Poll - Mark VII (Stealth Mode Version)

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Did you PO the Mark VII (Stealth Mode)

  • Yes - Love the look

    Votes: 92 45.3%
  • Yes - I collect all Iron Man

    Votes: 11 5.4%
  • Yes - Mainly due to it being a Movie Promo (limited)

    Votes: 12 5.9%
  • No - Price was too high

    Votes: 44 21.7%
  • No - Did not appeal

    Votes: 18 8.9%
  • No - Tired of Iron Man

    Votes: 15 7.4%
  • On Waitlist

    Votes: 11 5.4%

  • Total voters
Got it because I love the look and I don't want to buy it from a scalper for $600 on the after market.
Buy now and accept quite highprice tag
Buy later for twice price from asian scalpers

Trust me if its good looking exclusive , its worth a money.
After ordering Hawkeye I went @2 days without checking the forum (not expecting another AoU release for a while). By the time I saw this was released it was already wait listed. It looks extremely badass, but given the price as well as the other AoU figures I plan on ordering, it's probably a good thing I wasn't tempted. So I guess my vote would be "No - Missed the chance to order (& glad I did)". But congrats to those that are getting it.
For those basing the value on this by comparing it to the previous 2009 MKIII Gun Metal Grey Silly Thing and the 2011 MKIV Secret Project, I think are forgetting one thing.... Production numbers. :dunno I'm sure every Iron Man release has had greater numbers made based on previous sales. There are a lot more Hot Toys collectors now than in 2009 and 2011. Since they don't release production numbers there's no way to truly know, but this is a business with a goal to make money.. Supply and Demand. You make enough to supply the demand. So I would bet there are 2x - 3x more of these being made than the previous ones. Now true this is an "exclusive" but again we really don't know what that means in terms of production. Less than a normal run? Sure, but super rare?? Who knows. It's people's perception of rare that makes them buy in haste. How many times have you seen an e-bay seller say "rare" in an auction when you know it's complete bull and just laugh?? Midas was also an exclusive and people were gaga over that. Granted it didn't sell out as fast, but there's plenty to be had on the secondary market and not too crazy prices. The record for Iron Man selling out is still the MKVII BD which was in under 2 hours I think. Again, people paid ridiculous money, and now those too can be had for reasonable amounts. For those who got one from sideshow, great. Those who didn't? Get on the waitlist and be patient. Don't give in to fear for what might happen on the secondary market. Let the fools waste their money. There will always be the next bigger and better thing to spend money on. Especially with Iron Man.. :yess:
you are way off on the demand statement. The Mark VII is the third fastest. Gunmetal silly thing. It broke the sideshow website and sold out in under two hours. Followed by the Mark vi movie promo at 4 hours. The BD mk VII lasted about 8 hours. It even had a countdown from 100 on available units.

And btw those top 2 happen to be the most expensive iron man suits out there.

You can rah rah all you want about how this one isn't special, but it is.
you are way off on the demand statement.

You can rah rah all you want about how this one isn't special, but it is.

???? Really? I didn't say anywhere it wasn't "special". It is special, a limited tour exclusive. I was comparing it to previous "special" versions. If you don't think there's more of this new stealth being made than the previous ones, well then :cuckoo: to you!! :wink1: No need to get your panties all in a bunch. I guess I'm not allowed to have an opinion... I'm just trying to help people purchase with their brain than their fear of missing out...
Ordered this without hesitation. I don't collect all things IM but have loved the look of this since the PF was made. Plus I don't think I'll be losing any money if I decided to sell this later on.
???? Really? I didn't say anywhere it wasn't "special". It is special, a limited tour exclusive. I was comparing it to previous "special" versions. If you don't think there's more of this new stealth being made than the previous ones, well then :cuckoo: to you!! :wink1: No need to get your panties all in a bunch. I guess I'm not allowed to have an opinion... I'm just trying to help people purchase with their brain than their fear of missing out...

That's why I was also pointing out your demand logic is flawd. If there were 1000 silly things and a demand of 5000 people that is less of a demand than 4000 with 25000 people. Said yourself there are more collectors now. Which will naturally increase demand and volume. No one has any idea what the edition size are for these, but what can be speculated is the relative cost of the figures to the time it sold out to gauge demand is extremely high. They obviously have more demand by people discussing hopping to the wait list.

It reads more like you missed out and are trying to rationalize you didn't need the figure and came here for some support.:lol
HT could certainly have increased the production numbers on the Stealth suit, but I still think, due to how it is being made available to the public, it will be much more expensive after release. Collectors in HK can't just walk into Secret Base and order this, they have to attended one of the shows in different cities in Asia. Even by doing that, doesn't guarantee you one either.

Then for the rest of the world, SSC is the only option to buy it at retail. It went to waitlist in 4 hours and by the sounds of it, there are many people on that list.

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The speculative rationalizing of this release in this thread is amusing... We're lucky ssc is so tight with HT otherwise most of us would never see this regardless of production numbers... For those of you expecting this one to suddenly go back into production, I wouldn't expect it... Even if they ended up making more of the Midas armor after the original run, you're overlooking the fact that it's a movie promo and I doubt they will make anymore than their original intended production run. I don't believe they have ever done that for movie promos. Convention exclusives, maybe... But not movie promos. Of course, none of us know for sure sibce HT is so secretive about their production methods. But based on past experiences with movie promos, theres probably no rationalizing that will make this suddenly go back up for order.
That's why I was also pointing out your demand logic is flawd. If there were 1000 silly things and a demand of 5000 people that is less of a demand than 4000 with 25000 people. Said yourself there are more collectors now. Which will naturally increase demand and volume. No one has any idea what the edition size are for these, but what can be speculated is the relative cost of the figures to the time it sold out to gauge demand is extremely high. They obviously have more demand by people discussing hopping to the wait list.

It reads more like you missed out and are trying to rationalize you didn't need the figure and came here for some support.:lol

I wasn't using the laws of supply and demand to this in particular. It's a pretty simply concept business' use to determine production and/or pricing. If 10,000 people buy Iron Man and they wan't to make an exclusive yes they will make less. If 4,000 people pre-order they are going to make 4,000, not 3,000 to make it "rare". It will still be rare compared to a normal figures production run, but the jacked up price the hardcore collector is willing to pay will offset the production costs. I did not miss out. I stared at it for several hours the minute it went up for pre-order. I was trying to rationalize whether or not I really wanted it or "needed" it. I Don't want to be one of those collectors who simply buys something cause "I can always sell it for a profit later on!" I buy what I want and keep it until I no longer want it or need to make space. I'd rather put this money towards Hulkbuster which I am still struggling with due to the rather high price point for a toy. As far as comparing it to previous versions, there's no comparison in the quality. If all 3 were available today at similiar prices, this one would outsell the other 2 by far. People like to have "rare" things. It makes them feel "special". I have been at this "collecting" thing for 30+ years. With age comes wisdom and experience.
Good post. For some of us there is at least an attempt to determine if we really need a figure or are just getting sucked in because it looks cool and is rare. I got on the waitlist for this literally a minute after it sold out, so am 100% confident it would've converted had I not cancelled. In the last two weeks, I had my chance on both this and ACI's Aragorn at retail, which is already selling for double on e.Bay but I don't buy to flip and having just sold off 10 figures or so to make space/re-focus, it's a hassle I don't like bothering with if it can be avoided.
I ordered this as soon as I saw it on the site. I don't have a MK VII armor so this was the cheapest way to get one. And I absolutely love the look of it.
I don't plan to sell mine anytime soon either.
With all the stuff I have on PO, I will soon be out of display room...
PO'd! I love the look. This won't join my IM collection, but will be displayed on my desk or separately.
That's why I was also pointing out your demand logic is flawd. If there were 1000 silly things and a demand of 5000 people that is less of a demand than 4000 with 25000 people. Said yourself there are more collectors now. Which will naturally increase demand and volume. No one has any idea what the edition size are for these, but what can be speculated is the relative cost of the figures to the time it sold out to gauge demand is extremely high. They obviously have more demand by people discussing hopping to the wait list.

Hmmm.. I would be cautious on assuming this will be a very limited release, MT24 posted this comment on the main Stealth figure thread, which was informative and I think is worth repeating here -

....They set a certain number of Midas to be sold at the convention. They were sold out within 2 hours after the convention opened.
Afterwards, they distributed pre-order forms for those who were in the line and did not get one.
The Midas however was to be collected in about 6 months from the convention time (a pre-order)

So everybody who wanted one get one. Not everybody got it right away because they only have a limited number sold at the convention but that doesn't mean the Midas was only limited to that number...
Hmmm.. I would be cautious on assuming this will be a very limited release, MT24 posted this comment on the main Stealth figure thread, which was informative and I think is worth repeating here -

I don't know how limited this will be, but the fact that it went on waitlist at Sideshow in less than a day would seem to indicate that it is indeed limited. The post you quoted says that an initial batch they had of the Midas sold out within two hours of the convention opening and that they then distributed pre-order forms for those that didn't get one. The everyone who wanted one got one quote seems speculative. How does he know how long the pre-order forms were distributed for and how many got distributed. Were the forms only available for the first day or longer? Either way, it was clear that not everyone who wanted to get the figure was able to get one - obviously not everyone was able to attend a convention to order one if they were't able to get it through sideshow.