PREDATOR 1 Remake???!!

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I doesn't make sense that they'd need a whole team of Predators to beat a team of commandos if one nearly waxed Arnold and team testosterone. :p And before anyone brings up Danny beating the predator in P2, I'm still of the belief that he was the "special bus" predator. :lol But yeah, they should spend their money on a decent sequel. There's nothing about the original that's out of date. Hell, have it in Afghanistan. He can use the Taliban as fodder until the SF arrives for the meat of the story. It's hot there too and the caves would present an interesting contrast to the jungle of the first and urban setting of the second.

There is NO reason to remake the original. The way that movie was made/shot, it can last the test of time. What I mean is that anyone who did not see this movie can watch the original now and probably would not have realized that it was made 22 years ago!! Hell, I can probably watch this movie 50 years from now and can enjoy it just as much as when I first did. And the only reason why is because how this movie was shot. They did it in a real jungle. They did not make any "reference" to what year it was made. I do not even know if they used any blue screens, which I doubt. The effects was small but still seemed real enough. I personally liked how the Original Predator looked when it was camoflauged then how they looked in AVP series. The most anyone could do is put it on High Definition, which they did already on blu-ray. There is no way you can re-due what the original cast did as well. Even though I liked Predator 2, if they were going to remake any of these then either do part2 or AVPR. If they really want to listen to us, then yes make a 3rd, but only if you can get the original director and writers, so at least I can have some sort of piece of mind that it will be good. LEAVE THE FIRST ONE ALONE!!!!!!!!


Couldnt put it better myself
Right who has Chris Crockers number! :naughtyWe need to start the leave predator alone campaign :lol


I remeber my dad took me to see predator when it came out in the theater and when the helmet came off it was like WOW !!!

you think the remake will have the same impact?

this people at fox are ^^^^ed!!! make a PREDATOR 3 movie for ^^^^ sakes.
P1 is still better than anything they've made in the farnchise yet. Remake is just the new fad that studios think sells tickets, but what they don't understand is that the remakes so far are for projects that weren't good enough the first time. All P1 needs is some CG enhanced thermal vision. After that, it's ALL good.

S-h-i-t, all they really have to do is make whatever they are going to make, give the main characters not the same names, and call it P3, and they got money in the bank.

When are we going to get Preds in space Aliens style for f-u-c-k sake?
It wouldnt suprise me if this happens,remakes are the only things these idiots can think of,robocop is first for the chop,this is what money does unfortunatly.

And as for Rodriquez being attached,i hope to god its not true,anyone read his "idea" for Predator 3?....Google it,it sucks more than a giants vacuum cleaner.
This idea is pure GOLD!
Best news I've heard all year! WOW!
This is gonna be totally awesome!

It wouldnt suprise me if this happens,remakes are the only things these idiots can think of,robocop is first for the chop,this is what money does unfortunatly.

And as for Rodriquez being attached,i hope to god its not true,anyone read his "idea" for Predator 3?....Google it,it sucks more than a giants vacuum cleaner.

Robocop is going to be a sequel from what I heard.

And didn't he want to detail the Elder getting the gun?
Robocop is not going to be a sequel just a remake.
Darren Afronovsky's Robocop is gonna be a sequel/reboot like Superman Returns was - it's set 20 yrs after the "Robocop program" ended. It has been moved from a Detroit setting to LA.
Darren Afronovsky's Robocop is gonna be a sequel/reboot like Superman Returns was - it's set 20 yrs after the "Robocop program" ended. It has been moved from a Detroit setting to LA.

When asked if it was a sequel Aronofsky replied that it would not be a sequel and that it would have no ties to the first movie. You are posting old info based on rumors, it will be a remake.
I think a good Pred 3 would probably make them more money than a remake of the first. But with the fact that Halloween and Friday the 13th were remade, it scares me that they might actually remake Pred 1 instead of give us a quality sequel.
Pretty much, FOX is pretty dumb. They feel the franchise needs a reboot, well ya it does because you ran it into the ground.

Can dumb be the equation of greed?...

I bet the upcoming Jason movie will help determine if they should proceed with the idea of a Pred remake.