while the opponent had 31. That's why the special atk surf did so much damage to your zard and why hydro pump didn't kill the enemy

knowledge bomb.
just got a DS finally and looking to get Pokemon. how many of the originals are in this game? Also is Mew available or would i need sometype of hack or something crazy?
PS: Mew is my favorite that is why the random Pokemon lol.

Also you will be able to download any of your older Pokemon you might have accrued from past DS games once the Poke Bank is up and running. And I'm assuming they'll eventually find their way into the XY games because otherwise why would you put them in a bank to transfer them down...
i find it an odd trio for legendaries. i mean they dont look too similar to eachother compared with the previous trio's :dunno

That's true, they're absolutely nothing alike. I kinda feel like they're really just extras in the game not something that's really tied in but who knows. The great thing about the 3DS though is the idea of downloadable content, and that you may invariably be able to download new Pokemon, levels, missions, or even regions.
Need help! I want to teach my Pikachu the TM, Hidden Power, but I want it to be an Ice type. What do I need to do to make this happen?!? Right now, it'll be a Grass type and I'm reading how to calculate which type it will be....but it makes no sense. :lol I want someone to break it down in term simple terms. (ie. Blood looking for you to chime in here!!!!)
I'm trying to calculate it and I have no idea where to find my pokemon's attack, defense, etc. stats...All I know is HP.

Why am I struggling?! This should not be this hard. :lol :lol :lol
I'm trying to calculate it and I have no idea where to find my pokemon's attack, defense, etc. stats...All I know is HP.

Why am I struggling?! This should not be this hard. :lol :lol :lol

Figured that out. Click on the pokemon summary. Click on a rando move. And BAM. They list the stats.

Now, I need the hidden power question answered. I want an ice type. Not grass type.
IVs could add a difference of up to or even more than 100 stat points.

Natures and EVs also play a big part iin how many stat points you have.

Getting a full 31 iv pokemon is hard without hacking because you have to breed two compatible pokemon with 31 iv stats and hope for the best

Get a friend safari ditto and destiny knot and its a bit simpler. although, the people that knows they have a ditto in their safari nowadays wont give away their friend code that easily anymore.....

- You must have beaten the Elite 4. It's not even worth breeding until you have done so, as Friend Safari simplifies breeding insanely much.

- Find someone with Dittos in their Friend Safari and catch a lot of them. The goal here is to get one with every useful nature. They do not need to have their hidden ability.

- Once you have your dittos, take them to the IV checker in the Kiloude City pokemon center. Each of them will have (at least) 2 perfect IVs, and he'll tell you what they are by saying that they "can't be better". Nickname your dittos based on what perfect IVs they have. For example, you could call one "AtkDef" if Attack and Defense were their perfect IVs.

- You should also obtain all of the power items (Power Band, Power Anklet, etc) from the Battle Maison, the Everstone from an NPC in Geosenge Town, and the Destiny Knot from an NPC in Cyllage City

You are now ready to breed obscenely powerful pokemon:

- Get the pokemon you wish to use. If you want its hidden ability, you'll need to get one from the Friend Safari. Breed it with a Ditto of the right nature that holds the everstone. This guarantees the baby will have the right nature, but you are not guaranteed to get the hidden ability if you're breeding for it, so make sure you retain the hidden ability if you're after it. This also applies to all further steps when dealing with hidden abilities.

- Next, breed this pokemon with a Ditto that has a perfect IV that you wish to have, and give it the appropriate power item. Move the Everstone to the pokemon you just bred. The baby will now have a perfect value for that IV, as well as the right nature.

- Breed this new baby with a different ditto who has two different perfect IVs, holding a power item for one of its perfect IVs. Your baby should continue to hold the everstone. The goal here is to get a baby with 2 perfect IVs, which is about a 1 in 3 chance. Take all of your babies to the Kiloude city IV checker until one has 2 perfect IVs.

- Breed this new baby with yet another ditto who has two different perfect IVs. Between them, your pokemon should now have 4 perfect IVs, so give the ditto the item Destiny Knot. Your baby continues to hold the Everstone. At this point, your pokemon have a good chance of hatching with 3 perfect IVs.

- Once you get one with 3 perfect IVs, again make that baby the new parent and have it hold the everstone, and get another ditto with 2 different perfect IVs and give it Destiny Knot. Do the same when you get your first 4 perfect IV baby. The eventual goal here is to breed a baby of each gender with 5 perfect IVs and make them your parents.

- When you have both parents having 5 perfect IVs holding Everstone and the Destiny Knot, you have about a 1 in 200 chance that a hatched baby will have completely perfect IVs. Good luck.

- Don't throw away male babies with 5 perfect IVs. These can be used in place of dittos to breed with other pokemon in their egg groups, and you can use Destiny Knot right from the start to speed up this process dramatically.


Getting 5 perfect IVs, and certainly all 6, is very rarely necessary. The difference between IV 25 and IV 31 is very small for all stats except Speed. In fact, getting all 6 IVs perfect will lock you into a specific hidden power, which may not be the one you want. It's up to you to decide how far you will go with your breeding process.
Need help! I want to teach my Pikachu the TM, Hidden Power, but I want it to be an Ice type. What do I need to do to make this happen?!? Right now, it'll be a Grass type and I'm reading how to calculate which type it will be....but it makes no sense. :lol I want someone to break it down in term simple terms. (ie. Blood looking for you to chime in here!!!!)

hidden power depends on the pokemons 6 IV's.
for ice its


numbers are in the order of HP/Atk/Def/Spd/SAtk/SDef. you can download an IV checker on the internet. although, its still in the works for X/Y for as far as i know
I hate breeding for IV's, it takes so many hours.
I'm actually doing it right now actually

Wow. F!#%K THAT. I'll just play it till I'm bored and wait for Zelda and Smash Bros. Which is only one more day for Zelda hah
Froakie is pretty popular especially his hidden ability. As for the second starter I chose bulbasaur but it seems like everyone else chose charizard
yeah, he has a big chance to become OU
i believe im even gonna switch my nidoking with greninja as the spike user :D

Greninja @ Life Orb / Focus Sash
Ability: Protean / Torrent
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Spikes
- Hydro Pump / Surf
- Dark Pulse / Ice Beam
- Hidden Power Fire

This set allows Greninja to support its team, while still being a potent force to be reckoned with, by setting up a layer or two of Spikes, made easier thanks to its high base Speed. Power versus accuracy is what determines your choice for moveslot two. Dark Pulse, despite being resisted by Fairy-types, now has the added benefit of not being resisted by Steel-types, and cleanly finishes off Starmie as well as denting Tentacruel, who otherwise walls you to hell and back. Alternatively, Ice Beam stops Dragonite and company cold, literally. It also allows for the 2HKO on Togekiss after Stealth Rock damage in addition to nailing Crobat. Finally, Hidden Power Fire can be used to hit those Steel-types that are 4x weak to Fire-type attacks. This set is designed to be used early on in the game and put a considerable amount of pressure on the opponent from the get-go.

As Greninja sports a better Special Defense stat compared to its Defense stat, it is only natural to run a nature that would not lower the former. A Timid nature is used to ensure no drops in either defensive stat. Life Orb can be used for maximum damage output, or a Focus Sash can be used to ensure more layers of Spikes being set up. This set ensures that the Spikes that are set up are not removed while Greninja is on the field, as Greninja can OHKO most Rapid Spinners, as well as Scizor / Mega Scizor, who can use Defog.

An alternative set consisting of Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Hydro Pump (or Surf) and Taunt can be utilized as Greninja is arguably the best dual Spiker in the game, because of its high Speed, access to Taunt, and Torrent ability, which boosts its Water-type move once Focus Sash has been activated. Taking advantage of Team Preview to lay the appropriate hazard is key, such as Spikes if your sweeper is walled by their Ferrothorn, or Toxic Spikes if it's walled by their Blissey.

(taken from smogon university)
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Defeated the Elite 4 and Champion last night! w00t!

This installment seemed a lot easier than BW/B2W2. Maybe because of the Experience Share option? My team was pretty beefed up going in.