I LOVE PIRATES! Johnny Depp is AWESOME! How can you go wrong?!?! 

SSC_Nerd said:Don't forget, anyone who loves those movies enough should get them on Blu Ray next week if they have the means. I'm thinking that things like Davey Jones are going to look absolutely amazing in HD.
CAhobbit said:I'm interested to see what the next 'big' passing movie fan fad will be once the third one is released. The fanbase will drop to a handful so people will had to move onto the next movie fad. I wonder what it will be?
I guess I am one of the rare viewers who actually didn't mind the second film at all, in fact it was probably on par with the first.
SSC_Nerd said:Don't forget, anyone who loves those movies enough should get them on Blu Ray next week if they have the means. I'm thinking that things like Davey Jones are going to look absolutely amazing in HD.
Gruson said:I am not a fan of them.
Lame stories, ok action, boring characters, and forced, over the top comedy.
I just don't understand why they are so popular.
Adoptedscot said:Hi all,
I've not seen any of the Pirates of the Caribbean and I just saw an advert on TV for a new one?.
What are these films like and how many are there?.Are there 2 or 3?
I'm thinking of getting them to watch, my friends love them and I just wondered what you guys thought, whether its worth my buying them to see.
My friends think I'm mad cos ive not seen them yet they are so good apparantly?!
What do you all think?
Thanks all
Eli26 said:If they came out with a Tim Robbins or Morgan Freeman 1/6 scale figure from my all-time favorite movie, ShawShank Redemption, I would empty my wallet out to any of the big three who choose to take on that license.
Adoptedscot said:
DarkArtist81 said:I loved both movies.... Second one only a little less than the first. But still thought it was very well done. Depp's Sparrow is worth the price of admission, you just have to see it. The man has done quirky over the top characters before, but this one takes the cake.
And The Shawshank Redemption rules....![]()
Eli26 said:Yes, fellow Freaks with taste! hehe
SSC_Nerd said:Don't forget, anyone who loves those movies enough should get them on Blu Ray next week if they have the means. I'm thinking that things like Davey Jones are going to look absolutely amazing in HD.
Viking28 said:You talking collectibles or movies?
I'm still a fan of the OT Star Wars, LOTR films, ect ect..
If your talking collectibles people's taste change, space whatever, but as far movies if I like a movie I like a movie.