Hey Guys,
As some of you probably now know, Kuato, due to personal reasons, is unable to help us paint these heads as originally planned. That leaves us with something of a dilemma.
However, I think we can solve this with a minimum of hassle. Josh of Small Studios has agreed to help with some of my commissions and I, with the help of my very talented wife, Kim, will be able to paint some, too. Here is an example of some of my painting I just did for the Hugh Laurie House commission:
This has met with general approval. Hopefully, all of you will like it, too!
Kuato was going to offer a discounted price to the first 10 heads he painted. To make up for the change, I'll offer a discounted price to everyone who wants me to paint theirs.
Meanwhile, if you would rather have Josh paint yours, please contact him directly and work it out, then let me know before these start to ship.
I will add a paint option to the purchase page sometime today so you can arrange to have me paint your heads.
Also, if you have other heads (mine or anybody else's) you want painted, let me know. We are going to be setting up an assembly line of heads to be painted and I can always add a few more here and there. It's pretty efficient when I have multiples to paint and saves time and effort to set them up like that. Might as well take advantage of that!