PREDATOR 1 Remake???!!

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Machete Don't Tweet!
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Jun 29, 2006
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San Diego, CalifAztlán
Sorry if this has already been post but...
From Bloody Disgusting:

'Predator' Reboot In Serious Trouble
Thursday, January 29, 2009

By: MrDisgusting

We've got a holy ^^^^^ scoop for you that's going to have half of you screaming in excitement and the other throwing tomatoes. A reliable source dropped us a line revealing to us that Robert Rodriquez and his Troublemaker Studios will be producing the Predator reboot for 20th Century Fox. Now here' the kicker, the pitch being sent around town implies that the reboot will have more than one predator. "In the reboot a team of commandoes face down a mysterious race of vicious monsters." No writer has been attached yet - and there is no script. No word on whether or not Rodriquez will direct, but it seems highly unlikely considering how many projects he has in development.

I love Rodriguez' style, but I think this is a terrible idea... :yuck
NO MORE REMAKES!!!:banghead:banghead
why the ^^^^ would they remake P1? its not such an old movie.
its not like the b.o. is going to earn that much from it. AND I WOULD BE WITHOUT ARNIE OMFG U NEWBS DONT REMAKE IT !!!!
We need Predator 3, not Predator Remake. There is seriously no need to remake Predator.
:monkey4..............P1 remake???? i doubt it. now ripping off elements of the story of P1.......highly likely.......:monkey4:monkey4
Give us a GOOD Predator 3 or get the ^^^^ out.

Pretty much, FOX is pretty dumb. They feel the franchise needs a reboot, well ya it does because you ran it into the ground.

The only things needed to reboot the franchise are a 3rd Predator only film and a budget to get a solid story, actors and director. AVP's have done how they've done because of quality, not that franchises need a reboot.
It's way too early to be concerned. Without even a writer, they've got a short pitch that they're throwing around to see if there's interest. I'm sure you've seen how much movies get changed around when they've already got a script (the first scripts for Aliens vs Predator by Pete Briggs to what we ended up getting), let alone when they have even less than that.

Rebooting the franchise would be kind of pointless anyways, a straight-up quality Predator 3 would make more sense.
I am with you guys- just give us a quality Predator 3. More along the lines of the first one rather than the 2nd Predator film.

I didn't dig the Pred in the city scenario. Give me an isolated location like a jungle again and I will be happy. :rock
i realy hope they dont do this, to shake up the mix a little id be happy with a story line of where the elder predator got that old flint gun from so ... a story from BEFORE predator 1
This is one of the times I don't mind making the 3rd movie a prequel. I just wanna see an Elder kick ass.

plus more merchandise:D
The only thing that needs a reboot is the FOX executives. They come up with the most moronic ideas. I gree with most here bring us a good Predator 3 and leave the classic alone.
Going back to the well... hopefully this is just a half-baked scheme that never gets any legs underneath it.
They should just re-release th original in the theater. Then work on P3. The director for 300 or Ridley Scott gets my vote.
Like some have already said just give us a good Pred 3 (not AVP).

I am sure any remake will be a politically correct piece of garbage with the "men" getting in touch with their feelings and trying too reason with the Pred's. That and I am sure it will all have to do with "Global Warming"......:banghead

im all for a predator 3 as long as we dont see any special ops soldiers named butch, zac, blake, willy, honcho, dawkins, & dally......:cool:
I'm starting to think that they leak this information to see what the reaction will be and to determine which direction they sould go. If that's the case then my reaction is NO REBOOT, GIVE US PREDATOR 3!!!