I like the original material in the movies, Hdpe helmet and ABS armour. To protect against yellowing I use armorall for all types of plastic. The plastic will not brittle and not yellow.
DO NOT USE ArmorAll on your collectibles. Read through some threads here on SSF. It might protect some types of plastics, but can damage others in time, especially if white. Not sure if you want to experiment on your collectibles. It can also attack rubber.

I like original materials as well, but when a new type of ABS for example, is developed in a way that it will hold better in time, I will go that route in an instant. Acrylic capped ABS is just like the original ABS, but has that protecting layer which will make it hold better in time. I don't see that as a problem of accuracy, but as a resolution to some problems that may occur to regular ABS. I don't want my armor yellowed just in a few years
Acrylic capped ABS:
• Excellent scratch resistance
• Excellent surface aesthetics with high gloss
• Good impact
• High modulus/stiffness
• Good chemical resistance
• Easily clean surface
• Superior Bonding qualities (San 6710)
• Excellent moulding characteristics
• Highly UV resistance (Sun 6700)
• Dimensionally stable (Sun 6700)
• Excellent heat resistance (Sun 6700) etc.
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