he also said the EX will be 500-700pcs and the Reg. will be Open Edition. for those that care. I will say the face sculpt looks decent. I'd still like to see how big this thing will be next to something else.
Oh, didn't know about that.
Not exactly, but looks like the sculpt has that Neal Adams vibe to it.
That face so far is boring.
It will definitely come with more HS.
Yeah, so far better than what Koto has done and in many cases DC Direct as well but I'll wait for them to paint it to pass final judgement. Also I want to see what he's going to do with the chest emblem. It'll be interested to see if he paints it on or if just uses a decal and puts some clear coat over it.
I'd say, much much better than DCD. I really like few of the Koto pieces, they have done a very good job. If PCS can actually surpass what Kotobukiya has given us so far, I will gladly buy their stuff without a second thought.
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I was so sad about getting nothing in the damn newsletter. Thanks BB for the post man! Josh thanks for follow up info on ES man
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
I like it so far... fingers crossed one of the versions is "modern".
Jerry's already said that all of the DC license will be based on 70's-80's comics.
Late 80's is fine with me.
I consider anything without the yellow bat-symbol "modern".