Statue Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette.

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Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

. . . Did SS announce they going to fix any of the issues with this statue? Haven't been following

Based on ALL feedback from Sideshow to date (including today), it has been confirmed that NONE of the things people have been pleading/griping about will be changed - what you see on the site is what you'll be getting (production QC & paint quality aside).

Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Lost $15 worth of RP. Getting the reg for £840 which will be quite a bit less than the direct order, and a lot less risk involved.

LOL - "postius crossius" - good to hear on the NRD - the whole thing was totally the right move for you then.

Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

The Ex isn't all that great anyway Col. Gives you options but not the options we'd have liked I'm afraid. Why didn't (SS) just do the spear in the other hand (the right hand) and a bloody skull and spine in the left hand. Just like on the poster.

How sick would this have been! It's not even a question!

Always loved that picture - my fave poster from P2 - oh what COULD have been :slap

Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Based on ALL feedback from Sideshow to date (including today), it has been confirmed that NONE of the things people have been pleading/griping about will be changed - what you see on the site is what you'll be getting (production QC & paint quality aside).

I believe the quills aren't even planned :dunno

Really wanted a stand for the spare portrait as well. I've just completed my third, all be it basic, stand for the 1:5 line.
Will be making one for this also.
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

I'm tired of SS screwing up all the damn Pred pieces. And they're not going to redo anything. What else can they do? We've already seen maquettes 1:5s LSBs 1:1 busts.

I can live with the reg though. It's good enough to satisfy me I guess. Will alternate between heads but would likely always keep the empty right hand and spear in left hand look. Majority of the time keeping the helm on.
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

I'm tired of SS screwing up all the damn Pred pieces. And they're not going to redo anything. What
Well people keep buying the crap so why would they bother to change it. They obviously are not fans and don't listen to customers or care about getting it right. I would be ashamed to put out a piece like this at this price point.
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Did SS announce they going to fix any of the issues with this statue? Haven't been following
Python (hope he doesn't mind me saying) spoke to Igo earlier who he said nothing would change.

No problem Col, It is no secret I'm sure, Igo spoke out yesterday and was refreshingly honest about the whole thing, lovely guy as well considering we have spent the last few months slamming his beloved project. He basically agreed with some of the issues and said he tried his best to change a few things such as the spear and dreads without much success given how far along these things get by time we see them. No changes will be made at all, presumably not even quills so there is no sense me complaining any more as it will be in vein now. He did however say that lessons were leaned... Probably that the predator crowed are incredibly demanding lol ;) and should any similar products be made in future they will certainly not have the same mistakes. Now that doesn't help us with the P2 of course but on the plus side he also said despite the flaws this thing blows him away in person, I haven't seen this in person so that is a bit of optimism and I have decided to keep my order and see it in person in the hope that the close up pictures exaggerate things a bit. I do hope to fix the dreads or maybe even attempt a whole new head sculpt down the line but failing that the 300 ES should at least see this hold its value should we decide to sell, so that is my plan. I imagine if people decide they want to cancel given this news then SS may well be more accommodating with NRD's as there must be a fair few on the wait list, worth a try I guess if you really don't want to keep it.

Time to think about the positives I guess.

Col, I'm shocked you cancelled after all of the positivity lol
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

. . . Igo spoke out yesterday and was refreshingly honest about the whole thing, lovely guy as well . . . He did however say that lessons were leaned... Probably that the predator crowed are incredibly demanding lol ;) and should any similar products be made in future they will certainly not have the same mistakes . . .

Guess we eventually had to agree to disagree on something :) - I'm not a betting man, but if I was . . . . :wink1:

"Demanding" - yeah we'd like to get $1200 USD worth of accuracy for $1200 USD :rotfl

It's like dealing with a used car salesman.

Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Hey I agree, at $1200 this thing should have been better, my point was at least he has given us a straight answer now so we know where we stand. We can either take this or leave it I guess. I must admit I was very tempted to leave it and just move on but given the low ES and the fact that I doubt very much we will see a P2 on this scale anytime soon outside of Narins I'm going to give it a chance in person. I'm incredibly disappointed no changes will happen but what can we do really. I'm hoping they do the berserker next personally and price it a bit more realistically.

The Ex isn't all that great anyway Col. Gives you options but not the options we'd have liked I'm afraid. Why didn't (SS) just do the spear in the other hand (the right hand) and a bloody skull and spine in the left hand. Just like on the poster.

How sick would this have been! It's not even a question!

Now that is how I remember the P2, always loved that poster!
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Imagine if Donald Trump was a pred fan? He could buy the building for a display base.
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

The Ex isn't all that great anyway Col. Gives you options but not the options we'd have liked I'm afraid. Why didn't (SS) just do the spear in the other hand (the right hand) and a bloody skull and spine in the left hand. Just like on the poster.

How sick would this have been! It's not even a question!

It all sounds so simple, doesn't it? I mean, if they stuck with this pose, they leave no room for arguments. The biggest fans of P2 would have recognized the pose instantly and Sideshow makes a killing in profits.

I still haven't given up on this maquette, but I do hope Narin makes an announcement, soon, regarding his P2 piece. I have room for only one or the other.
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

I'll buy P2 Maquette in an instant if they went for that classic pose. It kinda burnt into my mind and represent what P2 is since I first watched it on VHS.
As for now, waiting for in-hand pics. Even SS announced they aren't gonna fix anything...
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

It all sounds so simple, doesn't it? I mean, if they stuck with this pose, they leave no room for arguments. The biggest fans of P2 would have recognized the pose instantly and Sideshow makes a killing in profits.

I still haven't given up on this maquette, but I do hope Narin makes an announcement, soon, regarding his P2 piece. I have room for only one or the other.

I'll buy P2 Maquette in an instant if they went for that classic pose. It kinda burnt into my mind and represent what P2 is since I first watched it on VHS.
As for now, waiting for in-hand pics. Even SS announced they aren't gonna fix anything...

I remember seeing the HUGE version of the poster on the outside of the cinema in the weeks prior to release - STILL gives me chills. I don't think I've EVER been as pleased watching a movie for the first time. They SO nailed it.

As for Narin - well, you have (at least) 9 months before the Sideshow piece hits doorsteps, but I still doubt this will be ready by then - he is WAY busy and the issues in Thailand are NOT helping any. Just sayin' . . .

Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Just spent an hour reading the thread in the other room :slap

Good of Igo to join in there.

Very happy with my decision. I would never use the Breather Mask leaving the Disc useless.
300 Es is great but this will, hopefully, be a keeper so I'd rather save £100+.
Re: Predator 2 City Hunter 1:4 Maquette

Only two statue's I have on PO (P2 and Engineer) both delayed.

If anyone is ever short of cash but can afford the NRD I would recommend buying on flex. The likely hood of your payments get pushed back 6 months is around 90%.

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